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Secluded Upbringing

Unlike many who grew up with cities or vibrant towns around them, Pyria grew up in a secluded Elven forest beholded to 'old' ways of living. This meant little interation with the outside world beyond the very rare caravan that was allowed to pass through and a few poachers that needed to be dealt with here and there. Like most, Pyria gew up learning to live off the land and various techniques to bond with it. However, this seclusion simply gave her a dream of exploring the world and even the planes. If there was so much here, why wouldn't there be just as much if not more outside?

At some point things came to a head and Pyria reluctantly left her familial home as she has been formally banished for not undertaking the oaths to stay and protect the forest. Since then she has been wandering around Etera in search for new places to explore and putting her skills to use.

Adventuring Career

Assorted Jobs!

To date, Pyria has help undertake some minor adventuring requests around Babel to help build her name and her reputation. Most notably, she was with the first expedition to Summoner's Island. While it very narrowly didn't end in disaster, the information that was found was invaluable for the next group to succeed.

Side Quests

Sunken Island Country Raid, Initial Warfare

The sun was just rising and the initial raid on the outposts of these death cultists had just begun.  Pyria had made preparations beforehand getting a lay of the land and figuring out the best places to lay in wait and ambush.  A light mist was providing just enough cover in the coral forests to get in close to some wayward patrols.  Taking a position on a solid branch on a coral tree overlooking a well worn path Pyria waits and listens for her prey.  

After a short time she hears the sounds of cultists approaching, hiding as best she can, she takes aim.  The sound from her bow cuts through the morning air and the arrow lands true striking a decisive blow against the first member of the patrol "One down, two to go." She thinks as she nocks another arrow.  As the remaining scouts approach, she makes short work of them from the high ground atop the tree before they can meaningfully reach her.  She takes a few moments to hide the bodies nearby and take anything that seems useful or meaningful.  The last thing she needed was someone coming up from behind once she engaged another group. Following the tracks of the former patrol, she finds a small encampment.  At a glance no more than maybe 10 could have been there at any one time.  Figuring the smart move is to not get in over her head she makes a note on her map of the encampment, gets back a fair distance, ties an oily cloth to an arrow, lights it on fire and shoots it in the direction of the supplies.  Upon seeing some smoke she quickly and discreetly returns to base to report.

Over the next week she repeats this, skirmishing with patrols.  Finding new encampments, causing some trouble and reporting back those locations for larger raid groups to handle.  Ideally with supplies running low, they either retreat and cause additional burdens on the main camp, or continue with whatever they were doing with whatever they have left, making it easier for other groups to come in and handle things.  Either way, being a scout that doesn't leave a trail has it's advantages.   The days that followed were more difficult.  Larger patrols, bigger camps, it seemed like they were determined to not retreat, but the desparation was showing.  With the larger patrols came a shift in tactics.  Sneak behind them and follow the trail back to the camp.  Relay this info and join up with another party to lure the patrol into a trap.  A well placed smoke arrow to get some attention, a quick chase off the beaten path and finally a whistling arrow as a signal.  They never knew what hit them until it was too late.  

The last few days of the raiding, Pyria spent her time scouting the deesea lakes.  She hadn't spent much time there as her weapons aren't as efficient.  Instead of engaging with whatever was down there, she simply swims around looking for trails and camps, marking them down and moving on.   This phase of the raid was coming to a close, now was not the time to take a risk, but instead try to gather more info on what they were up to.  On her final day she scouts out the largest remaining encampment she can find and tries to get a better look at what kinds of other activities they are doing.  Getting a close as possible without getting caught she reports back on all that she finds.

Overall, Pyria felt pretty good about what was accomplished.  The goal was to thin out their support and supplies while gathering more information about what they were up to.  She'd done as much as she was able for her role.  Now it all came down to what else others had found out and managed to accomplish.

Fey Craftsmanship, Monsoons Court

On yet another bright and shining day, Pyria continues here hunt for rare and precious materials to add to the Monsoon Fey Court's project.  Still not entirely sold on their motives, she still feels it's a good idea to help out and both build her reputation as well as help build better relations with the Fey.  She had heard rumors there were some interesting minerals in the Northwestern forests of Siacros and decided to take a look.  

