Yukiko Nikaido

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Physical Description 

she slightly taller compared to others of her race and able to keep up with those who are much younger than she is. yet she still has a bit of youthful beauty, even if age is catching up to the older kitsune, at least she is aging with grace.

Early Life Shrine Priestess

The eldest daughter from a kitsune noble family where she was elected as the one to be declared to be the shrine priestess for the family, following an old tradition that none of them could predate its creation, she would be sent towards one of the local temples towards the lady of foxes and there she would begin her training learning how to become a priestess.

During this time Yukiko would meet her soon to be husband and events, other little personal things would happen would lead to them becoming wed, and her eventually at one point thought about to leave the priesthood, but something stopped her from doing so, maybe it was a commitment or was the honor that she held to herself and upholding the tradition.

Lost of Love

For a while her life would be simply come like nothing would change her children would begin to grow and she didn't have much of a worry, about her possible futures or that of her family until something rather horrible would happened, a demon cult that has been laying await finally awaken, beginning to capture and drag people to the base of a mountain to where they would sacrifice them in attempt to open a gate into the abyss.

This is sadly where she would lose her husband because, he and his men decided to give one final charge and sacrifice their own lives to close the portal...An price was paid and now she must live without the love of her life.


Traveling Priestess

Now without the love of life and looking back at what lead her life to this point, she has picked to forsake some of her old duties to become a traveling priestess, to see the world and help others in need. maybe this can heal the wound in her heart or allowed her to spare others from the same pain, once more that most of her children are grown enough to look after themselves.

Sunken Island Country Exploration

Day 1: Arriving here over a few other individuals' majority of them seem like to be broad researchers and no one of any particular skill or suddenly. area appears to be a very watery environment Luckily, I'm adopted these situations like this, but I fear that the others may not survive.

Day 2: We have already lost one individual someone thought they could attempt to cross a low body of water in full armor until they realized they made a sudden mistake and stepped into the deep water, it was hours before we managed to recover their body and from went understanding that there are trace elements of death like magic in the area must proceed with caution.

Day 3:I've decided to scout ahead and leave them behind because it would be much more beneficial if I go ahead and it would reduce the amount of losses we occur if we have a natural surveyor going out compared to some of these who have not seen any bits of field work before .during my travels I have discovered a few odd magical signs and other transcriptions I'll make sure they would note this down for future reports.

Day 4: during the exploration on my own way I have encountered at draconian type creature and began to observe it from a distance staying outside of it whatever extraordinary senses have .it appears to have some form of aquatic adaptation to be able to deal with the local environment quite interesting along with its coloration .not sure if it's a sentient creature it seems pretty primal .

Day 5-7: nothing to report of any extreme work these days appear to be nothing but scouting the area I'm catching up to the team once I have line up all the dangerous hotspots of course sending them went on their own and I have found their corpses and was forced to drag my along the way.

Day 8: strangely during my exploration on my own I didn't counter a strange Wolf like creature that began to follow me around pretty larger than its common breed an has a few traces amounts of draconic descent but overall it shows no higher evolution of the draconic form

Day 9:a lot of the fan I hear is very strange and it's odd textures and other coloration …given the trace element of death like magic that was here it kind of makes sense and given that this place was separated from the world the evolution began to show an quite interesting I do have to say must be also a bit wary nearly stepped into a trap that I began to fill my own life force be drained from me Luckily I  show no signs or symptoms of it.

Day 10-12: during the exposition I got trapped during a storm, and was stuck with this wolf-like creature that been following me around for a few days given the time frame I began to analysis and write down this creature's physical dimensions and other notable characteristics .it bears all resemblance of the canine species it belongs to on the lupine  or known as the Wolf.it does bear a few of the draconic heritage but overall it still has much of becoming wolf-like features, still interesting creature I do have to say .

Day13:where suddenly have to cut the endeavor short we recently lost the extradition leader who stepped across a unknown ruin an was instantly destroyed by some unknown power and therefore we are falling back and this unknown creature is refusing to leave my side now quite interesting

The Mother in the Ghost Lands.

When staring out into the land of sand and death only one can imagine the horrors and monstrosities that are lurking there. once thriving Kingdom now brought nothing but ruin only suffering in the blights exists here. even in her age the muscles become sore the bones no longer finding their place she would journey forth with her wolf companion, the drawback towards this how much more can they continue this life how many more times can they continue fighting before it gets too hard on the arthritis begin to kick in, when the cataracts start affecting her eyes… when her body just starts giving up but deep down she cannot accept that luxury for she must bring war to the undead… even brothers who wield the power of the blood where nothing against the warpriest and she will continue forward ever seeking greater and more stronger threats. For War is Her life

Incandelth Peninsula: The Old and Young Fox

“Before you go to war, you better know what you are fighting for” Jin Nikaido

It was a pleasant evening at a countryside Manor two individuals are currently in the tearoom enjoying themselves at the quiet and the sweet flavor of green tea. war and conflict weren't a thing on their minds only peace and surrendering at this moment, that would be before all of it would be ruined as the man comes running in bearing a letter, That the final horseman and his army are masking. The elder of the two, looked towards a set of armor, with the symbol of Daikitsu, with her spear close by. The older kitsune stood up, with the streaks of gray hair moving with each step, walking over to the armor and sighing, as the younger of the kitsunes slammed his hand down onto the table.

