Rift Sphere

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Rift Sphere

Training in the Rift sphere necessitates some power over spatial magics or technologies, making use of spatial disruption to deal unique wounds known as rift wounds with various effects.

You may use your Permanent Caster Level in the Warp Sphere in place of base attack bonus for determining the effects of this sphere if it is higher. Additionally any effect which refers to your practitioner modifier may instead use your casting modifier. All effects of the Rift sphere are considered supernatural unless otherwise specified. You gain the ability to maintain and expend Martial Focus if you do not already possess it.

You may select the Rift Sphere and its talents with both magic and combat talents, counting them as either. Users of the Rift sphere gain the following abilities:

Rift Rend

Whenever you use the attack action or an attack of opportunity to successfully attack a creature, you affect the target with a rift wound that conveys various negative effects based on the (wound) talent used. Rift wounds can be removed by the application of a dispel magic or similar effect, or by the application of a dimensional anchor or any effect that otherwise prevents teleportation. The effects of a rift wound are suppressed while in an area of dead magic or anti-magic. If a creature is beyond your close range for a number of rounds equal to your practitioner modifier the rift wound and its effects dissipate. Re-entering range within this time does not reset the timer.

Wound: Some talents have the (wound) descriptor; these talents are triggered when you deal a rift wound to a creature using your rift rend. You may only apply the effects of a single (wound) talent to a given attack. A target that is immune to magic or teleportation effects is also immune to all other effects of talents with this descriptor. For the purpose of these talents, only rift wounds you deal with your rift rend are considered when determining their effects.

When you gain the Rift Sphere, you learn the following (wound) effect:

Warp Vulnerability (wound)

Whenever you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may cause them to take a -1 penalty to saves vs Warp sphere or teleportation effects, increasing by -1 at base attack bonus +4 and every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess thereafter.

Destabilizing Blow

As a special attack action you may make a melee or ranged attack against a target. Creatures hit by a destabilizing blow suffer 1d4 points of untyped damage, + 1d4 per 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. You cannot apply the effects of rift rend to a Destabilizing Blow.

Rupture: Most (wound) talents contain a subsequent (rupture) effect that can be triggered upon using your Destabilizing blow against the target. Triggering the (rupture) effect in this way removed that specific (wound) from the target creature.

Rift Talents

Focusing Rupture

When you successfully strike a target with your Destabilizing Blow you may expend your move or swift action to remove one (wound) effect from the target and regain your martial focus. You may spend a spell point to use this talent without expending a move or swift action.

This is considered a (rupture) effect.


Whenever you successfully damage a creature within close range with an attack action, attack of opportunity, or off-hand attack, you may spend an immediate action and a variable number of spell points (depending on the action used for the attack, see below) to teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to them. When using this ability the user may also instantly recover a thrown weapon used in the attack as long as she has a hand free; ammunition that is destroyed or consumed by a successful attack cannot be recovered in this manner.

Using this talent with an attack action costs 1 spell point, an attack of opportunity costs 2 spell points and an off-hand attack or single attack costs 3 spell points.


You may ignore effects that prevent teleportation and a target’s immunity to teleportation effects for the purpose of applying Rift Rend, (wound) effects, and (rupture) effects. A newly applied anti-teleportation effect, such as the placement of a new dimensional anchor or entering a new area with a teleportation blocking effect, still removes active rift wounds and their effects, but will not prevent the application of new ones.

Planar Study

You have learned of the planes throughout your training. You gain 5 ranks in the Knowledge (planes) skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Rift sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the Knowledge (planes) skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature.

Reaching Rift

You may spend a spell point to increase the range at which your Rift sphere talents function from close range to medium range until the end of your turn.

Alternatively you may spend two spell points for the increased range to last until the end of your next turn.

Tactical Transposition

Where an ability or effect could allow you to teleport as part of a successful attack against a creature, it may also be used upon successfully striking an object or surface. A missed attack that would strike a surface is not a valid trigger for this ability.

