Iselia Azureleaf

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Another World

Iselia hails from a different place entirely then Etera.  Her coming to this world was abrupt and unexpected.  She was helping her mother, Clara to investigate what happened to the rest of their family as their demiplane had become mysteriously inaccessible.  After much effort, they had finally found a lead and attempted to planeshift back in.  That is when the real problems started.  They had expected to arrive in the plane of her other mother, Ronda the Merfolk.  Instead they were caught in a tumultous rift spanning time and space.  Figuring out what was going to happen, but too late to stop it, Clara quickly grabber Iselia and shielded her from the brunt of the chaotic energies of the rift.    Upon waking up, Iselia found herself in a foreign place, even her mother didn't know where they had ended up.Inherited Technique Iselia from a young age had an afinity for the talents her mother Clara had developed over the years, both her skill with a scimitar as well as divine mages from the Goddess Sarenrae.  She also has an innate talent for channeling positive energy and prefers to heals others rather than resorting to trading blows.  But when lives are on the line, she becomes more resolute and will use her scimitar to subdue her foes.

Beginnings of an Adventurer

Needing to learn more about this world, it was agreed that Iselia would follow in her mothers' footsteps and become an adventurer to learn more about his world while her mother Clara began looking for the rest of their family.  Thus far, Iselia has had a strange array of experiences, from clearing out strange libraries of invaders to helping the Time Knights liberate their base from the Fox Council.  These experiences have taught her much and she is blossoming into a strong warrior for the forces of good.


Iselia is about 6 feet tall and often wears a gentle, calming smile.  Her long blue hair often braided to not get in the way as she helps to heal people of all kinds when she's not adventuring.  She is often seen wearing blue clothing to better emulate her status as a clergy of Sarenrae.


Iselia is at first seen as shy and unsure of herself, but is very kind hearted and welcoming to all who approach her.  However, in times of stress she slowly casts off her doubt, replacing it with the confidence required to do whatever it takes to make sure everyone gets through the encounter in one piece.


She has worked with Siana on multiple occaisons.  She has great respect for Siana's fighting prowess and her boldness.Iselia has also worked with Yuuno a few times, admiring her stoic nature.  Though she was still a little disappointed Yuuno didn't strike a cool battle pose during the Time Knights adventure.== Enemies ==Rovagug, and his followers.

Side Quests

Sunken Island Country

It was a bright morning in early spring. Iselia was excited to go exploring, especially in an area that reminded her of home. Upon arriving, she quickly visited the threshold again to make sure she could still enter. While she did feel some pressure coming from it, it didn't prevent her from entering. She figured she must be right on the edge of being able to keep entering and being locked out. For this expedition, she chose to only take a handful of additional explorers. The risk was high and she figured it would be easier to keep track of and handle a small crew so her resources weren't spend too quickly. As a general preparation for the departure, Iselia was sure to cast Air Walk and Breathe Water on each member of her crew. She needed to be sure they could keep up and get past obstacles in their way.

After double checking her very rough map she set forth to explore, being very careful to not lose sight of her crew while trying to keep an eye out for anything dangerous. The traversed spires of rock that were once full submerged - keeping an eye out for anything peculiar. They carefully treaded through a cave that began to descend underground. At it's end they encountered what would be a dead end to some, but an opportunity for this crew. There was a deep pool of water here, perfect to explore. Iselia quickly checked her crude map and figured they were still in a position where it would be easy to get back and decided they push forward and see where the pool went.

Down into the murky depths they descended. Iselia providing what light she could with her magic and keeping her crew nearby. What took maybe 15 or 20 minutes felt like hours as they carefully moved through the underwater tunnel. Finally they saw some light in the distance above them and decided to take a risk going up with Iselia in the lead. As soon as she popped her head above water, *Woosh* a large axe swings across the surface. Within a split second, Iselia dove again narrowly dodging the trap. Armed with this knowledge she made another attempt, this time leaping out of the water to spot the mechanism and destroy it lest her comrades lose their heads. Once they were all safe, they found themselves in a similar cave they had been in before. However, this felt a bit different.. a bit more secluded. At the end of the tunnel - and a few more close calls that resulted in some minor healing - they hit the jackpot. Ruins worn by the sea, but exactly what she was sent to find.

At first, she was able to resist the urge to just run forth and explore. Though after letting her crew take some notes... she decided she'd take a quick peak of a few so she could make a better report... it totally wasn't because she was excited. A quick run through the air, and Iselia spotted a variety of symbols she was not familiar with. She tried to take what notes she could while avoiding the numerous traps she spotted along the way. There were some tracks too... fairly recent ones. However, she failed to encounter anything of note. Though only having really seen mabye 15% of these ruins she thought it was time to head back and make a report. This area seemed to dangerous for her crew and she didn't want to disturb too much alone.

Upon returning Iselia presented her very crude map which was quickly pushed aside as one of her comrades presented his own which included her notes, but in much better detail. Map making wasn't really her strong point, but she did manage to start scouting an area of interest.

Beyond checking on a few other areas for ruins, Iselia spent a good amount of her time providing healing and first aid to other explorers on their trips in the days to follow. She patiently waits to see if she'll be able to do a more full scale explorations with other adventurers in the near future.