Tsu-an Oriata

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Tsu-an Oriata, the Sublime Sovereign

Tsu-an is an individual of great potential and power, a former deific being of their own right formed from the essence from several different worlds, They wield the power of Akasha and harbor a psionic talent that would all but guarantee them right to rule.

Physical Descriptor

Tsu-an appears to be an aasimar that stands an average height of 5ft 8 inches tall, she is generally picked out due to her rather striking "armor" which those who know better would see is naught but a manifestation of armor brought on by her mental capability, her eye that can be seen is a deep striking gold that seems unerringly piercing, as if it would see through ones facades into their true selves. Her hair is medium length but kept in a tied back manner, it sports a dark almost black brown with a much lighter fringe near the front that obscures her eyepatch most of the time.


Tsu-an is bold and upfront, she tries to seem wise when she can or intelligent, she is no stranger to wit and comedy though she herself may be slightly dense, she attempts to guide those she sees as in need and will try to defend her people, by her own body or by making her enemies turn on each other. She wields no mercy for traitors and her enemies and is not above breaking their will to fight if she needs to.

The Sovereigns will

Tsu-an believes that all have the potential to lead but ever since her essence formed together she has always believed more, that she was destined not just to lead but to claim a seat in the heavens, Her body might lack much of the qualities sought out by those who need a god or a leader but she makes up for it with her sheer force of will, Enemies bend their knee and die for her, her allies are bolstered to new heights all whilst she sits at the center, directing things like it's a game. Should she ever be found in direct conflict she is no slouch. She does not force those she defeats to follow, but they must bare witness to her greatness, only then can they truly decide if they should pledge themselves to her.