Cathran Lorekeeper

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She was raised by her maternal aunt and uncle as her father didn't want anything to do with her after her mother died in childbirth because it would only remind him of the tragedy that had befallen his family and the woman that he had loved. From the time that she could walk and talk she was taught that Knowledge is Power and her aunt and uncle pursued her education accordingly, Cathran taking the lesson to heart. Her aunt and uncle were well enough off so they would hire sages that were pretty proficient in their fields of expertise to teach her about their sphere of knowledge.

Cathran never held her tongue when it came to asking questions and focused on her studies intensely. As her father had disowned her she had no surname for a long time, until she became old enough that she could choose one for herself at the age of 16 years old. When she did she chose the Lorekeeper as that was the nickname that people had given her when she was growing up because she was always learning about anything she could and retained pretty much all of it, spouting off random facts occasionally to whoever would listen to her tangents. It also represents her endless appetite for information about the world around her.

She had a wide breadth of knowledge before she even set out to adventure a decade and a half ago. She has just expanded her range of knowledge since then. Her adventuring career had brought her into interactions with a lot of influential figures, it is somewhat nebulous as to how and when her divinity started to be expressed. She has since then grown immensely in power.

Notable events she has participated in are

  • Helping craft the weapon that ended the fifth horseman
  • Fight against several entities that have threatened the Planet since then
  • She helped set up and get the Embassy of the Gods running in Babel.
  • She most recently has been helping with fighting back the Thii in Kandra.
  • She has also helped deal with an entity that is known as D.R.E.K.I and rid him from the City of Brass when he had attempted to ascend into a state of Godhood, her and comrades having been able to foil his plans for the time being, despite him still being about in the world at large.

People in Aetveris may recall the Trial that King Cormick had done to make an example out of her during, she had tried to rebel against the authority of the Court and ignore the punishment that she was given for destruction of property owned by a Mr. Jack Urnov, and her subsequent banning from the Lambert District after she would finish her sentance.


She is very blatant about what she thinks and doesn't bite her tongue almost ever, she thinks that if she did so it would make her less genuine and would rob her of some of her credibility as a person. She also believes in a code of conduct when it comes to combat, this code that she follows is that she will never attack a person/creature that is unaware of her, she believes that attacking something that is not clearly attacking you back doesn't allow for them to change their actions and/or makes you a coward if you must attack when they are unaware of your presence.

Her presence is overwhelming for most people at this point in her life, she doesn't bite her tongue unless it is absolutely necessary and is completely willing to speak her mind, no matter how controversial her opinions may be. This has caused her issues in the past.


  • She has diplomatic relations with The Architect, the entity that runs The City of Brass.
  • She has taught at Mirrandrar for nigh a decade now, teaching in Divination and Alchemical studies there.
  • She is the focus of a Church of Scholars and other Intellectually focused individuals, due to her demigoddess status in the world. She has the Domains of Magic, Knowledge, Runes, and Travel as her major Domains that she provides and those who worship her find refuge in.
  • She is a Associate of The Storm Siren, another Demigoddess that resides in the world of Chronus.


She is known for her aspirations for godhood, attempting to become one of the Gods of Chronus. She has achieved much in getting towards this goal, she is aspiring to be the Goddess of Knowledge, Magic, and Alchemy being an expert Mage and Alchemist. She also has grown her Church to a great height, along with her magic and alchemical knowledge being way greater than nearly all mortal mages. She has also been looking into the ruins of of a Civilization of Elves for years now, learning a dead language with no living speakers other than her and a single other Half-Elf that she had taught it to.

Skills & Abilities

Alchemist, She has a nearly unparalleled knowledge of Alchemical Formulaes and knowing their Destructive and Helpful applications. She is a Grandmaster of it, even as she continues to learn more and more about the Alchemical, even as she learns more about the Magical. One day she hopes she can find an application of both, that she may fuse them into one thing.

She is an Incanter, giving her an immense knowledge base of different spheres of magic. She is a Master of Divination, something that aids her in the seeking of knowledge in all it's varied different forms. She has also learned a great amount about the spheres of creation magics, and teleportation magics as well.

She has the power that normal folk speak of in legends, she has a Spark, and it is potent. This power has augmented her existing tendencies and flaws. She radiates legendary power from her, enabling friends and foes alike to be able to sense what her general capabilities are. In combat despite knowing many languages and understanding them during combat, she can speak only Celestial the Tongue of good aligned outsiders primarily, this is a result from when she got said legendary power the power decided to set a limit on her as part of it's safeguards. Her power of Legends has grown her knowledge of the Arcane and Alchemical to great extents as well, as well as giving her the ability to provide spells to those who worship her and fall into her church. She is immensely powerful,

Even her knowledge of the mundane is to extents that any normal person, even studying for years on end could not compare to her knowledge she has amassed due to her dizzying alien levels of intellect.