The Golden Lamp

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This opulent store is set along one of the main roads of the city of Babel, and made of a strange white stone. It seems to have appeared overnight, replacing the old and ruined building that once took its place. Inside, the store features a variety of exotic good, magical items, and other items of great power. However, it's the four individuals running the store who are the most notable part of it, rather than the wares they sell.

The stock of the store changes over time, but it can acquire almost anything NPCs have access to on Etera within a day or so.

The Genies Of The Lamp

Bhaiqun the Glorious

Bhaiqun the Glorious

The first genie that most visitors meet when they enter The Golden Lamp, Bhaiqun the Glorious (which is probably not his real name) is a muscled and rather sarcastic-looking genie somewhere in middle age for his kind. He sells items from the store, maintains security in the area, negotiates with merchant guilds, and otherwise seems to take care of most of the day-to-day business of running the store all by himself. About the only thing he doesn't do is grant wishes to mortals, although it's not clear whether he can't, whether he's been ordered not to, or whether he simply doesn't believe that anybody who comes in is worth gaining such effects from him.

Bhaiqun does, however, check the credentials of anybody who seeks such powerful services from the Young Master of the establishment.

Despite a gruff attitude, Bhaiqun is a great fan of high-quality alcoholic drinks, and he sometimes visits the pubs near the Golden Lamp after the store closes. He's also something of a bodybuilder, and he likes warriors with bulging muscles regardless of their actual talent or ability.

He usually visits the Bank of Abadar, Babel Branch at least once a week, and seems to be on good terms with the staff there.

The Young Master

The Young Master

The efreeti known only as the Young Master is the owner of the Golden Lamp. He often spends most of his time in the back rooms of the establishment, although what he's actually doing back there is unknown. Some speculate that he's actually at his home in the City of Brass, or that he's engaged in wild experiments for creating powerful magic items.

Regardless of what he's actually doing there, the Young Master is keenly interested in the events happening on Etera, and seems to be trying to follow everything that's happening with a mix of scholarly and financial acumen.

For those he judges worthy, the Young Master is also capable of granting Wishes, and thereby bestowing a wide variety of gifts or powers. The prices for these tend to vary with his whims, although they are rarely too punishingly high. That said, like most greater genies, he has very pointed opinions on the kinds of Wishes that people should make. A simple and situational wish - a warrior asking for a weapon, or an injured person asking for healing - is likely to get granted. Wishes that abuse reality too much are far more likely to be twisted and to backfire on the person asking for them.

The Young Master is a relatively rare Lawful Neutral member of his kind. While he shares many of the domineering traits of the Efreeti, he also seems calmer and more predisposed to thoughtful consideration. Some whisper that he may not be a pureblooded Efreeti, but Bhaiqun (who is definitely a pureblooded Efreeti) shows him great deference in all things.

Note: Obtaining wishes from the Young Master requires approval, usually through apps or whatever other limits are currently in place on obtaining such things. He also has an agreement with the city and will not grant any wishes or similarly powerful effects that are hostile to the city itself. He may help protect the city during emergencies.

As A Mythic Patron

The Young Master is capable of acting as a Mythic Patron for those who seek to gain powers from geniekind. He is not overly burdensome as a patron, although he prefers lawful and neutral individuals over chaotic ones. Those who accept him as a patron may receive a single Wish from him, with the possibility of earning more over time if they bring him some particularly valuable items or experiences.



The Young Master's first wife, Nadirah, is a Sunsoul - an Ifrit with particularly powerful control over light magic. She takes care to appear more humanoid than others of her kind do, and always wears a veil and a fairly large amount of jewelry.

As a Wishcrafter Sorcerer, Nadirah specializes in granting minor wishes from others - mostly small effects she's learned to conjure one way or another. Rumors claim she offers much greater powers to those who can afford to pay, but she doesn't seem to have accepted any such patrons from Babel or the general area of Etera yet.

Like the Young Master, Nadirah often spends a lot of her time in the back of the store, so visits are usually by appointment only unless something catches her interest.



The Young Master's second wife, Laela, is a human dancer who appears to have caught his eye at some point. Outgoing and mischievous, she spends more time in the front of the Golden Lamp - and out on the streets of Etera - than the rest of her family. She often heads out to help advertise the store and its various services.

Laela seems to get along quite well with Nadirah, and with her husband. She's also quite fond of flashy and eye-catching clothing, and regularly changes up her wardrobe. It's not known if she has any abilities beyond her (admittedly very good) dancing skills and physical appearance, though like most things at a genie's store, there's probably more to her than meets the eye.