Jin-Soo's Fishing Gear

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(Minor Artifact)

Aura Strong Enchantment, Evocation, Divination  CL 20th

Fishing rod.png

Slot None; Price —(Original base item would have been 82k market); Weight 5

Made as if from glowing moonlight while held, the item is much more mundane when left lying around, taking the form of ordinary fishing gear. Bestowed upon unwitting Planeswalkers, the God’s may see a favored of Gozreh upon looking at this fine equipment.

This item is not valid for becoming someone’s legendary item, and thus cannot ever be given Legendary Item powers.

This Transformative +4 Handheld Implement of (Sphere chosen upon initial binding) with Magic Talent (chosen upon initial binding) is able to transform specially into any fishing gear type item, be it a Trident, Spear, Fishing Rod, Net, sea knife (for gutting, cutting line, etc.), or otherwise. If taking a different form for combat, the enhancement bonus is shared, be it an implement, weapon, or otherwise. Additional abilities are separately enchanted onto each form.

It is also considered a masterwork tool for fishing skills at all times, and trying to catch a creature with it will give a -8 on saves vs being caught.

The gear may, as a standard action, be allowed to glow a bright silvery light within 30 ft until extinguished purposefully or the user becomes unconscious or dead. It may be extinguished as another standard action.

This gear is Upgradeable.

This ability grants the bonded creature the ability to more easily increase the non-artifact magical power of the item. If the base magic item has a version with a higher bonus or greater version (such as a +1longsword, a +2 light steel shield, a cloak of protection +3, an amulet of might fists +4, or a minor ring of inner fortitude), the bonded creature can improve it by performing a special ritual. She must spend a number of gold pieces equal to half the difference between the cost of the item’s current, non-artifact base item and the greater version she wishes to upgrade the item into. For example, she would pay 3,000 gp to upgrade a +1 longsword into a +2 longsword. This ritual takes 8 hours. When it’s completed, the bonded creature transmutes the item’s base version into the desired version. When upgraded in this fashion, the item retains all item abilities it had before the transmutation.

Note: the transformative nature of the implement, can allow abilities for unique tridents, spears, or otherwise, although only useable when in the appropriate form.

Set Effect(Either Flask Shard fishing lure, or an item you put the flask shard in, taking the shape of a lure):

+10 circumstance bonus to any check intended for fishing

+4 circumstance bonus to Initiative while within 50 ft of a large body of water

200ft touchsight (only detects fish)


The user announces in a public setting that fishing is for losers and old people, and leaves the gear to rot in a Gargantuan jar of fermenting Chum.