The Iroran Academy

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A place of learning and enlightenment, donated by Havelock Gantress so that seekers of knowledge and enlightenment could have a place to study. Per the solemn oaths Master Gantress swore to Irori, the Academy charges only the tuition that a pupil can spare, and is primarily financially sustained by his donations. As such, it is open to all, regardless of wealth or resources. However, the Academy only admits those who are serious about learning and pursuing perfection.

The Iroran Academy is primarily administered by the Seekers of Truth, a small sect of Iroran scholars, who serve as the main instructors. Master Gantress's continued donations have helped the Academy thrive. As befits an organization devoted to the Master of Masters, the Academy is not purely devoted to intellectual mastery; there is a strong emphasis on physical training and artistic mastery as well.

Current Notable Faculty by Path of Enlightenment:

Havelock Gantress- Enlightenment through Knowledge- teaches languages ancient and modern, history, the principles of magic, and a smattering of other academic subjects. Current Headmaster, although mostly a de facto position.

Darius the Maker- Enlightenment through Creation- teaches the arts of crafting, both through creation magic and through the forge.