Grimoire of The Putrid One

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List of New Diseases:

Mythic Plagued Taint

Type contact; Fortitude Save DC 32

Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day

Effect 1d10 Con and 1d10 Wis

Cure 3 consecutive saves

Those exposed to the otherwordly corruption of this fel creature must make a DC 32 Fortitude save once per day or become infected. Those reduced to 0 Wisdom are driven mad by psychotic nightmares they are subjected to as their tainted parts rot. Those reduced to 0 Constitution perish, their bodies rotting from the inside out and dissolving within 24 hours into liquid chaos. Creatures that do not need to breathe gain a +2 bonus on saves made to resist, but any creature eating or drinking anything with this corruptive within it must save immediately and suffers a –5 penalty unless purify food and drink is first used, or some similar spell/sphere effect. This is a mythic-tier disease.

Vidiian Phage

Type contact or ingestion ; Fortitude Save DC 20

Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/hour

Effect 1d6 Cha and 1d6 Con.

Cure 2 consecutive saves

Originating from within a Vidiian lab, this disease devolves the race of the individual, should they reach 0 in either stat, the race of the individual, as an instantaneous effect, loses the traits and physical stat bonuses they would lose as if Reincarnation, while maintaining their race, adding the (Devolved) descriptor next to their race. This can be cured later, by reincarnating them into their original race.

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