Pyria quickly finds herself jumping from tree to tree to avoid the thick brush below.  While it doesn't really impede her, she found it much more fun to jump through the trees and have a good time while starting to explore the region.  It was around this time she realized she'd probably not recognize a special material all that well, given most of her training was in plants and animals, not precious stones and materials.  No matter, perhaps she'd get lucky and find a bit of both.  After exploring for some time and very narrowly taking a long fall a few times something finally catches her sharp eyes.  A rather large boar down below seems to have a rather strange glow to one of it's tusks.  Curious to see what will happen, she lifts the hood on her cloak and vanishes from sight, deciding to trail the boar to see if it will lead her back to something special.

Hours pass, and nothing to show.  While it did dig up some truffles and scare off some other animals from it's territory, there really wasn't anything special about where it was hanging out.  Just when she was about to head out, it caught her eye again, another boar, this time with both tusks like that, and then several others.  Seems like she was just following the one that had the least coating.  Invigorated by this discovery she quickly leaps to see if she can find the source.  What she found she couldn't quite explain.  There was a gigantic flower seemingly made of quartz before her eyes.  However, there was no doubt it was alive and the boars were somehow getting some sort of crystalline pollen on their tusks.  

Pyria takes a deep breath to assess.  She could either kill a boar or two for some very unique tusks, try to find a way to take the flower... but it seemed too large, or... try to gather some soil and seeds.  She knew some druids after all, they could help grow something like this... right?  Well that may be the least intrusive plan so she decided to go for it.  Once all the boars were asleep, she snuck up and gathered some samples along with as best she could discern were some seeds.  Lastly taking some soil she headed back out of the woods, silently thanking the boars for their contribution in her effort.  Back home, working with some druids she was able to get a several foot tall flower along with it's crystalline pollen to grow.  Not quite the epic one in the forest, but hopefully the Monsoon court could put something like this to use in their craft.

Valley of Music

Pyria dashes through the music filled corridors of vast cave system in search of the Necrodancer's crypt. As she makes her way through sh notices something strange, with every step, she seems to stark skipping to the beat. And with each step, the clang clang and ting ting of her weapons hitting each other in time with the beat that seems to still permeate this whole area. Upon noticing this, she tries to make sure. Being as deliberate as possible, she skips instead of strides, clang, ting in time with the music. She sighs, resigning herself to avoid conflicts with as many creatures as possible. While she did feel pity for these creatures, she couldn't help but feel there must be a way to save them if the adventurers reach the Necrodancer.

Resigning herself to the rhythm, Pyria actively tries to move in time with the beat to attract less attention. Using her superb tracking skills and listening for variations, she manages to avoid most of the deadly encounters that exist down the discordant hallways. While she does run into some monsters and puts her self-proclaimed 'sub-par' dance skills to work, she manages shoot whatever living creatures she meets with a Tangling shot with a blunt arrow from her bow. Limiting the creatures mobility without inflicting lethal damage to it. Allowing her to escape before it can pursue.

'Clang Ting' and 'Tang Cling' can be heard as Pyria skips, leaps and dances deeper into the passageways. Taking a breath to the beat, she looks forward and notices a rather lengthy pit trap. But true to whatever sense this whole music,rhythm things to far, there were a few safe spots as she looked it over. And... One, Two she gracefully leaps to the first couple safes spots. Spinning briefly then once again... Three and Four... Two down, just one leap to go. "And here I go..." with a mighty leap she makes it across without triggering the dangerous trap. After this she takes a moment to write a quick note, attaches it to an arrows and carefully aims so it lands on the other side, so the next person can safely cross without issues.

After traveling even further she hears and senses something different. This place the beat is stronger, the air is heavier, the tracks lead here, straight to the lair of the Necrodancer. Pyria tries her best to silence her equipment from the usual cling clangs that have added to the beat on the way here as she scopes out the area and tries to identify the missing equipment that the Marzipan Man mentioned. She awaited the arrival of the other adventurers here before acting. Occassionally backtracking a bit to help others on a safe route. But she was just biding her time for the confrontation and getting even more used to this weird beat that resonated in this whole area.

Mortal Potential

This time, Pyria found herself in the ghostlands, and this time, she was on lookout duty.  While not in her preferred position, she was holding her own with the main forces this time around fighting the undead hoards directly.  They were still putting her talents to good use, she was to use her better than average senses to relay oncoming groups and other information to appropriate action could be taken.  And take out some of them while she's at it.

