Sarah Snow

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Sarah Snow, A self titled kaiju. She is mostly lost trying to figure out what she wants to do in the future.


Early Life

Sarah was born into the Snow tribe of her world. The group as far one of the strongest tribes that exist in this world. The Snow tribe was presumed to be the tribe that has spawned the Kaiju Dai. As Sarah grow older in the tribe began to look at her as a new Kaiju! As she toward over most of the other tribe members. She quickly raise to the top of her ranks. Sarah always looked down at the leaders seeing them as corrupt. Sarah kind a fear the day when she would be required to take lead of her tribe. As she saw from her leaders of the past quickly get corrupted by power, abusing it and her tribe members. On her last mission to prove herself that she is capable of running the tribe hosted by her leaders. She had been tasked to create a hunting party to hunt a great white bear. During the hunt she feel a little behind after taking a small wound from a plant that had cut her leg. After a little bit she felt tried and collapsed to the ground. After waking up she looked around seeming very odd woods.

Adventuring days

After finding babel Sarah kind of join the adventures. Meeting a few people in that where new to the guild. She quickly went out on her first quest to help clear off boulders from a train path. Afterwards, she meet cathine lore keeper A member of the guild at the time talking to her about godship and power. Sarah quickly become concerned with this as she seemed to not listen to reason. Though she had not tried to stop the crazy girl. Sarah the feel asleep for a few years in which she woke up meeting a small girl and Nikita life blood, who Showed of the power that she had gotten and the strength she had gotten. Sarah look slightly concerned watching this someone abuse power like that made her wander. "Should I be following the same path as the others?" though she shrugged it off trying not to think about it too much or about her past. She Went on another mission with a few dwarfs and a cart. Sarah not being in the cold for so long she quite enjoyed it. The fight was fun she wasn't too concerned and completed the mission. Sarah then after some time Learned about the kaiju land, and went on a mission that she could learn more about there culture of the kaiju. After being eaten and biting her way out she began to grow as she soon became double her normal size. She was quite happy about this new achievement. She began wander what she is going to do once she achieves the size she wants... Sarah currently kind a wonders aimlessly as she doesn't know what she wants for a goal of herself. Though when Catharine showed up again after years of seeing her. the conversation was nice. Sarah does know that she must help as best she can!


Sarah has two appearances

Normal Sarah: She has Smokey black hair with running though them. She has 5 tails at the moment each with a bit of white in them giving them a inverse Smokey quarts. Her ears are white with black tips. Her eyes are blue when she is in this form.

Enraged Sarah: Sarah Hair turns Blue with white snow flakes running though it. Her tails turn white With Blue Lighting running though it. Her eyes turn Purple. As her ears turns Blue.


Sarah is a sweat heart, though recently Sarah seems under a decent amount of stress. Sarah Also has an angry side, where it seems to be empowered by her rage. Sarah does not like showing of or using this power.


Sarah has a rage: it seems to treat others as hostile though will tend to focus on things that seem to be trying to harm her.