Main Shaant

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Early Life

Main has only recently arrived on Chronus, her teleportation to the new world the result of some mishap that she can't quite recall. However, her past life on Golarian was much more eventful. It was there that she played a key role in stopping an ancient evil overlord from rising to power. Together with her past adventuring party, she was able to turn the tyrant into a book. The party itself was a motley crew, consisting of a tiny yet deadly sharpshooter kobold, a very loud fox and his husbands, a strange fairy, an ancient blue dragon that Main had taken on as a pet, and an absurdly normal human Arcanist with whom Main often "crossed streams."

Even as she worked to build her team and stop the world from being taken over, Main had another ambitious project in the works: a demiplane that she planned to turn into a gigantic university city. She spent much of her time gathering adept mages to help make her vision a reality. However, before she could see her plan through, she found herself suddenly transported to Chronus. Though she was far from the world she had known, she remained determined to make the most of her new surroundings and continue her quest for knowledge, adventure, and a plane where she can have her magical dreams come to fruition.

Adventuring days

Exploring the Ruins

Main had been tasked with a mission that would test even the most experienced adventurer - delving into some ruins for the Society of Eternal Karakol. The ruins were known to be teeming with all manner of dangers, from traps and obstacles to undead creatures that had long since claimed these ruins as their own. Main's journey was anything but uneventful. The first obstacle she encountered was a caved-in corridor, blocking her path. But without even thinking, she blasted her way through the debris with her chain lightnings, alerting all deeper within the ruins to her presence. As she continued on her journey, she was met with wave after wave of undead creatures that she shot down immediately. However, it wasn't just the undead that she had to contend with. She found herself constantly triggering traps that lay hidden throughout the abandoned structure. Shot by poison dart after poison dart, Main would have probably been incapacitated by her carelessness if her body weren't immune to any poisons and highly resistant to conventional weaponry. Finally, she reached another pathway that she needed to clear and again resorted to her trusty lightning spells to do so. But as the dust settled, a mummy was revealed before her, seemingly unscathed by the blast. To her surprise, the mummy spoke to her, and Main sat down for a small chat with the ancient being. The conversation was a strange one, and Main couldn't shake off the odd sense of failed curseage upon her a few times during her talk. But after their chat, the mummy disintegrated before her very eyes, leaving behind nothing but a fist-sized red gemstone and its bandages on the floor, but Main wasn’t particularly interested in a weird mummy gem enough to even take it with her, and she finished off her journey. With the ruins now free of living and unliving threats alike, Main made her way back to the Society of Eternal Karakol to report her findings. As she recounted her journey to her employers, she could see their disbelief in her story of emptying a large ruin on her own. But any looking through the ruins afterward would be able to prove her claims. For Main, this was just another day on the job - for the rest of the poor poor sad normal people she interacts with, it was a testament to her recklessness, power, and spellcasting prowess.


Main's outfits are constantly changing, mostly because some awful mage saw it fit to invent an item which lets her completely change her clothes at will. She is most often seen wearing clothes that seem not of this world however, an odd pair of shorts and a tank top, though she is occasionally seen in large cape. Her body itself is something extraordinary however, achieving a mastery of her form like few other Outsiders could. She can expand into nearly nothing but water vapor, essentially taking on the shape of a cloud whenever she wants.


Main has a generally carefree and whimsical attitude. It takes a lot to get under her skin, but she has a tendency to not take certain situations as seriously as she should. Despite this, her insatiable curiosity drives her to explore far and wide, always seeking to expand her horizons. Nonetheless, her devotion to Augusta tends to keep her grounded.


Main is a skilled caster, her lightning magic nearly unrivaled. But that's not all - she's also a talented actor, captivating creatures from distant planes with her performances. Although her agility and resilience are noteworthy, they are not her primary focus. It's her mastery of the arcane and her theatrical prowess that make her truly remarkable.