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The Way of the Centurion

Once upon a time long ago, stood an empire of human kind that reigned overall, its glory was great and its power burned like a flame everlasting. But to the sands of time, this empire was lost, and all that remains of it is a Creed known only to those that follow its way.

This Creed was made to maintain the militaristic training of the empire and pass down its knowledge of warfare to those who would eventually train the new legions of the Empire when it would once again be reborn. This Creed became known as the Centurions, and they are few and far between, often knowing little about one another, merely biding their time until the empire arises once more.


If not obvious, Incrediblis isn't this Centurion's true name, but rather the name of the line of teaching that Incrediblis was taught under in the creed. It is one that was inherited from his Master and their Master before them.

Incrediblis was taken in from a young age by his Master and remembers little about his child-hood aside from the long journies he had with his Master. Ranging from going across the cold tundra to the scorching sands. Along the way Incrediblis trained in melee combat and took up the knowledge his Master had collected over years, but before his training could complete, his Master had died in combat. Leaving Incrediblis to take up the mantle and complete his training on his own.


Search for a Spooky Mansion

After being asked by a weird kitsune in a ghost outfit, Incrediblis' first quest involved tracking down a Spooky Mansion and dealing with a vampire that lurked about. Using his survival skills and asking a village within the haunted woods, the group was able to track down the mansion and had to fight a group of dancing skeletons and the vampire. After defeating them, they sealed a demonic portal and searched the mansion, with Incrediblis finding and obtaining his Axiomatic Glaive.

Demons portal at Gnomeland

Incrediblis joined a group at Gnomeland, where an elf working under Mr. G (who totally isn't a devil) had opened a rift between the Abyss and the Material plane, in which the group ventured within to defeat the Demons on the other side while attempting to close the rift. The group had fought a Vrock and came out successful, even though Incrediblis was debilitated by nauseating gas used during the fight.

The Winds of Peace

Incrediblis and his new found friend, The Gladiator, along with a few overs, was contacted by a Noble who had won a couple of Islands win a poker game. Traveling to these islands to scout them, the group came upon the guardian of the island, a Golden Dragon. In which, the group politely didn't mess around and caught wind of Kobolds and mischievous humanoids on the island, and decided to investigate the Kobolds, to find a shaman Kobold that ran away from them. They chased after and combat ensued as two small chromatic dragons joined the fight, but the party came out on top.

Turns out these two dragons and kobolds was apart of a plot to overthrow the island and burn it to the ground, but due to the party's intervention, they returned to the sight of the Golden dragon roasting the Black dragon that would have otherwise defeated the Golden dragon with the help of the other two smaller chromatic dragons that they defeated earlier. Overall, a job well done, and perhaps one terrified noble.

Ghostlands: Gods Among Us - Battle Lines Drawn by Dragon's Claws

Kastermourn The Waste Warden.jpg

The Ghostlands are a place uniquely tied with history. The remains of a fallen kingdom risen from the dead, located on the eastern side of Eterna. Part of the crusade into the Ghostlands to put an end to the undead threat on the continent, Incrediblis joined with the forces of Ragathiel on their reclamation. It was during this time where Incrediblis faced his greatest foe yet. The Sceptre of Royal Authority was a artefact found in the ghostlands and potentially could be used by the Ragathiel forces in the war, however it laid in the clutches of Kastermoun, The Waste Warden.

Himself along with other participants in the crusade joined forces after Setlaar had dropped out most of their armed forces for the conflict, and made for the Sceptre, helping soldiers along the way in their battle against the draconic undead. They making to Sceptre to find its ever vigilant guardian there, which the group fought, taking to the skies themselves. To which, the Dragon had swallowed one of the members of the group, Incrediblis having dove in after to help pull them out. It was a battle to behold, and established some firm connections with Incrediblis as the major players in the current world.

