Arwen Yorrick

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A half-elven woman born to parents in a smaller barony of the lands of Siacros, just outside of the Holy Kingdom of Sarent. Arwen is the daughter of an elven father, who served as one of the militant paladins of Sarenrae, and a human mother, who's occupation was that of a medic in service to Immonhiel as a healer and medic. Raised to respect both divinity and the natural world, Arwen trained in the arts of a druid, but was also gifted--and cursed--at birth with the powers of an oracle. Though her life would be difficult because of this, she was raised in a good home, and taught well.

Eventually, her mother passed of old age, and Arwen was left with just herself and her father, though he had barely aged at all in her life. Having grown into adulthood, Arwen eventually began to research and pursue the ancestral lineage of her father, who had often said that they descended from a tribe of elves relatively close to the Holy Kingdom.

This quest for her heritage eventually led her to gathering like-minded people, and setting out on a pilgrimage into the woodland forests to find said home. Now, having done so, Arwen and her people have begun the tedious task of uncovering the ancient runs, and learning what exactly had led to their fall into ruin, and how, if at all, could their former glory be restored.


Early Life

Arwen's life was one of comfort and safety, as both of her parents were in the upper class of the place they called home. The Barony of Halthstead was a rather prestigious space, rich from the local quarry that had access to rare minerals, as well as a steady export of lumber from the abundant forests that grew around them. Great livestock and fertile soil meant that agriculture and such was central to them. With her father serving as one of the military officers of the Barony, and her mother working as one of the more well-respected medics, Arwen's life was quite privileged, having been raised in wealth and luxury for much of it.

This also afford her the chances to study under the renowned Druids that the Barony employed, responsible for much of the positive growth and booming success of the natural land. The Druid circle called themselves The Green Stewards, as they were Green Faith Druids. Arwen became one of the Green Faith Initiates, inducted into the philosophical belief. Trained under their watchful eyes, she became a relatively powerful druid in her own right, growing into her gifts of magic.

Given that the Barony was ruled by a family of elves, it was rather unique in that leadership didn't pass or exchange much as it might in a more human settlement. For Arwen, it wasn't uncommon to find other half-elves, humans, or elves in the settlement, as some humans would spend their lives in the countryside to get away from the bustling expansion of the nearby Kingdoms. Further still, some were drawn to the power of the elves and their druids, particularly those who shared similar Green Faith practices, and were blessed with extended life in kind.

Arwen grew up to be a rather skilled and beautiful individual, who embraced her human and elven heritages alike. With the passing of her mother, Arwen felt her human qualities start to slowly slip from her, like sand falling through a sift. The more she spent researching and delving into the history of her ancestry, the closer she felt to her elven blood, beckoning her towards a more extended lifespan.

It wasn't until recently that Arwen had been mantled with quite a few titles of prominent note. She had been named Feyspeaker after handling a diplomatic situation between local dryads and some lumberjacks, negotiating a fair and balanced exchange of lumber and offerings for both parties. She was also given the title of Spirit Guide, after successfully communing with the land and calling forth one of her elven ancestors, who now sought to guide her to the fabled home of her family's past. Her third and final title was Ancient Lorekeeper, given to her by the Halthstead Lord, who praised her for her ability to connect and uncover the histories of their past.

With the blessings and backings of the Barony, Arwen had set forth into the woodland realms with a pilgrimage of fellow elves, hoping to discover and restore the former glory of the forgotten realm, so that once more her kith and kin could live as they did in the days of eld.

Adventuring days

Currently, Arwen sits at the base of a grove, working with sages and archeologists to uncover the truths about her past. Excavating relics of old and studying long-forgotten elven structures and scripts was a daunting task, as slow and patient as ever. Further still, the mountain that they had come to reside under seemed to be under a dark and terrible curse, so while explorations at the base were easy enough, Arwen had to bide her time until her people could field a sizeable army to attempt and reclaim the mountain.


Arwen is 5'3 in height, weighing only 125lbs, with a lithe build denoting her elven lineage. Her hair falls to her waist, and is often left to hang freely, styled so that shorter strands remain within the front, framing her face, while the longer hairs fall down her backside. She wears only one jewelry of note, a pendant that appears to be carved from mithril and diamond. Her hair is brown-black, and her eyes are a light blue, full of hope and intellect. Overall she is quite beautiful, and youthful in her image. With a lack of scars and blemishes, she has a comely face and a welcoming smile.

In terms of attire, Arwen often dresses in a dark green dress, covering her from shoulders to toe. Over the dress, she wears a heavy cloak, clasped with a jeweled adornment, a green leaf inlaid with silver. When not dressed in this more typical garment, she will don an azure dress with silver embroidery, and wears a magenta cloak that is clasped with a silver butterfly. Overall, her garments are rather elven in nature and quite beautiful. Beyond that, she carries no weapons of note, but she does have the ability to call forth a scimitar of moonfire, channeling the strength of her lunar powers to combat foes that dwell in the darkness.


Arwen's personality is often described as confident, headstrong, and persuasive. When she has her mind set to something, she will often pursue it without regard for rules and regulations. She does what she feels is right and is good, believing that those who are slow to act are slow to condemn, and that such slowness could result in greater harm to the world or the loss of life. Yet despite how often she listens to her heart, Arwen is also intelligent, and understands that there is a time and a place to be swift, and other situations demand patience, caution, and forethought.

Arwen is more diplomatic and sympathetic to short-lived races than her elven kin, as being a half-elf herself, she understands the more hasty and impulsive behavior of humans. Yet, in that sympathy, she also holds them to a higher standard, as she has seen humans and half-elves alike who are capable of making great strides to overcome their inherently mortal perspective, to have a more enlightened wisdom to the world around them.

More than anything, however, Arwen favors those who live their lives in pursuit of virtues. Justice, honor, charity, compassion, ideals such as these are what matter most to Arwen, and so long as someone has a good heart, a sound mind, and a helpful spirit, she is willing to overlook what many might believe about them due to what they are, and instead chooses to judge and accept (or reject) them based on who they are.


Arwen draws strength from two forms of magic, the path of a druid and the path of an oracle. In addition to these two paths, Arwen has begun to pursue that of a Stargazer, in reverence to the empyreal lord Pulura, who's ancient craft of connecting to the constellations helped bring light to darkness, and combat vile evils, the worst of them being demons from the Abyss.

As an oracle, Arwen has a strong connection to the moon, drawing from the lunar mysteries. Yet she also has a guiding spirit that imparts to her knowledge and wisdom from over the ages, as well as a sense of duty connecting her to the ancient manuscripts and knowledge that elven lorekeepeers have kept over the passages of time.

As a druid, Arwen has an affinity for the fey, her force of will and personality more influential to her craft than the typical mysticism of a druid. Coupled with her initiation into the Green Faith, Arwen has a strong appreciation for the natural world, and a strong connection to it.

An ability more unique to her, however, is the ability to call forth her moonlight scimitar, which is empowered by her essence to be a danger to foes, and a beacon of light and hope to her allies.