Tesha Talosan

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In her human form, Tesha is an average sized thin woman, with snow white skin and hair of the same color. Her hazel eyes confirms that she is clearly not albino, nor any kind of dhampir. She usually wears an armor decorated with motives of leafs and prowling animals, and arbors an air of tranquil majesty, sometimes ponctuated by her eyes shifting to the majestic fully purple of her draconic form. She wields one or two lances, usually from the back of Belerophon, her horse of seemingly variable proportions.

In her draconic form, Tesha is a huge dragon with pale metallic blue-grey featherlike scales, claws and fang with a slight mithral like color, her brow decorated with crown like horns of majestic mithral. Her eyes are then fully majestic purple, and she still wields one or two lances. If she rides Belerophon in this form, it becomes a fantastic vision, as the eight legged horse stays big enough to carry her.


With no memory at all of the first 15 years of her life, Tesha has been made into a holy warrior by her mentor, Samiel. Her first memory is of her death at the hands of an Assyrian raiding party, and Samiel arriving right before her dying breath to give her the dark embrace.

After that, now the first salubri warrior to be embraced and not changed from a healer to a warrior, she trained, first to strengthen her mind and moral sense, then to strengthen her body, to face against the demons and Baalis.

The Baali wars :

Tesha took part in all three :

-during the first, she was but a trainee, clearly gifted, but learning. This war became her training, her baptism of fire.

-during the second, Samiel had made her into one of his lieutenant, and she proved to be a capable leader. She feels like she lost something that had been precious to her during that war, but her memories are fuzzy.

-as the third war started, Samiel was destroyed, forcing her into leadership. She did manage to vanquish the baalis again, but the backlash send her into torpor for a few centuries.

Rome & Cartago :

When the cainite utopia started in Cartago, Tesha went there to try to limit the cainites preying on mortals. She took part in the negotiations, ensuring some warriors would be helping the Judges there, but didn't stay. Instead, she traveled around, hunting remnants of Baalis.

Saulot's destruction :

A few centuries before Saulot's destruction, Tesha joined the new cainite tendency going from her former path, the one of holy warrior, to the one of chivalry. She heard about an order of knights gathering somewhere in Scotland, helping cainites struggling with their condition, and seek their company. She joined them and, after a few decades, received the Grail's embrace. Only a few years later happened the biggest cainite event of the millenia, the destruction of Saulot, the one that embraced Samiel.

This event plunged the whole salubri clan into disarray, most of the eldest, Tesha included, fell into a torpor. For Tesha, it was a short one, and for a time she acted vengeance on the butchers of her grandfather, until the Order called her back, sending her on a new mission. On the way there, she met resurgences of ancient gods, and transcended her blood, becoming potent enough to replace Saulot as head of her clan, initiating a new golden age for them.

A new clan :

With the help of her infants, she set up new conditions for the renewal of her clan. She offered asylum to a variety of estranged bloodlines, inclusing the Ahrimanes, the Lamiahs, and the Liannans, her lands having a clear rule of freedom of cult.

Arrival on Chronus :

Until she got a new calling. Her clan was doing well, and her infants knew how to act in her absence, so she accepted, being sent to Etera, but it seems this world, Chronus, couldn't really understand her power, turning her into a very young mithral dragon, and giving her parts of the knowledge she was supposed to have.

Sunken Island Country :

As she arrived, in a country she barely knew, her own memories adjusting weirdly to the place to give her a semblance of understanding, and adjusting to a body that is living again, with a power both similar and alien to what she wielded earlier, the first serious case that got her attention was a island, recently risen out of the sea, with a strange barrier that seemed to only lock the one wielding the most power out of it.

Surprised to be able to enter, she didn't immediately delved in. Instead, she went for study and preparation, delving through the various research material that were available to her on this world.

For that purpose, she visited various libraries, and met a few other "adventurers" there. Some were quite peculiar, including a few dragons, some kobolds, and quite a few odd wizards. Lacking knowledge on a few of the important matters related to the island, with their help she managed to learn quite a few important things.

One of those new elements is the access to a dreamscape in the form of an antique library, visited by dragons and other scaled creatures, mostly from the foundation of it during the rule of an empire lost to time.

Preliminary studies have shown that this empire was indeed somewhat related to the island, and seeking further information, it became clear that the more precise data was warded by the creator of the place, an antique dragon, far older than whatever we were thinking possible, sleeping since aeons in it to ensure the knowledge of this past empire would survive the passage of time, with the added revelation that the island should be protecting the lasts of the dragon's descendants.

Given her lack of knowledge on Chronus and Etera, Tesha kept reading through diverse books, hoping to extend her views, letting the best researchers delve into the details of subjects she wasn't knowledgeable about.

After one week of research and compiling, she went to the island with 2 other adventurers, Niko and Ellie, but despite her considerable battle prowess, she was sent into torpor while protecting them, brought then back outside by other adventurers.

During the following week, she started exploring what she could access of the island, getting used to its climate while relying on others for the cartography.

The Shieldwall Blitz : Reconstruction

Busy with other urgent matters, Tesha missed the battle. In honor of the fallen soldiers of Alzhak Reger, she helps the reconstruction of the fortress and setting up a proper memorial.

To do the first, given she has close to no architectical knowledge, she uses her considerable strength and size to carry the necessary stone from one point to another, as well as maintaining it in place as indicated.

When she proves to also be bothersome with her size, she helps the wounded, using her knowledge of rituals to set up proper healing rituals, her anatomic knowledge proving quite useful. When exposed with harder to remove curses, she draws the effects to herself before cancelling them.

As the reconstruction efforts proves to be quite the strain on the ressources, Tesha opens her own black book of "hidden anecdotes", using carefully veiled threats and secretive informations to give the nearby noble families ample motivation to help. Her position as spymistress sure does provides her with ways to get the message across without being directly linked to the missives.

Given that the memorial is, in her mind, the most important part, as the reconstruction advances, she covers the walls with paintings, some telling the story of the battle, other showing the faces of the lost, their names, and their legacy. Once the main hall is finished, it looks like the fallen are gathered with the living in it, cheering them as they prepare.