Blood in the Snow


Time had passed since the Ghostlands crusade, Incrediblis himself had been on his own ventures - See Nopengonium - and had himself venturing around the timeless continent of Etera. It was then he caught message from the forces of Ragathiel, a call for aid. Going to their camp, with familiar faces seen all around, Incrediblis along with other individuals was tasked to bring back a Bloodzerker, from the frozen mountain tops, where their camp was supposedly set. The Bloodzerkers used to be a mercenary-like force that helped Fort Ragathiel with their tenacity unmatched, though it eventually led to the Bloodzerkers raiding Fort Ragathiel in turn. Incrediblis along with his comrades travelled through the mountain, meeting an outcast yeti, who grew much larger than the average yeti. The Four-Horned Yeti posed a threat for any restablishing trading routes through the mountain, so the group engaged it in combat to dispose of such a threat. In the aftermath, they was greeted by a lone Bloodzerker named Hedrago, who took the group to the camp of the Bloodzerkers.

The Camp was a bustling and lively place with Bloodzerkers. The group was invited to a feast by the Bloozerkers and had worked their way into meeting the chieftan. A man who could only be decribed by the nature which he controlled the camp and the place around him. A Demi-God. Ul’thune Ghormorn. Clearly outmatched in terms of power, the group themselves didn't pick a fight. However the Demi-God didn't deem them a threat and seemed one to converse about nature of the Bloodzerkers and the taint surrounding them, leading much insight and reflection on Incrediblis about the nature of over martial-like combatants such as himself. However, the chief wouldn't hand over a Bloodzerker to complete the task they had set out to do, so Incrediblis suggested a trial by might, if they won, then they take a Bloodzerker back with them.

What followed was supernatural to say the least. A clash of souls, leading into supernatural spirits making its way into our realm as Dath'rogon was defeated. Incrediblis didn't exactly understand what was happening at the time, given his mortal coil may not have been able to see the inner workings. But through the trials and hardships of the group, they succeeded in their task, with the interruption by the Oracle. Incrediblis made his farewells to Haven who stayed behind to discover their 'purpose'. Incrediblis felt like he saw what he could potentially achieve if he kept at his goal, now finally having someone which he can see as the pinnacle of what they set out to achieve.

The Time Past

Since the time with his encounter with the Bloodzerkers, Incrediblis' presence was mostly found all across the land. Ascending to become a Knight of the Realm, recognition came to the Centurion, but it never-the-less didn't stop the wanderings of the knight. To remark a few deeds, Incrediblis discovered one of his creed long past, deceased and raised under Thii control, leading him to slay the Centurion with some conflicted feelings. Later then participating in the Thii war, both down under the crust of the realm in Kandra and above against the inquisition. Fighting against the Godhunters to test their mettle, along with supporting the those in need of training across the land to defend themselves.

However, most of note as the time reaches the present is the current battle ongoing in the forgotten city of Baln, returning after a initial hiring to aid in the daemonic invasion springing forth from the lands of where the 4th Horseman once resided in conflict and slain. Now forced to make a difficult decision faced before the Glinted Lord Quintilion, the Centurion finds his fate uncertain as he strides to a path unlikely to give him any admiration, and his name likely to be cast into the fire of infamy.


Sporting attire to that similar of Romans in the real world, albeit with a few alterations. Sporting a white/cyan colour scheme on his armour and a plume atop his helmet to match as such, with a ragged cloak on his back to otherwise keep him warm and for potential flair. Sporting two cestus and a gladius as his main weapons, as well as a glaive on his back that is occasionally used when the situation calls for.

(04/10/22) Overtime and with more experience under Incrediblis' belt, his equipment too evolved. He now has access to pilums held in a quiver, along with technological advancements to help monitor his condition which is integrated into his armour, and his helmet has a visor which helps relay information to him in real time to further improve his combat prowess.


In ordinary circumstances, Incrediblis is usually a soft-spoken type of person, usually wishing to hear another's viewpoint before sharing their own. In times of adventure, Incrediblis is usually at the forefront of any search, vigilant and read to throw himself in harms way if need be. Always willing to test himself and accept a challenge from any who deem themselves worthy.


The Gladiator


During Incrediblis' time within the Grand Babel Arena, Incrediblis came along and met The Gladiator within the waiting room for his next fight. Seeing a similarity in fashion choice and similar backstories, they became quick friends and soon after, joined one another in the Quest; The Winds of Peace. Overall, Incrediblis sees Gladiator as a good friend and rival in comparing one another's strength.


