Tecinyas Elanthros

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Tecinyas Elanthros, a once egotistical mage, who creates his own magics through a mixture of the fundamentals of the Arcane and his own scientific theorems which lack any real evidence or logic to them. He has performed as a mercenary for many peoples, from The Nation of Aetveris to Kandra, and has also performed considerable feats for his own self, such as forging Tir-Kyethilos.


On the continent of Etera, there are many a wizards and sorcerers, but some, instead of using standard sciences or tradition, simply make up their own techniques and ideas. One of these is the self-confident Tecinyas Elanthros, who's self-loathing is hidden with a grandiose show of his self-confidence.

In his youth he was a quiet and timid young man, constantly reading of tales and even watching magicians of all sorts practice their techniques and their grand effects, He attempted to try and perform spells like these people, but to no effect, for his spells were simply made up and had no arcane magical power infused in them or any proper components. This caused great disappointment in himself, which still festers to this day, thinking his own magics to not be true arcane prowess, but simply made up nonsense.

Later on, when he grew to become a man of the age of 118, he quickly found a partner by the name of Vyianris Palyinthel, who ends up being the straw which broke the camels back, the creator of his egotistical view of himself.

Viyanris was a demanding man, constantly asking of him and demeaning him in an attempt to keep control, but he did teach him the fundamentals of arcane magic, which he now views as petty magic, despite it making up his spells in their entirety. This however, was very shortly lived, for something within him from the combination of this and his previous disappointment caused him to have a minor snap. He sent him away in a furious shout, and grew incredibly egotistical to cover up the damage to his confidence that he had sustained, his ego empowering a simple staff he made of silver and gold to have incredible power, enough to allow for his magical nonsense to function.

Quickly, he began to write his own spells and create his own style of casting called Chygaish, a very gaudy style based on ones name and having plentiful options, just like he always wished he could do, Shortly after he began this writing, he heard of something, apparently there being a 'God-Rise' of some sort to counteract the God-Fall, with these deities causing cracks in the sky and halting their prayer answering. This infuriated him, and combined with his strong ego, he decided in ironic fashion that no God is worth his time, for they simply think of themselves above their worshipers.

And so he decided to head to the Adventuring Guild for the sole purpose of attempting to improve his arcane might, and maybe, just maybe, he be able to use this magickery to be able to show one of these transgressing deities what a true defiance of the rules of reality looks like, in the form of pure raw eclectic arcana.

Later on, during a 12 year era of mostly piece which came after the defeat of the 5th Horseman, in the mist of many small jobs and requests, he found a large and grand looking tome, just sitting about. It appeared to have never been there before, as it was simply on his nightstand, but it felt like it was always there in equal parts. Not one to ponder too long, he took up the dusty book and began reading. It was filled with great horror, but also great knowledge, enough so that while he grew stronger, his eyes forcibly shut down as to not continue reading so he would avoid the worst of it, but his mind's eye was awoken to compensate.

Recently, he has joined up with the country of Kandra in order to fight off the encroaching Thii threat. He also found a man by the name of Illarion Myldreyth, whom he has recently become partners with.

After a difficult trial of both physical and emotional challenge, he forged the blade Tir-Kyethilos with the assistance of 9 other well practiced mages, and more importantly grew away from the ego that he once held on so dearly, learning humility and self-love in the process.

Years after this, with the assistance of Delvar Starbreaker and Elijah Autumnfire, he begun raising and teaching a forged being, alongside Illarion, who he has named Xalinthindrel Elanthros. However, due to the forged son's lack of versatility in magics, he was unwilling to further teach him the theorem of Chygaish, which, alongside other factors, led to Xalinthindrel running away before even a month had past, unable to be found by the two.


Tecinyas Elanthros is a near stereotypical elf, tall but skinny, with medium length dark blonde hair with jewelry placed about it, and his eyes of pure blue without any other colour. He also has a large silver band across his head with a lavish looking Citrine in the center. He wears long and gaudy robes of bright white, with accentuating blues all across this large set of clothes. He grips tightly to a large stave, made of fine metals like silver and gold, with the head being a hand gripping a small crescent moon, and in addition to this stave his other hand is holding a rather impractical looking sword, also made of these materials and with a rather thin blade head, that looks as if it would shatter upon usage.