Tear and Leap

When performing a charge you may expend an attack of opportunity and 1 spell point to quickly strike the air in front of you, teleporting to an unoccupied space of your choice in which you threaten the creature instead of moving. You still provoke an attack of opportunity for leaving your previous space if you would otherwise have done so.

Warp Feedback

You gain an empty pool of Warp Feedback, referred to as feedback, with a maximum capacity equal to 1 per point of base attack bonus you possess. When a Rift Sphere talent, a Warp sphere teleportation effect targeting yourself, or an attack modified by Warping Strike requires you to spend a spell point you may instead expend twice as many points of feedback.

Feedback is obtained in the following ways. Each of the listed methods may only grant one feedback per round. If a single action would trigger multiple of the listed methods, choose one to gain feedback from, the others are not considered to have triggered yet this turn.

  • Successfully applying a rift wound to a creature awards 1 feedback.
  • Successfully damaging a creature affected by a (wound) talent or effect awards 1 feedback.
  • Successfully rupturing a (wound) effect or talent with Destabilizing Blow awards 1 feedback.
  • Successfully confirming a critical hit on a creature affected by a (wound) talent or effect awards 1 feedback. This method does not count against your one method per action limit.
  • Teleporting yourself or another creature via any means awards 1 feedback.

Feedback is inherently unstable and dissipates rapidly, the pool emptying one round after combat ends.

Warp Focus

When you spend a spell point as part of a (wound) or (rupture) talent you had applied you may regain your martial focus as a move or immediate action.

Wound Talents

Dimensional Bind (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may cause them to be unable to use teleportation or forms of movement that do not consider you to have passed through intervening spaces. Creatures may make a Will saving throw against your Rift sphere DC to use such forms of movement, but suffer damage equal to 1d4 + 1d4 per 4 points of base attack bonus you possess as they strain against the dimensional bind.

At base attack bonus +10 you may choose to allow the creature to move on a failed save and suffer no damage, instead reducing the movement by up to 5ft + 5ft per 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. Calculate the distance in a straight line from their starting position and destination. This cannot place them within a solid object.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus to force a Will saving throw vs your Rift sphere DC or be teleported to a location of your choosing within close range.

Elemental Shift (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may choose to deal either fire, acid, cold or electric damage instead of your normal damage type. While this (wound) affects a creature the base damage of all of your subsequent attacks becomes that type instead.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus to force a Will saving throw, afflicting the creature with vulnerability to the chosen element until the end of your next turn on a failed save. You may spend spell points to increase the duration by 1 round per spell point spent, chosen at the time of a failed save.

Gravity Rend (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may alter their personal gravity to be heavier than normal, applying the effect of heavy gravity as if they were on a plane with this trait.

Heavy Gravity: In heavy gravity areas, Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, and Swim checks incur a -2 circumstance penalty, as do all attack rolls. All item weights are effectively doubled, which might affect a character's speed. Weapon ranges are halved. A character's strength and Dexterity scores are not affected. Characters that fall in areas of heavy gravity take 1d10 points of damage for each 10 ft. fallen, to a maximum of 20d10 points of damage.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus to further enhance the effects of heavy gravity on the creature. Until the end of your next turn the creature doubles the penalties and potential falling damage. In addition raise the maximum falling damage for the affected creature to 40d10.

Gutwrench (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may force a Will saving throw vs the sickened condition with a duration of 1 + 1 round per 5 points of base attack bonus you possess. If the creature saves successfully the (wound) remains but confers no negative effects.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus and force a Will saving throw. On a failed save the target creature is afflicted with the nauseated condition until the end of their next turn.

Redirection Field (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may cause their unsuccessful attacks to be redirected.

Should an attack by an affected creature within close range miss you or otherwise fail to hit you you may expend a spell point to redirect it back at them as an immediate action, treating them as flat footed and comparing their attack roll against their AC. If the attack would successfully hit them it deals only half as much damage and applies no other effects of the attack.

