Vancian countermagic spellbane

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Vancian countermagic spellbane

Aura Overwhelming abjuration; CL 24th; Slot slotless; Price 216,000 gp; Weight -

This ruby is carved into the shape of a moth, which flies around the wearer as if alive, behaving as an ioun stone.

While floating in such a manner or inserted into a wayfinder, the moth protects an area of 10ft around the user from the effects of Disjunction, Aroden's Spellbane, Anti Magic Field, Greater Dispel Magic, eating any such magical effects in the area as if an Aroden's Spellbane. The moth cannot diffrentiate between friend or foe casting, but will not eat spells not mentioned. Multiple Vancian countermagic spellbanes areas may overlap.

Construction requirements:

Feats Craft Wondrous Item, extend spell, CL 24th, Aroden's Spellbane; Cost 108,000 gp.