Things went roughly as expected, until that one evening shift.  She couldn't believe her eyes, were there really that many zombies?  She checked again, yes a larger hoard that anything she had seen before and they were making a straight path to the camp and they were moving unusually in formation.  Too organized for normal zombies, something was up.  As quickly as possible she rang the alarm and the preparations and battle began.  Something definitely wasn't right, she could sense it but couldn't tell what.  Then it started.   The casters promptly launched their spells, seemingly dropping several in a single blow, Pyria and the rest of the archers following with a volley of arrows to help further thin their ranks before they got too close... but then after a minute, they just got up again, their wounds slowly healing.  All that effort wasted.

As the battle raged on, Pyria switched her ammunition to her trusty noqual swords, hoping their anti undead properties would help ensure these things would stay down while she or someone was able to find a pattern.  One.. Two.. Three.. each one impaled on a green crystalline sword to the ground with no hope of escape, Pyria's aim holding true while keeping her distance.  It was a mess, why weren't all of them staying down, they were just zombies right?  Now that they were closer surveying their ranks was easier.  Something still seemed off and her allies were being overwhelmed and pushed back, lines were starting to break.  What was different?  Thunk, thunk, more zombies stuck on swords not being able to move, and one of them stayed down.  Pyria looked it over, that zombie had what appeared to be an unholy symbol engraved onto it's chest.  Not only that, but the others that were near it also stayed down.  

Putting this to the test, she began actively assaulting these and any other "specials" she could see, and it seemed to work.  Whenever one of these "Leaders" was slain - as much as a zombie hoard has leaders - the nearby ones wouldn't come back up.  Noticing the pattern, she decided she needed pass this along as soon as possible.  However, getting it the archers and others on the back line was easy.  The Front line was a whole other story.  Taking a deep breath she quickly sprints forward deciding to take advantage of the slow-witted foes and began jumping up and using the zombies for leverage, taking aim as special ones along the way and passing along the message.  Finally things started going in their favor, the hoard was shrinking, but so were her allies.  The hoard has created a large number of casualties and the battle was over yet.  A deafening roar washes over the battlefield as a colossal group of zombies enters they fray.

She was certain they wouldn't last long like this, especially as those hulking zombies were quickly advancing and appeared to be a bit smarter than the rest.  But hopefully logic followed and there was one leader... she hoped.  Rushing forward the went to engage these brutes.  Thunk! Thud! One, Two, got them in the legs, down they fall as Pyria rushes by.  Fwoosh, Pyria dives to narrowly dodge a swing from two of them.  Still there wasn't a special one, but the downed ones still kept getting up.  She keeps running, dodging, focusing and... then... she finds it, a tiny symbol engraved on it's shoulder. This has to be the one.  She leaps onto one of the hulks, using it to reach a greater height and unleashes death from above (Or re-death in this case?).  She fires off an arrow consuming her gathered energy in the fight, it lands true and while the green crystalline sword pierces the giant to the ground, it also begins to spread, it's whole body turning to a greenish crystalline hue.  She lands on this and it shatters.  Immediately weakening the remaining zombies and ensuring the groups victory.

After a few minutes, the battle subsides, injuries are great, but they weren't beaten, they can heal and continue their push.  The Ghostlands are no joke, you can never predict what kind of undead are here.

Totally Not Jumanji

As Pyria found herself in a 'Jungle Demiplane' she looked around to see what exactly was going on. Drums beating from seemingly no where made her ill at ease.  After taking another breath to calm down she noticed a glowing path ahead of her.  With little to nothing to go on she quietly started to make her way down the path to see what lied ahead.  As she begain, a floating plaque appeared before her.  Describing some basics of what was happening.  It looks like it was a deadly survival game with limited second chances... how generous.

Following the path before her, Pyria tried to keep to the outskirts of the path and out of plain sight.  The sounds of growling predators and other extraplanar beasties didn't bring any other comforts as she spotted them and carefully moved around them.  For food she tried to stick to the trees, taking fruits and nuts as she could find them.  It seemed like many predators were sticking to the ground, so at least the trees were a bit safer for foraging. This continued on for what seemed like weeks until Pyria finally found a town where she could finally ask what was going on.

Unfortunately, she didn't get the answers she was looking for.  All she learned was this was some sort of 'game' they were all dragged in to.  She thanked them, got a few supplied by trading in some fruits she had gathered along the way and started following her path again.  This time leading into a new area of the map, which suddently filled itself in as she began her trek into the unknown.  

A similar pattern continued for weeks on end.  New town of folks.  New area of the map, more dangerous and rough areas to get through.  A volcano that somehow decided to erupt right as she arrived she had to quickly rush through her path as it was slowly covered in lava.  Quickly jumping from boulder to boulder to avoid getting scorched all the while trying to keep on eye on her path as it was slowly covered and no longer glowing.

