Haru the Dracovulpine

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Around Town Description

Haru is normally tall, giant really, and clearly proud of that fact. With the natural build of a mid-weight bodybuilder, which is something he is also proud of. He has densely fluffy, vulpine, fur which helps conceal his build. He has two shadowy scaled wings, reminiscent of a dragon's wings. Solid amber colored eyes peer out from his muzzled and bewhiskered face. With two vulpine ears perched atop his head, as well as two sharp angular backward facing horns.

He usually can be found completely shirtless, wearing only some dark pants and paw-wraps to protect his feet

True Dragon Form

Though he grows no taller... Haru's true form is that of an Umbra dragon, thirty two feet long, with a whip like tail. Clad in dark obsidian colored scales, to help him hide within shadows, and each segmented plate on his underbelly looking much like a solid piece of plate mail. The scales on his back appearing like smaller interlinked plates, though supple yet strong. He has long, spindly limbs, ending in five clawed digits.


Haru is... well, hedonistic. He loves to enjoy life, though he isn't the kind of guy to just take what he wants. He's kind and loves to help out those who are down on their luck. Though he's more the type to help you help yourself than to hold your hand and guide you step by step through something.