Tecinyas Elanthros was once an insecure man, hidden with a veil of narcissism. His hatred of self used to be hidden with a grand towering ego, but he has learned of his mistakes in recent times and has grown quite humble. He still holds a moral view of the world, keeping his differences put aside when the unjust attempts to overpower the righteous. He also is not a very perceptive man, only giving a cursory glance to a fair amount of the world around him beyond what he may read about.

In his heart is also a deep hatred for Divine beings, believing them easily willing to throw away mortal life just to save themselves, as is starting to be shown with the God-Rise. This anger is held slightly even against the new deities of Chronus, who he is not enraged at, but is uncharacteristically cautious around, feeling that if it came down to it, they would do the same.


Tecinyas Elanthros is most notable for his style of magic, which he calls "Chygaish", which is a fusion of a supposed "23 Forces" law and raw willpower to form spells that are completely unique to him, that require him to be present to even function on a conceptual or magical level. This system of magic of his is heavily devoted to, so much so that he is in fact partially made of this made-up essence, where he can manipulate magic to a greater degree, and also allows for blows to fade through his magical form.

A list of his spells can be found below,

  • Tecinyas's Unmaking: The young eccentric wizard occasionally wishes for his foes to cease existence, and so attempts to unravel their very being for all to see, putting in great effort to ensure their non-existence so that only the strongest of minds can prevent their unraveling.
  • Elanthros's Wide Spanning Mind-Storm: Tecinyas’s brainstorming is infused with arcane power, causing a storm and sudden realizations of any current magical enhancements, before he decides to give his own, parting some of this epiphany onto allies
  • Mighty Rain of Tecinyas: In a great sheet of water, Tecinyas calls down a mighty torrent to assault foes, occasionally directing large groups of water at foes in an attempt to crush them with the sheer mass of water created in such a small location.
  • Tecinyas's Law of Selective Conductivity: In a flash, a bolt of lighting hits the target, causing them to be naturally conductive to electricity.  Just as this is happening, Tecinyas is beckoning the sky for a torrent of thunder to rain down.
  • Elanthros's Chygaishic Bloodstorm: Suddenly, in a bloody spiral of blue and red comes forth a large tornado, of equal part arcane power and of terrible viscera, assaulting foes with the power of both his magical prowess, and the bludgeoning force of a large quantity of blood.
  • Scorching Well of Tecinyas: Cruelly, a small area begins to scald with an unnatural heat, and starts dragging people towards it, attempting to drain the hydration from whoever it can get its burning winds upon.
  • Elanthrosian Power Return: What once was from the Earth shall return, as Tecinyas causes roots and grass to entangle foes and drain their magical power into the ground, with small bits of magical energy transferring to him.
  • Tecinyas's Overpowering Sight: Despite having lost standard vision, Tecinyas Elanthros has an amazing sight for magic, and scouts out for any magical trickery and overpowers it, either causing a blinding sign to appear proving it is not reality, or replacing it with his own devious imagery.
  • Temporal Wormhole of Tecinyas: A large duo of cracks in time appear, vacuuming anyone nearby to it. One of these wormholes fastens a target’s view of time, including the speed at which they bleed out at. The other slows down a target’s view of time, causing even mortal wounds to follow suit and drain as much as a minor paper cut.
  • The Cold Grasp of Tecinyas's Dusk: Suddenly, a huge amount of darkness appears, but it is not just standard darkness. The area of blackout is freezing cold like death due to the heat removed from the area, and freezes over those inside with a deadly frost.
  • Sticks to Elanthrosian Snakes: After a lengthy ritual, Tecinyas turns a bundle of sticks into deadly snakes, which lack venom but do not lack in raw magical essence, exploding upon impact with a target.
  • Tecinyas's Venge-Wood Beatdown: Tecinyas calls upon nature itself, but not just any form of it, the angry and defeated parts, rolled over by industry, to release their rage in a brutal smashing. They slash legs and smash up foes in horrific and brutal fashion, causing mortal bleeding and severe exhaustion from their raw strength.