You may take Redirect a second time at base attack bonus +10. If you do, you may choose to expend 2 spell points to redirect a missed attack by spending an attack of opportunity instead of an immediate action. You may only use this ability once per round.

Any creature whose attack(s) you redirect loses this (wound) at the start of your next turn.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus to prepare a better, if shorter term defense. Until the beginning of your next turn you may, as an immediate action taken in response to a successful attack made against you by the affected creature, expend spell points equal to the half the difference between your AC and their attack roll (rounded up) to redirect the attack back at them. Treat them as flat footed and compare their attack roll against their AC. If the attack would successfully hit them it deals only half as much damage and applies no other effects of the attack.

Subdual Tear (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may cause them to become battered and suffer non-lethal damage to 1d4 per 2 points of base attack bonus you possess. The (wound) persists thereafter until otherwise removed.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus to remove all non-lethal damage the target creature has and apply half of the removed damage as lethal damage.

Warp Shudder (wound)

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may cause them to provoke an attack of opportunity from you at the end of their turn.

If the creature is also suffering from the Rift Signature (wound) talent and within close range they also provoke an attack of opportunity from you.

Attacks of opportunity made in this way cannot be used in conjunction with rift rend.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus and up to 1 + 1 per 4 BAB spell points to select that many allies within close range of both you and the target creature. Those allies may make an attack of opportunity against the target creature as if they were within range or reach.

Legendary Talents

Cleave Space (rupture)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Warp Feedback, Rift Signature (wound), base attack bonus +11.

You may spend a full round action and your martial focus to make an attack action against creatures within close range. For every 3 warp feedback you expend you may target one creature suffering from a rift wound. Make a single attack roll and compare the result to each selected creature; all creatures hit by the attack take damage as though you had hit them directly with that attack (including any bonus damage to which you would be entitled, such as from the Vital Strike feat). Only damage is dealt; no other effects granted by the attack action are applied.

If a chosen target was suffering from the Rift Signature (wound) talent they are affected by all additional effects granted by your attack action. This is considered a (rupture) effect.

Planar Inurement, Energy (wound)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Warp sphere, Planeshift, Life sphere or Death sphere, base attack bonus +15

When you apply a rift wound to a creature you may place them under partial effects from the either the positive or negative energy plane, referred to as an inurement. You must possess the Death sphere to apply a negative inurement and the Life sphere to apply a positive inurement. Creatures that are neither alive nor undead are wholly unaffected by these (wound) effects.

Negative Inurement: Living creatures suffering from your negative inurement take negative energy damage equal to 5 + 5 points per 4 BAB you possess when afflicted by this wound and at the start of your turn every round thereafter. In addition, creatures suffering from this (wound) may not benefit from fast healing or regeneration and reduce all healing and temporary hit points received by 50%.

At the start of your turn any creature that takes damage from this (wound) that did not receive some form of healing suffers a negative level. A creature whose negative levels equal its current levels or Hit Dice is slain and becomes a wraith.

Positive Inurement: Living creatures suffering from your positive inurement gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + 5 per 4 BAB you possess when afflicted with this (wound) and at the start of your turn every round thereafter. Additionally, at the start of your turn such creatures take damage to their actual hit points equal to 2x the amount of temporary hit points they gained. If their current hit points are less than the amount of temporary hit points they possess the creature must make a fortitude save vs your Rift sphere DC or violently rupture from within, killing them instantly. Temporary hit points from this (wound) last for 1 round after the (wound) is removed.

Undead creatures instead take 5 + 5 points of untyped damage per 4 BAB you possess when afflicted with this wound. If they possess temporary hit points these are reduced by that amount again. Each round they take damage in this way they must make a fortitude save vs your Rift sphere DC or become staggered.

Refractive Barrier

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Warp Feedback.

