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Anthei is a devout worshipper of Aeoscar, God of Healing. She currently resides in Babel's Adventuring Guild, offering her services to all who need them.


Anthei offers many services. Anyone coming to her also gets checked for any conditions affecting them, and Anthei learns all details of any such afflictions. (When buying a non-free service, ping Vladimir in #downtime so he can track the gold.)

Latent Healing

Mythic Latent Healing is a single-use self-heal, usable as a Swift Action. Unlimited duration before use. Also works on Undead and Constructs.

  • Lesser:
  • Normal:
    • Cures 150 hp.
    • Vitality effect
    • Choose two Condition Removals on activation (not when bought).
    • Sanctuary for 10 turns, DC 30.
    • Price: 500 gp
  • Greater:
    • Cures 1000 hp.
    • DR 20/- for 2 turns
    • Vitality effect
    • Choose two Condition Removals on activation. Immunity to any removed conditions for 2 turns (except ability damage/drain or neg levels).
    • Sanctuary for 15 Turns, DC 40.
    • Immunity to evil mental control, as per the second effect of Protection from Evil, for 15 minutes. If already under such an effect, get another save.
    • You get a second heal for 11d8+205 (rolled on purchase) or double your Max HP -1, whichever is less. This second heal activates when you say a specific word of your choice, a Free Action that can be taken outside your turn.
    • Price: 1000 gp

When activating a Latent Heal, you choose one of the following Vitality effects:

  • +2 to Attack and Damage with Weapons
  • +2 to AC and all Saves
  • +30ft to all Move Speeds

These last for 1 minute. If you take damage from a failed save or getting hit by an attack roll, it ends 1 round after that instead.

Limitations: Doesn't work in an anit-magic field and can be dispelled (CL 41, MSD 26). You can only have 1 Latent Heal at a time, from anyone. The secondary Free-Action heal only cures HP (the main Swift Action heal has all the other riders), and must be used before the main Swift Action heal or be lost.

Condition Removal

Anthei can remove the following conditions:

  • Restore Mind: Dazed, Confused, Shaken, Frightened, Panicked, Staggered, Loss of Senses (Blindness, Deafness, loss of Tremorsense, etc), cure 1d4 Sanity damage
  • Restore Body: Fatigued, Exhaused, Sickened, Nauseated, Battered, and attempts an MSB check against the DC of any Poisons and Diseases to remove them
  • Restore Capacity: Stunned, reduction of Movement Speed, loss of Speech, Escape Artist check at +40 against anything that allows it (Entangle, Grapple, etc), MSB check against MSD of any Paralysis effect
  • Restore Soul: Ability Damage from all ability scores, Ability Drain from one ability score, Temporary Negative Levels
  • Break Enchantment: All negative effects with a duration (including Permanent), MSB vs MSD. Counts as Break Enchantment and Remove Curse, and can remove Instantaneous effects that require them, but not other Instantaneous effects.
  • Make Whole: Any effect that requires Miracle/Wish to remove, all Permanent Negative Levels, Regenerate broken bones, ruined organs, and missing body parts (instant if body parts are re-attached, otherwise 2d10 rounds)

If an MSB check is required, use 2d20+15 keep highest. One check per use can be made vs DC 20 instead of the normal DC. All conditions from a single point are removed simultaneously.

Price: 100 gp for any one


Anthei can revive the dead. She'll revive whoever is brought to her, with no negative levels and curing everything she's capable of - see the Condition Removal section above. (Doesn't work on undead and constructs.)

If the body has been lost or the creature died more than 300 years ago, resurrection is still possible but more expensive. No part of the body is needed, only that you can identify who needs to be revived. This works as Wish/Miracle, and can revive anyone (including Outsiders) no matter how long they've been dead for.

If the person has died of old age within the last year, Anthei can revive them as a young adult, as the Cyclic Reincarnation spell. Remains are required for this, but the body does not need to be intact.

If you think you might need to be resurrected in the future, simply let Anthei know and she'll take care of it. No extra cost for this, you only pay if you actually need to be revived.

Price: 2000 gp for a basic revive, or 5000 gp for a Supreme Resurrection/Wish/Miracle/Cyclic Reincarnation

Temporary Buffs

Anthei can provide several buffs before an adventure:

  • Revitalize: Gain Fast Healing 5. Lasts for 24 hours or until it's healed 2000 hp. Price: 100 gp
  • Transfiguration: Gain +100 Max HP. If you have less than 100 max hp, instead double your max hp. Gain Poison and Disease immunity. Lasts 24 hours or until you fall below 0 HP. Price: 200 gp
  • Invigorate: Gain 50 Temporary Hit Points. Lasts 24 hours or until used up. Price: 50 gp


(TODO: Add details)

Halkiir's Haven

Lorem ipsum (Key notes: Redcaps, pool, Behir)

Shadow of Time

Lorem ipsum (Key notes: seal w 3 uses, teleport tattoo)

Mansion of DOOM

Lorem ipsum (Key notes: Bee, Mayo)

Fey Ball

Lorem ipsum (Key notes: Shadow giant invitation, prince not dead, fey at guild)

Champion of War

Lorem ipsum (Key notes: Paladins, army, Houndmaster Armada)

Artifacts under Sarent

Lorem ipsum (Key notes: desert, cult, ritual, giant monster)