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Mei, hailing from a distant reality beyond Chronus, possesses formidable magical abilities inherited from a lineage of witches that wielded chaos magic, tapping into powers with unpredictable effects. Learning to gain control over the chaotic powers wielded, she delved into communion with spirits, drawing strength from their realm to help stabilize the energies.

Mastery over chaos came more powerful spells and effects, from telekinesis to telepathy to more traditional spells from the arcane arts. However, tragedy led to an explosive outburst of magic that warped reality, causing Mei to arrive in Chronus, where the influence of the spirits she drew from transformed her physiology into that of a Kitsune. Embracing her new identity, she integrated into Aetveris society under the alias Mei Hirano, aiding the government in addressing internal threats as an ensign on leave until she got assigned to an active military campaign as a corporal.

Beyond her duties, Mei immerses herself in the study of Chronus, from its geography to its celestial mysteries. Her temporal displacement and newfound situation led her to embrace Desna, appreciative of her adaptability to chaos. Embracing this fresh beginning, Mei seeks understanding and purpose in her newfound reality.


A Birth of Fire

Born to a family of powerful witches, Mei never met her original parents, as they died at birth when her home burnt down, along with everything inside of it. While told it was an accident, evidence later in life indicated to Mei that it may not have been so accidental.

Due to their death, Mei's aunt and uncle raised her elsewhere, away from the tragedy and her home. However, unlike her own ancestral history from her mother's side, the family was from her father's side, and lacked both understanding and knowledge of the magic Mei possessed.

Mei was not alone, though, as her brother Minato had survived the fire as well, being the one to rescue her from the flames when she was an infant. The two became nearly inseparable as they grew up, relying on one another for support and friendship, given their shared tragedy and  struggles.

A War Waged Wrongly

Around the age of eleven, however, tragedy would follow Mei once more. A war between her nation and a foreign one had broken out, and an artillery strike from the enemy nation had decimated their town, collapsing their home in the process. While Mei and Minato managed to evade the destruction, as they had been at a friend's house, a bomb had landed on her home. Neither of her adoptive parents survived.

In the wake of this destruction, Mei and her brother were radicalized into a local gang that had formed, protesting against the war on both sides. Engaging in petty theft, vandalism, and other minor crimes, Mei and her brother turned away from the hopeful home they had first wanted to something more ambiguous.

Five years later, Mei and Minato would meet their match in a dangerous heist that the gang had set up to steal a powerful weapon away from their government and out of the hands of the military. The goal was relatively simple: Steal and destroy the object so that no one could use it to lay waste to anyone's homes or lives, and the escalation of conflict could finally end.

However, once Mei and her brother had begun the heist, it was clear that information had been awry. The weapon in question was not a bomb like they had initially thought. It was a grimoire, ancient and indecipherable. While they had overcome the guards and mundane traps, none of the gang members knew about the magical trap upon the grimoire, as magic to them was nothing more than a myth or a bedtime story.

When Minato grabbed the grimoire, the trap was activated, disintegrating him into dust. Mei's emotions exploded in a display of magic after the death of her brother, incapacitating her fellow gang members with her, as well as causing general confusion and scrambling of the security measures in the room.

A Witch Awoken

Angry and scared, Mei grabbed the grimoire and fled from the scene. She spent the next six years on the run, moving from place to place, chasing secrets and answers. She made several deals and had close calls from people who exploited her desire for truth to try and hurt her or steal the grimoire she had kept so close. Mei learned about chaos magic, an ancient form of magic that was said to be the first to exist in her world, and that  by blood, fate, or other various beliefs, some had the ability to manipulate and master that chaos to their benefit.

A conduit of that chaos, Mei had finally discovered more about herself and her family, but also had developed so many questions about the nature of chaos magic and what it meant to be one of those that could wield it.