A notable highlight was the creaky bridge over the ravine.  She hadn't noticed the sabotage on the other side due to it being a rather foggy day and the bridge collapsed right under her.  Rushing forward she jumped and tried to grab a rope dangling from the other side.  But it too was another trap, as soon as she grasped it, down it came as it wasn't tied to anything.  Falling quite a distance, she saw what seemed like a bottomless pit below.  Bracing herself for whatever came next she shut her eyes and... suddenly appeared on the other side of the bridge. Very confused she looked at her plaque.  There was a mark denoting her 'failure' to survive once.  She made sure to not repeat this mistake going forward as things continued to intensify as she got closer.

Finally after filling out her map and narrowly avoiding that nasty petrifying trap in that one town or that weird 'lightning sand' that had instantly engulfed that nalfeshnee demon as she was walking along, she finally arrived at the base of a large black Ziggurat.  The path had finally stopped here.  What was next? Who knows, but after everything else, how bad could it be.

Dread Killer

Pyria found herself once again on the edge of the Ghostlands ready to head in for another round of excitement. This time the goal was simple.  While some adventurers makes a distraction, others would sneak in and try to locate a weapon that could help turn the tide in the ghostlands.  Despite her previous credentials as a rather effective scout, it seems there were too many volunteers to do so.  Since she was also talented in making a scene and managing to get out of situations relatively unscathed she was asked to help with a distraction.

As the battle started, Pyria took her place atop a hill to provide some ranged support for the oncoming hoards.  While she took aim slinging green crystalline arrows from her bow at the enemy.  Her intent was to not actually slay all that many unless they got too close.  But instead focused on pinning them to the ground with her ammunition to prevent them from moving. Wave after wave they came, seemingly just grunts, she continues to bind undead after undead into the rotten soil.  Seemingly to be rather effective, Pyria is very pleased with how well this is going.  

As time goes on she notices there aren't quite as many as there were before.  The hoard was thinning... which was weird given the type of distraction.  She promptly sneaks over to the route being used by the retrieval team and it seems some undead were getting wise to the plot.  She enacts a rather reckless approach to get their attention away from the evacuation route by firing a hail of weapons at the stragglers.  This quickly gets their attention as a chase ensues.

Running quickly and carefully Pyria lures them back to the main part of the group.  Narrowly dodging and outrunning most of them.  Sending some attacks back as she goes to keep their attention.  Ripe with new targets she doesn't even make it back across the battle line before the explosions start.  A rather large one launches her into the air, fire and smoke at her back as she is sent flying behind the front lines.  "Watch where you are aiming!" She manages to shout as she sails and lands safely.  Taking only a moment to dust herself off before taking up a good position on the hill again.

Pyria did end up checking that route a few other times, but nothing of interest while she aided the distraction team.  She managed to keep this up until the retrieval team got back with either more information or hopefully a resounding success.  And managed to tell off that one caster who very nearly blew her up. 

Treasure Hunting

Pyria found herself walking along a very wooded path with Cognita.  She was enjoying Cognita's company as much had happened since their last quest together.  Their crystals had led them here and as they went farther into to what seemed like ordinary woods, things started to change subtly.  Branches were becoming barren and decayed, a howling wind started softly and became the dominating sound as the sounds of life faded.  And just when Pyria started to notice this and more she looked over and her friend has disappeared.  Something was definitely wrong here.

It couldn't have been a planar portal, she would have noticed that immediately with her training, and the way they were separated along with the slow change to the atmosphere lead her to believe that this was quite intentional.  She takes a breath to calm herself before getting her bearings. The path looked roughly the same as she had walked through to get here.  In the distance, the usual landmarks were still there, but perhaps faded and muted.  Looking then at her crystal it seemed different now, glowing at a different resonance and perhaps a different shade.  As she focused on her crystal it seemed to be drawn in two directions instead of one like before.  It still felt vaguely like it was leading to where it was before, just drawn to something else that didn't seem right.

Pyria sighed heavily weighing her options, go to the original source or take a detour to whatever this thing was.  The answer was obvious when she thought about it... Go Explore! and off she went to follow that new 'destination'.  Seemingly reminscent of the Ghostlands, she did find some minor undead along the way.  The terrain also go worse as things went on.  It became eerily like the ghostlands.  Finally she arrived at a sort of "Temple" if it could be called that.  What should have been ruins of a Verk outpost had been warped to something else.  The crystal glowed stronger as she got closer, almost shining radiantly as she arrived at the door.