Mortal Potential

Entering The Ghostlands, Incrediblis didn’t know too much of what to make of the scenario. He was near oblivious to what made such a land as such, as well as the Empire responsible for the mass undead that now stands opposed to the crusaders. Incrediblis stuck with the main army that marched its way through the lands, with him helping with survival and avoiding natural hazards that came up on their journey.

Taking a rest from that, thoughts came to Incrediblis, wondering if this is what the Centurions before him had pictured themselves leading the revived Empire of Man back to its former glory. It certainly is a good experience, he admitted to himself, with an army marching against a supernatural threat. But there was also another thing that concerned him.

Ever since Incrediblis came to the city of Babel and became an adventurer/mercenary, he had always thought about the threat that undead pose, having come across them in his very first adventurer and battled them to a thread of his own life. He had seen what potential damage they could cause, in their own funky musical way. What made him worried the most was the idea of incorporeal undead, that the army no doubt had faced while trekking into the heart of The Ghostlands. So, he began training for a solution against this issue.

Having talked to some of the more magically adept among the army, he had discovered that few possessed an ability to surround themselves in the same spectral energy that Incorporeal possesses that give them intangibility. He took up study under them, learning about the same spectral energy they can harness and practiced until his blade could slice through that which wasn’t real.  

Naturally, this power was temporary and Incrediblis could only channel his found knowledge into where the moment required, but he added to his arsenal a great deal that day, the ability to face the monsters that prayed upon those who were conscripted to the army without the ability to fight what couldn’t be cut. It was relieving, and made Incrediblis make one step closer to his idea that even Humans can rival even those who defy death itself.

This all came to the test when Incrediblis was detached from the main army along with other soldiers to investigate further to the flank of the army, and they came across a mansion that was visibly charred, no doubt a relic from when the empire swept through the land long ago. Investigating inside, the group split up, only for a shreekish cry to be heard, the group regathered at the entrance to find everyone safe. However, as their backs were turned, one of the soldiers struck another down. But before anyone could ask, the soldier that originally betrayed the group had fallen to the floor, catatonic.

Confused, the group stood back to back as they looked around, noticing paintings hanging from every wall, nearby every window and even above their heads. When one of the soldiers finally noticed something seem to move from painting to painting, as it slowly exited from the painting ahead, a slender shadowy figure emerged, with pointed ears and hands that were like claws, followed by ashen hair atop its head.

This was a Shadowy Stalker, who originally possessed one of the soldiers, and now lunged forwards at the group, who was chipped off one by one as it darted from painting to painting, recuperating its wounds. Incredibles tried the door behind him, finding it had been magically sealed behind them. With each passing moment, the soldiers looked worse and worse, as their personality was sucked from their body, time was running thin. With a deep breath, Incrediblis, once with dull grey armour, had a small shimmering armour of white light emit from his being, as the Stalker lunged from behind him, Incrediblis quickly turned around and charged back, bull rushing the Stalker out through the nearby window with himself in toe, as if he himself was just as Incorporeal as the undead in front.

Incrediblis rolled through the dead grass for a moment, the result of him hastily lunging through the window to draw the Stalker away. As he got up from the ground, he himself found the Stalker dead ahead, downwind from where he stood, with his back against the mansion. The two had a moment of silence, before Incrediblis cast aside his Gladius, as he drew his Glaive, before the two promptly lunged at one another with the contact causing a bright light to emit as they clashed.

The soldiers found that the seal on the door came undone and was carrying the wounded back to the main army, as they returned, they came to find Incrediblis resting against his Glaive, buried on the dried dirt outside the mansion with no Stalker to be seen. As they approached, they found him with near enough his personality drained from him, almost thinking he was catatonic like the other soldier, but when they came closer and tried to take off his helmet, his arm slowly raised, as he shook his head.

Incrediblis took a back seat for a while as the army marched on, recovering from his ability drain from his fight. Prior to leaving the mansion however, with one arm in a cast, he held in his other hand a paintbrush, which had seen better days, and held it tightly before putting it into his pouch and returning back to the army.