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A city of mechanical ingenuity and technological advancement, Automara's history is one of a people who favor innovation and progress. With the turbulent nature of magic resulting in the unrest of elements upon their island, coupled with The Impact scouring much of life from the lands, Automara's approach to development as a society relied less upon the arcane and the divine, opting instead to explore technological growth. While their measures of success are largely attributed to those in service of Brigh, Vrozai's intercontinental connections have also seen a number of individuals in more recent years convert to worship of Avalia, due to her love of progress and the knowledge of her devotees giving them the next step forward.


Automara is located upon the coastlines of Vrozai, acting as the point of port for Vrozai's trade and larger connections to the outside world. On the other side of the coasts lie rain forests, full of beauty and danger alike, and serve as the primary source of adventuring for local groups of Automara. The popularity of the beaches as a destination of relaxation was once well-known, but during the Ekatýn wars, the beaches instead became a source of fear and threat. Now, with the threat resolved, tourism is being advertised once more, and the beaches are seeing efforts of reclamation in order to prepare them. The beaches along the coast offer a haven for relaxation and water sports, while the hidden waterfalls within the jungles offering places of wonder for those who seek hiking and natural walks. The region's flora is favored for alchemical and medicinal properties alike, the elemental energies of Vrozai suffusing the plants to be colorful and vibrant, exemplars of their native species. Likewise, the fauna around Automara are emboldened by this spiritual energy, with many of them appearing larger and more dangerous than their kin in other continents, the spiritual energies allowing for both growth and aggression.


The government of Automara is structured to ensure efficient governance, security, and the well-being of its citizens. Divided into two factions, the city embraces both the AI and mechanical building disciplines. The City Council, led by the Mayor, comprises representatives from these factions who collaborate on policy-making, urban planning, and resource allocation. Administrative departments, such as Defense and Ekatýn Countermeasures, Technology and Innovation, Infrastructure and Urban Planning, and Public Services, work together to meet the city's needs. This government system fosters a balanced approach, where the expertise of both AI developers and mechanical engineers is harnessed to drive progress and enhance the lives of Automara's inhabitants. Citizen participation is encouraged, allowing residents to contribute ideas and actively shape the city's future.

Automara's government has gone through multiple reformations. Initially ran by a two-faction system, one led by The City Council, in which the leader was the Mayor, and the other half a dictatorship led by the King, Alexander Stonegate, the two-faction system faced great strain during The Second Ekatýn War, which culminated in the death of Alexander Stonegate during said wars.

As a result, Captain Sylvanas, the leader at the forefront of the wars, seized control during the state of emergency, and abolished The City Council. subjecting the city of Automara to a violent campaign against all magic, which was blamed as the source of the Ekatýn's being drawn to Vrozai to begin with.

Years later, with the conclusion of the The Second Ekatýn War, the people gathered once more, and with the support of Magmoria and Spirit Home, Captain Sylvanas was brought to justice before the courts of Automara, and those in allegiance were given the option of community service or joining their leader in exile. Reforming the government once more, Director Tae-Won has abolished the Dictatorship in favor of a republic system.

Underneath Director Tae-Won, the successor of the city council, called The People's Council, is formed of Jae-Hyun, a doctor in charge of the Vrozai Medical Alliance, Yuna, one of the judges who presided over the trial of Sylvanas, and Nari, a representative from Spirit Home who was sent to assist in the government efforts for restitution regarding the treatment of magic users.

Rumors & Legends

Automara has only two local legends to speak of. The Lost Workshop is believed to be a former temple of Brigh that was destroyed during The Impact. Some say the loss of the temple is what prevented Automara's technology from developing more rapidly than they had initially desired, and that there was schematics and plans for mechanizing the people of Vrozai in a form of evolution from flesh to construct, though such rumors have been denied by the active sects of Brigh's clergy. The Whispering Forest, meanwhile, is said to be the result of excess elemental energies coalescing into a psychic mist that periodically appears in the rainforests outside of Automara, though any who encounter it seem to suffer from a sort of amnesia, having no recollection of what they did during the lost time.

Notable Locations

The city of Automara is generally considered a place of beautiful tourism for its beaches and rainforests, and a place of business for those who venture further into the urban jungle that has grown out of the natural landscape of the coastal region.

The Nexus Tower: The central location for government business, The Nexus Tower serves as the nucleus of administration, bureaucracy, and government affairs. This includes the offices of Director Tae-Won, as well as the offices of The People's Council, The Vrozai Medical Alliance, The Automara Courts, and smaller offices and courts.

Mechanist's District: The Mechanist's District is home to The Engineer's Association, which has since had leadership passed onto Tae-Won's second-in-command, Su-Yin. Additionally, the Mechanist's District holds the predominate factories and workshops for most of Automara's mechanical and technological needs.

Avalian Plaza: The Avalian Plaza holds more civilian and creative uses of technology, specifically in the creation and development of drones and intelligent constructs. While societal infrastructure has an innate reliance upon the aid of this technology, wealthy nobility in the city tend to purchase it for a number of automation uses, ranging from domestic services to occupational and even security services.

Automara Defense Headquarters: Acting as the militant hub of Automara, the Automara Defense Headquarters is the location of a sprawling complex that covers a majority of the district's section that coordinates the deployment of mechanical defenses as well as soldiers, and houses a museum detailing the city's historical battles against Vrozai threats.

The Clockwork Market: Famously attractive to foreign visitors, the Clockwork Market houses the largest temple to Brigh, and is overseen by the Clockwork Convent, who promote not only the innovation and creation of clockwork creations in honor of their deity, but also assist in the running of a market that aids in the sales of materials for designing constructs, drones, and artificial intelligence alike.


Automara's inhabitants have a variety of races. Due to the innate elemental connections, the city is predominately populated by humans and the four races of Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undine, as well as the Janni to a lesser degree. Half-elves and elves of all varieties have some connection here, and with the result of immigration and the recent Ekatýn Wars, participating adventurers that call Automara home have added their ranks to the census.

Notable NPCs

Director Tae-Won: The current leader of the Automara people, Director Tae-Won is a prominent engineer that made his mark on Vrozai by leading The Engineer Association for twenty years, after inheriting the role from his father, the founder.

Jae-Hyun: Leader of the Vrozai Medical Association, Jae-Hyun sits upon The People's Council, acting as a representative for the citizens of Automara, but also the medical interests of The Vrozai Coalition as a whole. Jae-Hyun's leadership came from their prolific assistance in coordinating the efforts of field medics, and the personal donation of gold towards the construction of Hyun Hospital and expanding of existing healing services.

Yuna: The second of the three representatives in The People's Council, Yuna is a commoner from Automata that gained fame from being one of the five presiding judges over the trial of Sylvanas. It was her dedication to justice and proposal of banishment in lieu of execution that made her notable, as the jury's opinion was swayed by her appeal to mercy.

Nari: The third of The People's Council, Nari's face is relatively new in Automara, due to being an appointed representative by Spirit Home. Nari's election to become a spokesperson for their interests came from her own view as a younger shaman that technology and magic could live in harmony, rather than separation. While it made her a bit ostracized in Spirit Home, her beliefs will help guide and shape the future of Automara for the better.