You may spend warp feedback as a move action to generate a refractive barrier, akin in many ways to a force field, around yourself with hit points equal to 5 per feedback spent. This barrier remains active until depleted or until the start of your next turn, after which you gain feedback equal to 1 per 10 hit points it has remaining at that point, rounded down.

In reaction to an attack or damaging effect you may expend 2 spell points as an immediate action to generate the barrier instead.

At base attack bonus +10 the barrier gains 10 hit points per feedback spent and returns 1 feedback per 10 hit points remaining. This increases further at base attack bonus +20 to 15 hit points, returning 1 feedback per 15 hit points remaining.

Rift Signature (wound)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Warp Sphere, Unseeing Teleport, base attack bonus +11.

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may mark them with your dimensional signature. While the creature remains wounded and you are within close range you may make melee attacks against them as if they were within your reach and ranged attacks as if you were adjacent to them, ignoring any penalties for shooting into melee. Attacks made using the effects of this talent ignore cover.

Rupture: On a successful hit, you may expend martial focus and 2 spell points to attempt to teleport the creature to you. The creature is allowed a Will save vs your Rift sphere DC to negate this effect, reducing the duration of this wound by 1d3 rounds.

Rift Through (rupture)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Jaunt, Rift Rupture, base attack bonus +6.

When using your Destabilizing Blow you may expend either your martial focus or 1 spell point to remove the effect of one (wound) talent or effect, allowing you to teleport to any other square adjacent to the creature.

After teleporting you may make a single attack, applying effects as if you had dealt precision damage even if you would otherwise not be able to (such as (exploit) talents from the fencing sphere).

Rip Space (rupture)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Warp Feedback, Rift Rupture, base attack bonus +16.

You may expend your martial focus when using Destabilizing Blow to make a destabilizing blow special attack action for each active (wound) talent or effect on the target, up to a maximum of 1 + 1 per 10 BAB you possess. You may not make any additional attacks aside from these for the remainder of the turn.

There is a 70%, + 10 % per active rift wound on the creature, chance that you take half as much damage as you deal with the combined attack actions. You may expend feedback to reduce this chance by 10% per feedback spent. Expend feedback before making the attack actions granted by this talent and roll a d100 to determine if you take damage after resolving them.

All (wound) talents/effects are removed from the target after you have resolved the attack actions granted by this talent.

Universal Leap

Prerequisites: Berserker sphere, Rift Sphere, Rift Strike, Universal, Tear and Leap, base attack bonus +17.

You may use Tear and Leap against a target suffering from Rift Signature regardless of distance, even allowing interplanar travel. The exertion of doing so leaves you fatigued for 1 hour, even if you would otherwise be immune. If you are already fatigued you become exhausted for the same duration. You may attempt to use this ability while exhausted or fatigued, but doing so incurs a 50% chance that the ability fails to work. Regardless of whether you succeed at this attempt, you suffer 1d6 points of Constitution damage and the duration of the exhausted condition caused by using this ability is doubled.

You are not forewarned of the environment or plane you will be traveling to in advance.

In addition you may count Rift Strike and Rift Strike, Universal as Rift Sphere talents.

Unstable Tear (wound)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, Rift Rupture.

When you apply a rift wound to a creature, you may cause the wound to become dangerously unstable. Choose 1 (rupture) effect you possess. The next source of direct damage dealt to the rift wounded creature deals additional damage equal to your Destabilizing Blow and applies the chosen (rupture) effect. If the effect would require the expense of spell points, martial focus or other resources the cost may be paid by either you or the creature that triggered the effect with their damage. All other conditions must be correctly met by the creature that triggered the effect.

New Sphere-Specific Drawbacks

Rift-Tech Generation

The source of your power comes not from magic, but from technology. The sphere, along with its talents, are considered to be technological and not supernatural. It no longer violates Oath against Magic and its effects are not suppressed in an anti-magic or dead magic zone. An anti-tech field will instead function in this way. A dimensional anchor still works as stated along with effects such as dispel magic and spell sunder, disrupting the energies in much the same way. This extends to spells or effects that would disrupt technology.