  • Chygaishic Revitalization of Tecinyas: In a quick wave of the hand, suddenly wounds close right before the wounded’s very eyes, but before they are fully closed, a little bit of Chygaish seeps in, either draining the magical power, or increasing it from the wounded targets
  • Empowering Ward of Elanthrosian Battle: Tecinyas elects an ally to be perfectly prepared for battle, granting them a ward which shields from the bane of the spearman, the arrow, and also speeds them up so they can reach the battle and begin their slaughter with enhanced reflexes and a grand shield against bow fire and magic stones alike.
  • Tecinyas's Deadly Shrapnel: Suddenly, an object once considered safe spontaneously explodes, one piece of shrapnel in particular launching at a foe and slicing them, surprising those who have not seen and don’t expect shrapnel to cause so much bleeding.
  • Elanthrosian Supernova: In a grand flashy display of arcane power, Tecinyas creates an incredibly tiny “star” which then detonates into a large explosion of fire, in such a bright manner that those who suffer from the sun feel as if they were looking directly at it as a flash of incredibly bright light explodes outward from the detonating energy.
  • Non-Euclidean Spectre: Suddenly a portal opens underneath the magister, dragging him inside and leaving only a spectral silhouette of him where he once stood. He then floats about, well protected from even the answers to an incorporeal threat, before eventually returning to where his body once was, and having one final spatial modification applied to him.
  • Elanthrosian Power Sphere: The wizard steals a portion of a target's magical capability, storing it away to either regain his own magical reserves, or to steal the direct magical capabilities from them. He also occasionally decides to combine differing magical spheres in order to create ways to tap into more power than before, and to truly steal the greatest of techniques.
  • The Comet of Elanthros: In a long casting procedure, the desperate arcanist pulls a comet from the sky and throws it at his foes, decimating them and the land around them, if it does end up coming in time, or in the right place. For this is a difficult and finicky spell, but one of incredible might.
  • Marching Combustion of Tecinyas: In a flash of flame, a gigantic wall of inferno appears in front of the wizard. He then slowly pushes it forward to create a moving barrier which burns so hot that it hurts to even move after coming in contact with it’s fiery power.
  • Become Missile: A deafening explosion bellows out, as the floating wizard shoots himself upwards with incredible speed, now floating higher than he could ever imagine, raining hell upon his foes from the safety of the sky.
  • Tecinyas's Indomitable Geyser: From the ground rises a mighty geyser, lifting those unfortunate enough to be near it onto the top of it, where they can watch their allies helplessly slip across incredibly slick water. Those who try to run through it find their sprint halted, no matter how powerful they may be against concentrated water.
  • Elanthrosian Shade Mutiny: What once was but their shadow, soon becomes a nightmare, as it attempts to rip apart its master. It uses cheap tactics and attempts to gouge, smash, and drag their original creature into their demise.
  • Tecinyas's Law of Consuming Gold: With this incantation, the mage slowly begins to turn a foe into pure, solid, gold. They begin slowing down as more of their internal and external structures are gilded in arcane gold, eventually leaving them to remain within the statue, forever.
  • Tecinyas's Law of Flexible Matter: The wizard begins to modify and bend even matter itself, easily turning air into white hot plasma, and mud into stone with just a single incantation.
  • Tecinyas's Barrier of True Chygaish: In a split second, either a singular powerful barrier, or a series of layered barriers appears around the caster, protecting them from all traditional damage, even that which could shatter steel and stone alike.
  • Story in Pages: Grabbing a tome, the magi begins to rapidly go through pages. Instead of seeing a campy story, however, he learns the past of a person who last owned it as it spins open and divulges what they had done in a digestible picture based format.
  • The Fae-Innerconsciousness: Tapping upon the natural connection elves have to the Fae, the arcanist opens a mental link to allow telepathic communication between allies accompanied by laughing of the Fae he asks to assist, in addition to letting allies have an expanded knowledge on the First World’s populace of Fae.
  • Elanthrosian Omni-Discharge: The magus flips a switch within a target's mind, and begins to exert an extreme command on all of the target’s systems to try and force out as much of the target as it can through bodily discharge.