Jin: you can’t be serious mother, you're getting far too old to constantly keep doing this, maybe it's time for you to give up… I know this is a lot but you're no longer young anymore let me take the reins let me be the hero… I'm following in my father's place. you don’t have to risk your life anymore.

Yukiko: you sound so much like him always thinking about others before yourself, I simply cannot turn away. this is my duty this is what I stand for.

JIn: Mother, listen to me, you don't know what that thing is capable of and yet you're willing to throw your life away!

Yukiko: I'm going to ask you, this simple question. where is your courage, you have your father's face, but that tail is hiding between your legs.

Straight to the point and moving that zealot nature billing upper eyes she has already made up her mind and the decisions she is going to do. while the younger kitsune stare at her with a questionable look before shaking his head. The scene will continue the two continue to argue back and forth between mother and son. one is blinded by zealot fervor and the other is wise beyond his young age. When tying these two stubborn individuals fit finally agree on some point and begin to mask an army after ever they can gather, whatever samurais they could find belonging to their lineage, farmers to take up weapons in defiance against the horsemen, and rallying the followers of Daikitsu.

After some time the army would begin to assemble the forces the samurais and everything they needed to begin the engagement they would join up with the others who were getting ready to fight against the undead and the final horseman. from the simple farmer to the noble of a samurai stood side to side ready to face against the hordes of unspeakable nightmares that their wildest dreams cannot comprehend.


Jin: my men listen to my voice, before you go to war, you better know what you are fighting for. we are not just fighting against some horrific monsters, we are fighting for our homes, our families, and Clan Twin Tails…This may be our last day, remember we're doing this because we must, don't lose heart don't lose the faith in yourself or those around you. I'm scared, just like you all, I feel the fear riding up my tail, but I won't run. I will stand at your side because I am your Lord. For it’s an honor to fight and die by your side!

the elder kitsune would begin to ride up to the front, atop of her wolf, the creature wearing mithril armor that’s showing signs of combat damage and wear from its use over the years. Its head started forward against the tide of enemies far too many to count and so many others who are also joining this fight. while the aged priestess raised her weapon into the air shining a light into the sky, forming the symbol of the nine-tail fox.

Yukiko: I'm not one for these speeches…For Daikitsu, The Divine Mother!

always straight to the point rather than relying upon the more subtlety of giving a heroic speech in this final hour. The army unless volleying fire of rifles and arrows into the enemy's from a distance, while the frontline of Spearman began to move up and brace their weapons. while the samurais begin their charge to bring down some of the biggest targets and leaving openings for the righteous zealot of the priests and priestesses to get into the middle of it, dishing out divine wrath along with the holy fervor renewing the confidence in the men who are fighting.

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Yukiko has singled out one undead to be her target, rushing forward up on the back of a wolf, its eyes gleaming from murder intent beginning to overwhelm its natural senses, as she swings the spear forward slashing into the putrid hide of decaying flesh,  causing the monstrosity to take umbrage against the priestess who thought they could harm it, it started to slam its large bulk about with reckless abandonment trying to crush the wolf and its rider. Nearly avoiding a left hook and the wolf jumping to the side, as both the rider and wolf strike at the side time. The wolf’s fangs dug into the large undead’s leg, unable to cause it to tumble over due to its vast size compared to the wolf, Yukiko swinging wildly word for spear slashing apart at limbs and tendons that are no longer functional due to its rotting putrid body no longer needing those in undeath.   Her attention was completely overwhelmed by the hatred building up inside of her and she did not even notice the attack before it was too late, a colossal blow would impact the center mass of her chest, knocking her out of the saddle, and crashing into the ground, the blood, and the mud mixing. Vision blurry and pain from a few broken ribs, she no longer had the benefit of youth she could easily just close her eyes and accept the end, yet she would refuse that as she would grab her spear and rise up again not willing to die here, the wolf holding its own against the monstrosity but even its body could not stand a few heavy blows, the sound of the armor buckling from the impact of this undead,’ cause the wolf to nearly lose its balance. Yukiko charge forward and leap in to the air, swinging her spear at the undead’s head and landing the killing blow, before turning her gaze to the next target. These are the dancing steps of war, kill and move onto the next enemy.


Silent Spring: The old ranger and new life

Yukiko felt a sharp pain in her left knee, a old injury from fighting in early her life as the aged kitsune looked up towards the sun shining behind the cloud cover as the other rangers part of her band scouted head. The goal was to begin the process of help recovering the land from the countless number of threats that seem to raise up from other planes or from within and due to these great dangers to the world the wilderness and the beauty of the world have been harmed. While traveling with the other rangers who are trying to protect nature from those who seek to harm it or needless kill the beast of the world.

"I fought for so long to protecting this world...now doing what I can for my great grandchildren can enjoy the wonders of nature... Al let's get moving hound before the others start complaining about us slowing down." The wolf that always been traveling at her side dragging a cart filled with plants and bags of seeds pushed forward with the arthritis acting up in its worn paws. so, continues both their vow to the ranger creed and protecting those in need.