Finally, on her twenty-third birthday, she managed to open the grimoire. One morning, she had found it unlocked, and upon opening it, it felt as if suddenly her mind was flooded with knowledge and understanding. The grimoire itself was indecipherable to her, but there was an innate ability to understand its knowledge that surpassed what she could not believe, and it imparted its wisdom to her.

After what felt like hours, she snapped out of the strange, mystical trance the grimoire had inflicted upon her. Yet when she finally came to and saw how much time had passed, it had been a week, not just a few hours like she had initially thought. She had insight and knowledge into so many things, folklore and fairy tales she once thought fake but had since learned were real, just well-hidden.

With no family left and overwhelmed with eldritch insight, Mei sought an out. Channeling her grief, pain and anger into a spell of spontaneous design, Mei focused her thoughts on one feeling: Escape. A wormhole ripped in time and space sent Mei hurtling away from her planet and reality of origin into a new one: Chronus.

A Life Rewritten

Upon arriving in this strange land, Mei had a secondary goal. Her heightened magical state allowed her to absorb a quick grasp of the world around her, and so she altered her form from that of a human to a kitsune, taking inspiration from the mythos and legends of her home to create a new self.

Now a kitsune, Mei assimilated into the world of Chronus. She became a citizen of Aetveris, taking advantage of when the fledgling nation  records were inconsistent due to the fall of a previous empire and the rise of a new kingdom.

Furthermore, she immersed herself as an ensign on leave due to lingering injuries that weakened her magic, impeding her from active duty. She was still able to participate in protecting Aetveris and its surrounding territories, as well as pursue studies of interest in various fields of knowledge, using the resources and education of Aetveris to further her understanding of the world she was in.

Now, in the present, Mei spends her time as a corporal for the Aetveris military while continuing her studies of the world she's found herself in. Being in a new world gives Mei a chance to begin again, leaving behind the grief and hardships of her old life.

Yet, Mei still had to confront the nature of the grimoire, its purpose, and her role in all that happened. Who killed her parents? Why? Did they know she had magic? Why did they want the book? And was she finally safe here, in Chronus?


In her human form, Mei stands at about 5'2 in height. Her attire often includes robes or form-fitting garments that accentuate her slender figure, accentuating her lithe body type.

Mei's long hair is one of her defining features. It cascades down her back in waves of raven black, hues of blue shining in the light. Her hairstyle is loose and flowing, framing her face and adding to her allure.

Her facial features are youthful and beautiful, with high cheekbones, a delicate nose, and full lips. Her eyes are particularly captivating, hues of blue with a slight shimmer denoting the mystical essence within her form.

In her kitsune form, Mei's fox-like ears sit atop her head, adding to her mystical appearance. They twitch with every subtle movement, listening to the world around her. Additionally, she possesses multiple flowing tails, further emphasizing her supernatural nature.

In terms of clothing, Mei is often wearing flowing robes of blue and silver that drape gracefully around her slender frame. These robes have intricate patterns or embellishments depicting foxes, starlight, or wintry themes, honoring Desna and the kami spirits she has connected to. The fabric is usually lightweight and ethereal, allowing it to move fluidly with her movements, so that she is capable of mobility and casting without impediment from armor that might otherwise be clunky and heavy.

In addition to robes, Mei also wears form-fitting garments that accentuate her figure, with similar color schemes and symbology as her robes. The clothing can vary between sleek bodysuits or tunics that hug her figure, woven of enchanted threads, fabrics, and leather.

Mei's favored object to wear is her hooded cloak. Mei's cloak is a long and flowing garment woven from enchanted threads, and drapes gracefully around her shoulders and trails behind her as she moves. The cloak itself is a midnight blue hue, and can pass as either a plain hooded cloak or depict the night sky upon its fabric, allowing one to see the stars and study astronomy by merely looking at the cloth.

The hood of Mei's cloak is oversized, allowing it to partially conceal her face for anonymity and concealment, shrouding her features in shadow and allowing her to blend in amidst crowds and fade from sight when desired. When lowered, the hood frames her face and rests against her back, accentuating her features and drawing attention to her captivating eyes.


