Serule of House Graves

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Physical Description 

Serule is a sadly short kitsune, due to a minor genetic disorder from his infernal blood rushing their his veins which has caused him to be shorter than the average of his race .other from that his features resembled that of his race, being agile and quick, due to a much lighter frame compared to the more combative races. from his physical appearance the most obvious signs are the bright red hair and his Crimson eyes which most can identify from a distance, he often prefers to wear bright red clothes to stand out among the crowd. A tattooed upon his forehead is the symbol of Irori  

Scion of Hell Form

Burning deep inside of him lives the infernal blood that was ong implant into his family by a corrupted deal .this manifestation of evil that has been curse upon him since his birth. Serule has gained limited control of the transformation and normally employs it during combat when Serule takes on this hellish form. the form is depicted as Serule gained a bronze color to his skin. the very color in his eye fading to a black and having a blood-red glow to them to symbolize the traces of hell that flows through him, sprouting from his forehead is a pair of horns that symbolized the devil inside of him his once luxurious fluffy kitsune tail becomes that of a finished devil slashing about with a wicked grace. Lastly a pair of black and red wings with hellish runes. Of course, this form does not Reflect his good nature instead most would take it as a symbol of what he's trying to fight against he is using this hellish form to act out the goodness and the law of the land ...who knows what will be told in the future will he become a divine being of the light or will this hellish form be a precursor to what he will become. 

Outcast from Home

Serule has always talked about his family and how they have followed the path of evil for thousands of years serving under the rulership of hell, this has led him to become a strain with them, and eventually, they would excommunicate him forever. with no place to return he would begin to wander until he would eventually discover a monastery to the master of Masters…a place of peace that would allow him to finally come to terms and accept a new path for himself, abandoning the old ways of his hellish raising to be trained to be a warrior of perfection to understand what it means to fight for those who cannot and for those who are unable to.

He grew up among a family who followed Devils and so his education and teachings were that the strong prevailed while the weak serve those who are better than them . yet deep down he always thought there was a different path where everyone could finally come to terms with their own pass and reaching forward to the betterment in the Enlightenment they would sneak this was the place you would find it and would begin his journey when he would be given the title of paladin. 

Fate Between Two realms

For some time he will be trained under these individuals at the monastery who have training in the arts and martial arts and swordsmanship, refine his skills to make sure he would be able to use them when the time came .once they believed he was worthy enough they allowed him to leave and to venture forth out into the world to create his own destiny…the only thing left is for fate to decide for him but in the end-all , his story will be The leading factor for others to reach enlightenment.   

Serule's Oath

Way of the Magi: Follow enlightenment by the way of the spell blade, for it can lead to my purity .

Life of the Feyborn: I will uphold my honor but that don't mean i Ian't enjoy the pleasures of the world, but i Iust never lose myself too t.

Trace the Path: All sinners shall be punished according to the weight of their souls. I shall help those in need, so they can be judge without fault 

Judge the Wicked not the sin: Nobody is all wicked, and nobody is all good; I will weigh my opinions of others based off of their actions, not their reputation or words.

The Wise Master: A lost soul is to be pitied. I will bring lost souls to peace; whether they are spirits that cannot leave our world, orphans in need of nurturing, or those in danger of throwing their hearts out of balance with enlightenment. I will help shepherd them to their destiny.

By any means necessary: I will uphold my inner light, but if i must do wrong, I will do it for the greater good

Motto for House Graves

My word is my bond, my bond is law, the law is my life, and my life is my family, for I am one of the Graves, For the Seeker of Knowledge and the Warden