Exploration of this creepy place was slow.  Frequent traps and numerous undead made progress slow as she didn't want to attract all of their attention and test if they were in some sort of pseudo ghostlands where they just come back.  Finally, the last room, where atop an altar was a crystal ball and a crystal much like hers sitting in the middle of it's pedestal.  No traps, just a very eerie feeling.  As she approached in the orb she saw herself walking along with Cognita, having seemingly continued on from where they were.  As she did her crystal grew brighter and almost seem to be tugging Pyria towards the one in the altar.  She takes out hers and it begins to levitate on its own as the other leaves the altar of its own accord merges with Pyria's and a glow envelops the room.  When this happens Pyria hears a voice "To you who has entered our sacred place, we entrust our legacy".  When the light fades Pyria finds herself back in the forest and in her hands a bag of holding containing the treasure the crystal was leading her to.

Ultimately she didn't know what to make of this... some kind of power splitting her consciousness?  She definitely didn't change planes, but something else was going.  Having completed her mission she accompanied Cognita before heading back and handing passing along her tale.

Hidden Growth

Pyria arrived back in the Grove with a mysterious sapling in hand from the strange plane of Wanderland.  It seems like she was right on time as a number of other adventurers were arriving with strange plants to contribute to the Grove as well.  She was happy to be home, breathing in the lovely scent of blooming trees and nature all around her, she headed to turn in her contribution.  Upon reaching the dropoff point she gladly handed over the sapling, explaining that it required going deep into a forest with mysterious properties of people becoming easily lost, this in particular was a sapling from that forest rather deep in when things seemed to get more mysterious.  She had managed to get pretty deep into the forest before noticing that it was becoming increasingly difficult to navigate.  Sure, there were ways out, but reaching her limit she began looking around for something interesting this deep and noticed the sapling.  She wasn't 100% of it's properties, but relayed any other legends or information she had on it before handing it over.  It'd probably need some observation for a while as it grows, but could be pretty interesting to see how it does in the Grove.  Especially how it may interact with other species of trees native to the material plane.

Taking her leave, she set out to check the general atmosphere since things were going to be pretty busy for a while.  Walking around, she made sure to greet fellow adventurers that she was familiar with or had encountered before, glad to see so many folks had found unique ways to contribute.  It was a lot of fun to see what other kinds of flora other adventurers were able to find in the various places they are familiar with, asking a few where they got it and making a note to check out that place later for fun.  Despite the lively atmosphere, she also made a point to keep an eye on a few folks who had reputations for not always following rules well - as messing with some trees in the Grove could have consequences.  She didn't expect much issue here, but she didn't want an incident in her home just in case.  In such cases, she'd attempt to casually ask them what was going on and gently guided them back to the agricultural societies offices if they had any questions.  Pyria would in general spend some extra time in the Grove during this 'turn in period' to keep an eye on things and tried to be a good representative of the Grove.

Leviathan Slayer

Spirits were high in the camp, construction on the weapons had completed and now it was the time to strike back against the Leviathan that threatened the people of Etera.  Now was the time for the Adventurers who protected Etera and Chronus to shine, while many soldiers manned the weapons of War the some Adventurers were to defend these weapons and others were to take advantage of the openings created by the siege weaponry and strike the beast down.  Realistically they'd only have 1 shot these openings so she needed to make her blow count.

In preparation for things to start Pyria took up position near the monster's path as it flear near the weapons prepared for the assault.  Everything was quiet right before the assualt and the tension was thick, this was their one shot at stopping this thing.  And the suddenly there was a crash as the first weapon fired, followed by a symphony of others.  Ballistae bolts, enchanted boulders, various weapons she'd never seen before in action, and a few she'd only seen the likes of in Setlaar.  With each volley the monster took notice and struck back as many adventurers put life and limb onthe line to protect them.

From her vantage point, Pyria was able to notice small openings being made throughout the beast.  Adding to this she unleashed of volley of crystalline swords from her bow aiming for as many of these as possible to discern weak points.  Most of the attacks still bounced off it's hide while a few only made superficial damage and barely stuck in the Leviathan at all.  Not content with this, she decided to take a risk and get closer.  Aiming carefully she leapt onto the monsters back and raced around to find vulnerable spots.  

