Zenith (Taiyo)

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In the land of Etera, Zenith is a foreigner who came to the continent in search of self-actualization. His land of origin and history attached being lost in his memories as he recreates his image alongside his trusted partner, Kalise.

With his start on Etera, the aspiring adventurer maintained his routine training of his body and followed his passion for the culinary arts. During this time he felt as though he had a connection with the Plane of Fire, but he swiftly discovered otherwise as he explored his powers.

As a monk he was already attuned to practicing meditation, and the spirit of fire that lies within the soul. Though there is a third path to explore in the trilogy of self-actualization, and that was the mind. Having found his kineticist ties being weak, and never forming a stronger connection with the elements than the one of fire. He made an epiphany as he found out about those who practiced control over psionic powers.

It was an arduous task, and it took him several months to perfect the abilities. Though it may have seemed quicker to attune to the abilities of a soulknife because of the natural inclination he had compared to the powers of a kineticist. Having solidified his practice of the mind into his routine, he has expanded his power and control over body, mind, and soul.

Striving for greatness:

After the realization that his abilities were focused on his path of self-actualization. He continued his routines during the adventurers he participated in to find further personal growth. Though he has yet to find a resolution for this quest, he kept himself busy with unlocking the powers that came with perfecting his control and resolve behind his willpower.

Recently he has developed his martial capabilities in conjunction with the blazing force of mind and soul to find himself a discipline to merge the three into a trinity that allows him to excel beyond his previous limitations.


Zenith has two forms he primarily uses, though he is capable of shifting his form as being a native dragon. He doesn't explore this ability outside of the rare occasion it may assist him.

His humanoid form is the one many see him assume as it allows him to form relations with his fellow adventurers and the world around him on Etera. Though despite trying to disguise himself to fit in with others, his mythic powers leak through to expose his heritage being anything than a normal humanoid.

Outside his humanoid form is his native dragon body. Which rarely he displays as needed in moments of desperation to preserve himself and those he consider allies.


His usual personality is a well-mannered individual that has been brought up to be respectful to most that he meets. Typically he prefers to live his life leisurely and with a methodical approach to solve a situation. Those he takes a liking towards he'll tease with his own sense of humor, but becomes protective over their well-being. His temper though is a weak spot as he'll lose track of his own protection if provoked, and takes his heartiness as a risky shield in combat to pursue for victory. His demeanor suggests that he attempts his best to be calculative, and try different avenues to obtain his goals.

Life Goals:

Despite his focus on reaching the pinnacle of self-actualization. He does have a few goals outside of that.

  1. Zenith wants to achieve the status of becoming a globally renowned chef. His specialty is seafood dishes.
  2. He wants to find a place to create a home for Kalise and himself, to build a town in their image of a city that welcomes the practice of being oneself without harming others.
  3. Taking a particular interest in the world around him, he does want to continue his adventurers to gain more personal experiences.


Partner: Kalise - Zenith is extremely protective over his drow, and he makes it obvious to a fault.




The Time Knights:

The Time Knights have been an organization he has taken several requests from to assist them in stopping a group known as the Fox Council. These events typically revolved around the Fox Council actively finding ways to harm the timeline of Etera, or alter it as they saw fit. In this regard Zenith has fought against several of their higher ranking members and the warforges that follow their command.

His accomplishments in these engagements were:

  1. Defeating a trained sniper who practiced guerrilla tactics.
  2. Fought a master samurai that held control over the mighty Behemoth, saving the creature and city.
  3. Journey to the underwater temple where the Merfolks where enslaved by a mind-controlling fox. Though she escaped, Zenith managed to deal the finishing blow against the Kraken she controlled.

The Rage of Kanaloa, Part1:

Word has traveled that the island of Lalotai was suffering from an attack of powerful fire elementals. This piqued the interest of Zenith, as his early determination in his own powers were that he held a connection to the Plane of Fire. Despite this being the case, he knew that he would be a strong fit in fending off such an assault and proceeded to journey to the island far south of Etera.

He would find it an ease to travel as he can take to the skies with no issue and cross over to the island city, one that appeared marvelous from above as the towering volcano loomed over the peaceful beauty of the surrounding island. It felt more of a vacation at first, before he descends to the village town to assess the situation. It was an impressive assortment of attackers ready to charge into combat against the elementals that raged down from the volcano, and while Zenith felt confident in his ability to fight them head-on. His primary concerns were that of the village and those that lived native on the island.

He didn't possess much in terms of carpentry, or even the cunning skill to help create traps and defenses. But he did have his brawn and raw natural strength that afforded him to take to using boulders and large pieces of lumber and stone to create makeshift barricades at the direction of the town officials. Alongside his strength, his speed and endurance were unmatched compared to the average citizen. This afforded him to work long and grueling hours as the attackers and the first-line defenders kept the town safe.

Despite all the effort put up by himself and the adventurers swarming about around him, the elementals did manage to make way to find the village. As soon as the sound of combat became obvious to Zenith, he darted towards the area of conflict to join. His lineage as a dragon proved a benefit after all as the fires proved nothing against his natural immunity to the elemental damage as he assumed his combative stance in the Domain of the Sleeping Goddess which gave him mental resilience and physical fortitude.

His fighting spirit would erupt with the raw psionic energy manifesting around him to add devastating impact behind his practiced punches and kicks, lastly drawing forth his psionic powers to create a defensive barrier that provided invaluable defense from incoming attacks. Zenith altogether held a strong confidence in his ability to defend himself, but also assist his allies as he'll keep an eye on the surrounding to help corner and separate the elementals to manageable numbers.

Though he lacked any particular bond compared to him fighting alongside Kalise, he held his own as he would hold back the full-blunt weight of an elementals slam to deliver a sharp kick, or powerful punch in retaliation.The sound of combat would fill the air, but the disciplined monk held his calm. Focused himself on the task at hand, and pushed forward to protect the people of Lalotai.