Maldrik Shiarza

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Maldrik Shiarza remembers incredibly little about his past before arriving in Fair Maiden, face first in a gutter with a groan. What little he remembers is brief flashes of oppression, slavery and being at the every whim of powerful nobles. So when he found himself in a new world out from under the heel of such people, his first goal was to attain their level of power so that never again would he be subject to another's every whim or forced to kowtow to someone throwing their weight around.

Since then he's fought wolves, goblins, drow, mercenaries, and even gun-toting mantis folk before even talking about his strange experiences in the 'Silent City'.



Maldrik really is not the most complex of people, though he does have his nuances. Possessing a somewhat impressive intellect, the tiefling is a budding polyglot who loathes finding himself unable to comprehend the conversations taking place, usually spending his remaining free time in the days following giving himself a crash course to learn it proficiently. Curious and willing to speak at length often even with those whom circumstances put him at odds in the hopes of gleaning some more knowledge and potentially gains hints of new methods to achieve his goals.

Aside from his intellectual tendencies, the tiefling is at his core, terrified of becoming powerless and will go to great lengths to increase his sociopolitical and personal power so that he can never find himself beneath the boot of another, defiant to those who attempt to exert pressure to influence his actions. Very little will motivate the tiefling more than a chance to gain a measure of power, though this hunger is tempered by his keen awareness that blindly seeking power is yet another leash many use, and will weigh this cost.



"He might look a little scary but don't let that fool you. He's a great guy to be around, very smart, and he always seems so confident. And he treats his allies incredibly well. Though sometimes I worry he's aiming a bit too high. But hey, shoot for the moon right?" - Kori Yanhu, one of Maldrik's earliest acquaintances on Etera, and likely closest friend.

"Maldrik is an interesting guy, he's intelligent and surprisingly adamant about finding the truth when he thinks something is up. Overall they seem like a nice person, after all it's not like Kori would talk so highly of a person who was mean." - Jin Cassius, fellow member of the Tunam Khav

"He smells different asleep." -Witchling, strange adventurer he's met on a few adventures.

Tower of Death

'Undead are surging from the tower of Death in the Ghostlands' Came the news to Maldrik's ears, among other assorted details involving the practical invasion from the said spire. He frowned with concern and contacted Vhaldrah to rally his followers together. It was time for House Shiarza to do something regarding this issue. He paced, mind racing with potential plans as he paced about. "Hopefully Kori will be able to help, I'm certain he'd be willing." He murmured to himself, tail sweeping behind him in Shiarza Keep.

Once the followers were rounded up in the meeting hall, Maldrik stood at the head of the room. "My loyal followers and friends of House Shiarza. Etera requires our aid. Undead monstrosities pour forth from a tower of unknown power, and while the Ghostlands are as hostile to this invader as it is any other, there is still a chance the conflict will flow unto the remainder of Etera and threaten innocent lives." He paused, allowing the murmur of the score of servants abate. "I do my best to remain self-sufficient and ask little of you, but this day I beseech each and every one of you to reach within you and draw on the courage of yourselves... and that of your ancestors. House Shiarza will not permit this tower to harm Etera, and never again shall I allow a tragedy such as befell Fair Maiden to occur."

Once more he paused, collecting himself to temper the flaring of his temper which caused hellfire to wreath his hands, tail, and fangs. "I intend to march to the forward camps where preparations are underway, offering whatever aid I am capable of providing, and it is my most sincere wish that you come with me and offer your aid in stemming the tide or horrors before it marches upon our doorstep. I am keenly aware that the majority of you are not warriors, nor mages of means to perform miracles... but Etera needs you. *I* need you. Should we fail, thousands shall likely perish in misery as abominations scour the countryside."

He paced, wings flexing in agitation as the tiefling scion pulled conviction from himself, infusing every word with the burning confidence and ambition the tiefling was likely known for. "Should you come with me, I will reward you as best as I am able, though the true reward will be peace and prosperity for Etera, and House Shiarza. I hold no illusions of glory on this field of battle, for the undead will give no quarter, and will not falter. " Another pause for the murmurs of his entourage to once more abate.

"Despite this, all who come with me can mark my words. We will STAY THIS APOCALYPSE" His voice reached a peak, almost booming for a moment, "And the vile horrors will be shattered and sealed within this tower until such a time as they can be destroyed for the good of all. Do not do this because I ask you. Do this for House Shiarza, for your future. Do this for Etera, and the children of the future. We depart at dawn. Thank you for your attention." Maldrik concluded, before striding from the room to prepare himself.