BOOM!!! The crashing of another weapon into the beast shook everything, fortunately Pyria managed to steady herself on it's back as she continued vollying weapons into potential weakspots.  CRASH! She narrowly dodge an enhanged ballista bolt that made about as much progress as we own weapons.  The hail of weaponry was instense and was assuredly doing its job, keeping this monster distracted and making openings, but they weren't right for Pyria's fighting style... yet.  Pyria found herself in the midst of an explosion this time, using the force to propel her upward she found exactly what she was looking for.  A direct hit from a boulder seemed to make a rather large mark near the base of one of the beasts fins and judging from it's movement, it's been using that for stability.  

Her eyes glinted as she was in freefall and got a good look at the spot and began preparing the strongest attack she could muster.  Putting up her hood she vanished from sight and hid her presence from the beast and the rest of the world.  Expertly glancing over the wound she found the deepest, most vulernable part, drew back her bow and took aim.  THWANG! Another green Crystalline sword flew through the air.  Not a volley, but a single strike with greater force than any other she'd unleashed so far.  The sword struck true and burrowed deep into the opening, causing untold havoc within the beast as it sunk in.  The Leviathan immediatly seemed to cry out in pain as it's movement seemingly slowed down to the combined assualt.  Leaving it wide open for the continued assault of the Eteran forces present.  Pyria smirked at her success as she seemingly landed on thin air. "Well that's a good start, now I know what to aim for."  She lept back into the fray and would try to further disrupt it's movements as the battle raged on and until this beast was finally dealt with.

The Lands beyond the Rift

While exploring the lands in the Rift, Pyria took on the role of exploring one of the Volcanoes - specifically the one in the North seemingly was calling to her.  Fancying herself as an excellent explorer, she couldn't miss the chance to put that spirit to the test.  After making the necessary preparations - both magical protections and making sure her mundane equipment was all in order she set off to the northernmost Volcano in the formation in hopes to find something interesting.

Upon arriving, Pyria found herself on the 'outer' side of the Volcano, the part that faced away from the middle of the formation. She set off to explore this part of the formation, particularly interested in any plants or animals that had managed to adapt to rift and the volcano here too.  For some time she noted there really wasn't... anything in the way or plants... it just seemed very barren.  Eventually after some hiking, her diligence would pay off by locating some fern like plants she'd never seen before.  Getting closer she noticed something seemed off.  They all seemed to be 'facing' the same direction, she thought it was rather strange, but continued on.  Walking further towards the top she found strange palm trees... and again the leaves all seemed to face the same direction.  She took a moment to look at the direction they were facing... strangely enough the same direction of the ferns, right into the middle of the volcano formation.  It was at this moment she also realized that no plants were on the 'outer side' of Volcano, only the parts facing the center.  Perhaps there was something going on with this formation.

With this revelation fresh on her mind, she continues forward to the summit and the hottest part of the volcano.  Still not seeing much in the way of animal life or otherwise, she takes a moment to carefully collect plant samples, leaves  and seeds using skills she has since learned in her time in the Járnviðr Grove.  Upon reach the top, despite her magical protections and training, it was still much hotter than expected.  While up top, she takes a moment to view the other volcanoes from a good vantage point, noting down any differences she notices when seeing things form up above.  Continuing on, she made her way through some caves down to where the lava of the volcano lay.  Sweating despite her protections she pushed forward, locating some strange mosses and fungi that have adapted and ultimately reaching the lava.  Going for a swim in some extraplanar lava did cross her mind, but she thought better of it, no telling what 'else' the rift might have in store at this point.  However, before leaving she spends some time communing with the area and uses Tectonic Communion to try and learn more before heading out.  As her sense spread throughout the area she takes in the various caves and paths she hadn't yet walked along with a few plants she now wanted to collect.  Though most importantly, there was something seemingly going towards the middle of the formation, at least as far as her magics allowed her.  

Having completed her mission, she collects a few remaining plants along with a lava sample and heads back to cool off for a while.  Eager to see what others have come up with, she patiently awaits their findings as she fills out her own report.


Pyria is a tall Elven woman with Long brown hair and brown eyes. She's often seen wandering about taking in the local sights wherever she may be.


Pyria is easily excited given the opportunity to explore and rarely turns down such requests. She is generally kind and thoughtful and tries to help others, but if you get on her bad side, you may find some blades or arrows sticking out of you very shortly.


Pyria works as the Spymaster for Járnviðr Grove and counts all other leaders as allies.