Mei's personality consists of many traits evolved over the years, shaped by the experiences and relationships she has had growing up, as well as the internal struggles she has faced both past and present.

One aspect of Mei's personality is her empathy and compassion, intensified at times due to her own traumatic past. She cares deeply for her friends and loved ones and is often motivated to protect them, sometimes even at risk of her emotions clouding her judgment.

Her protective instincts, especially towards her loved ones, is the prime motive for what she does and who she cares for. She is willing to go  great lengths to defend those she cares about, sometimes even at the expense of her own well-being.

Another is Mei's contradictory behaviors due to the unstable nature of her upbringing, which influenced her lack of mental stability. She can be both fiercely independent and vulnerable, confident in some instances and uncertain in others. Internally, she struggles at times to reconcile with all the grief and loss she has experienced, as well as her powers and her purpose.

Mei's emotional state often fluctuates, especially in distress or trouble. She struggles with feelings of guilt, grief, and isolation, which can manifest in unpredictable times, even influencing the results of her magic.

As a result she has difficulty accepting the weight of her abilities and the responsibilities that come with that. Being capable of such greatness, Mei is constantly aware of the potential destruction she could inflict if she lost control and strives to use her powers for good.

Initially, Mei's embrace of pursuing vengeance and rebelling against the authority she felt had wronged her led her to a chaotic life, where she abandoned all sense of right and wrong in favor of personal fulfillment.

However, after the death of her brother, she had lost the desire for unfettered choice and became more neutral in her actions, focusing on survival above all else. Caring for neither good nor evil, she wanted to be free from her circumstances, and did whatever was necessary to achieve that goal.

A pawn, an anarchist, a gang member, she had always been in service to another, led by manipulation or her emotions. It was not until after she came to Chronus and had a chance for a new life that she embraced she could be more.

Having the choice to remain free or serve a greater purpose, she had chosen to join the Aetveris military to strengthen herself. She uses resources and support from the Nation to do good and find her path forward.

Mei's alignment ultimately has settled on a Neutral Good outlook. Her strong sense of empathy, compassion, and desire to do the right thing acts as her guide. She is motivated by a genuine concern for the well-being of others and is willing to take action to help those in need. However, her actions may not always align with conventional notions of law and order, especially given the complexities of the background and the circumstances she faces.


Chaos Magic: Mei's most signature power is her ability to manipulate reality itself through the usage of chaos magic. She can spontaneously create things, teleport great distances, and alter one's perception of reality through illusion magic. She can even use a limited form of chronomancy to heal herself. As chaos magic is potentially limitless, Mei's capacity for what she can do is limited only by her own strength rather than a codified set of rules and structures from teachings.

Energy Manipulation: Mei can manipulate various forms of energy. She can create elemental effects, such as starting fires or conjuring water, and channel healing energies to replenish her strength and that of her allies.

Fate Weaving: Mei has a limited gift of foresight, allowing her to divine possibilities and choose a more favorable outcome.

Hexes: Mei can invoke a variety of witch hexes, overwhelming the spirit of her foes. These hexes can cause diverse effects, ranging from misfortune for her opponents to overwhelming sensations of fatigue, fear, sickness, and staggered. She can also use these hexes for other types of powers, such as flight, healing, and clairvoyance.

Psychic Powers: At times, Mei has demonstrated limited psychic abilities, such as telepathy and empathy, allowing her to read minds and sense the emotions of others.

Telekinesis: Mei possesses telekinetic abilities, allowing her to move and manipulate objects with her mind. She can levitate herself and others, as well as assault her foes with telekinetic strikes of force.

Witchcraft: While not as skilled as more experienced sorcerers and wizards with a traditional approach to magic, she is proficient in mystical arts and can cast spells to invoke numerous effects.