If you possess the Tech sphere you may spend charge instead of spell points at a 1 for 1 ratio, though you may only spend charge from your base charge pool and never charge gained from generators or batteries. When you spend charge in this way you decrease your maximum charge by that amount until you have rested for 8 hours.

In addition, Rift sphere talents count as Tech sphere (gadget) talents for the purpose of determining your maximum charge.

Conscript/Incanter Sphere Specialisation

The following Sphere Specialisation is available to both Conscripts and Incanters. When multiclassing, add your conscript and incanter levels together to determine which pre-requisites you meet, up to a maximum of your total character level. You may only select this feature once.

Note: These prerequisites follow the precedent set by the conscript class. This is intentional and they are NOT adjusted down for incanters.


Planar Theory (Su): At 3rd level, a conscript/incanter treats Knowledge (planes) as a class skill. If he already has Knowledge (planes) as a class skill, he may instead treat any one other skill of his choice as a class skill. In addition, the conscript gains a competence bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks equal to 1/4 his base attack bonus/caster level (minimum +1).

Residual Feedback (Su): At 8th level, a conscript/incanter with the Warp Feedback talent begins an encounter with warp feedback equal to 1 + 1 per 4 conscript/incanter levels. Outside of combat or an encounter a conscript/incanter can maintain 1 warp feedback which regenerates every 1 minute once used.

Unbound Rifting (Su): At 20th level, a conscript/incanter ignores effects that would prevent teleportation for the purpose of Rift sphere talents/effects and personal teleportation of any form within close range, though the conscript/incanter is still prevented from undertaking extraplanar teleportation if this would be the case. In addition, Rift sphere talents that would allow teleportation can be activated as part of any attack, expending spell points, martial focus or warp feedback as normal and treating single attack as off-hand attacks for specific costing. Doing so in this manner does not grant any additional attacks or deal additional damage.


Rift Recall (Champion)

Prerequisites: Rift sphere, base attack bonus +6 or Caster Level +6

When an ability or effect allows you to teleport you may choose to spend an additional spell point to save your original location. At the end of your turn you may use your swift action to return to the saved location.

If you possess the unwilling teleport talent you may attempt to return to the saved location with a target you have struck this turn, allowing a will save vs your Rift sphere DC to negate it. On a failed save they arrive next to you in an adjacent square of your choice. This DC increases by 4 if you are grappling, impaling or otherwise fixed to the creature in question when you attempt to return.

Mythic Sphere Talents

Mythic Sphere Mastery: Rift

You gain the Warp Feedback talent. If you already possess Warp Feedback you instead gain one Rift talent you do not already possess. Once per encounter you may expend mythic power to gain warp feedback at a rate of 10 feedback per mythic power spent. Feedback gained in this way can exceed your maximum capacity by up to half your mythic tier.

You may also expend one mythic power to apply the effects of one additional (wound) talent or (rupture) effect to an action that normally permits you to use talents of those types.

New Weapon Special Abilities


A wielder of a warp-charged weapon can choose to apply her casting modifier to attack and damage rolls with the weapon in place of her Strength or Dexterity modifier when they possess at least 5 warp feedback. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed light weapons nor reduced for off-hand weapons.

Aura moderate Rift; CL 7th; Smith Magical Weapons And Armor, Rift sphere (Warp Feedback); Price +1 bonus.


This special ability may only be applied to melee weapons.

A rifting weapon can strike further than normal when properly charged. A wielder of a rifting weapon can spend 1 warp feedback when making an attack action to double their reach until the end of their turn.

A wielder can also choose to spend 3 warp feedback to have this reach remain until the start of their next turn.

Aura moderate Rift; CL 7th; Smith Magical Weapons And Armor, Rift sphere (Rift Signature (wound)); Price +2 bonus.