Xalia Enitrus

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Xalia Enitrus

Xalia is a strong bodied Gladiator who's been roaming the world for a long while now trying to find her place and make her name, she gets lost easy and can't read and can barely write but she's hoping people forgive some of her incompetance.


Xalia is a, strange and not all too remarkable individual, she can't recall where she was born or even who her parents are!, She has assumed she was basically born to the arena, the pit. The Colosseum. Ever since she was a young girl she's always been training and fighting, she had her first arena match when she was but 6. it wasn't anything spectacular but it was meant to be a cleanup match. Against a fully grown wolf, the intent was to be rid of the troublesome brat living in the barracks, but when this "brat" killed the wolf with her bare hands it spurred something, an interest in people, They wanted to see where this girl went after that point. Skip ahead just six additional years and she's built a name, the teenage gladiator who revels in victory, match after match she struck down her opponents whether they be beast or man, and when there's a team event her allies would always know she shoulders their wills and leads them in to victory. Skip ahead much further, she's in her mid thirties, her form is flawless, her style is set and her sword from when she was a bab is still sharp. She had her final match, a 4 on one against men whom used to call her a friend and a teammate. It wasn't pleasant, it was a brutal hour long endeavor in fact, none of them liked the circumstances but it was fight and die or don't fight and die. Victor get's freedom. slashes, coordinated strikes. harsh maneuvering to pin her down. Xalia was unwavered, she didn't like it but one by one her friends fell before her and she stood victorious..a phyrric victory really. She left shortly thereafter and started wandering, her name is still mildly known for her prowess, the arena still calls and she will answer but never again will she cow to a demand to kill her allies....though she's been wandering for almost a decade now. lost, searching for cities.


Xalia is brash and rambunctious, she has a kind heart and a more masculine tone to her mannerisms, she'll make sure everyone's safe while shes at the front or she'll die trying.

Friends or acquaintances

Nikitia Lifetouch: First person she met here actually, she met the bunny aasimar out in the forest when she was lost looking for the city, she had a pretty nice conversation and learned a bit about what to expect around.

Shakala: One of the Three individuals who went into the library with her, one of the few people she actually trusts right now. Might be an angry lizard but he isn't unreasonable.

Smerk: Another of the three, he's a big reptile guy who helped everyone find sanction after the events.

Yoki: Kind of an edgy guy with a weird stick, he's one of the trusted ones though..sorta, he's compromised right now though.

Do you remember us?

"This right here is what crossed the line, it was odd enough already..some guy just grabbed onto my arm and told me that for some reason..some reason, buildings were propping up, city officials. major figures, friends family that didn't exist...started existing, had to go to a library to check some records, didn't seem too hard. there was a doorman who just, fell into himself, he wasn't real. the greeter and sign in table, he wasn't real..I think, he turned into a monster and attacked us...the inside of the library was full of these monstrosities and a single scared to shit wererat who we got out of there, Didn't like it. just being in there, the nagging at the back of my head. we got swarmed smerk almost died cause of it, he crushed a child as far as he thought. simple day i thought, monsters but people were arguing that they knew these things, it didn't make sense. for a bit i had a long time rival named becky, but she isn't real. Never was, we left in a hurry but...how long has the library really been here? am I even real, are you? the niggling at the back of my mind isn't good. going to a haven with the group. Do me a favor if you're real, please. Remember us."