The Athenaeum

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From the perspective of the typical citizen, the exterior of this library appears nondescript and somewhat small in comparison to the Reclaimed Imperial Archive; having only a maximum occupancy of 30 people. However, the Athenaeum is reputed by many a scholar to be the best place for finding scientific and magical research from the Imperial Era, as well as by intellectual adventurers for the publication of their own experiments with the occult and supernatural.

Building Layout

The entrance of the library is set by a sign above an archway, fitted with double-doors. Proceeding through a small hallway leads to the main room that comprises most of the building's interior; decorated with lavish furniture and magically permeated candlelights. Almost all of the walls are covered in shelves, each with categorized labels and well-kept books.

Modern publications of written tales and research are arranged closer to the center of the room, with the most recent being slotted on the table hosting a globe that marks all the landmasses on the planet, including Etera. A spiral staircase next to the archway leads up to the exposed second floor, which holds the older manuscripts and documented experiments of occultists, sorcerers, wizards, and technomancers from ages past.

A large alcove is located to the right of the archway, set with a long circulation desk, which is usually attended by the library's staff.

The Librarians

Mr. Yelric

Mr. Yelric

As the centuries-old owner of the Athenaeum, Mr. Yelric is well-known among historians and scholars alike for his meticulousness and knowledge, but is still quite mysterious. In addition to his name possibly being a pseudonym, those that were present during and after the Verk Empire's rule took note that the drow was never approached for conscription; and that the library remained untouched throughout all the conflicts that occurred during that time. Some speculate that his background was strongly connected to the Empire's Research division, and others believe that he has ties to a group of greater power. The most anyone can get from asking the old man is a grunt, and for them to bugger off or read some of the literature. Many bookworms and academics become well-aware of Mr. Yelric's easily irritable temper, and do their best to to minimize their interactions with him, and instead ask help from his assistant.

Varian Cornwall

Varian Cornwall

This masked man is a recent addition to the library, and the only known individual that's been allowed by Mr. Yelric to act as his assistant. Despite his unusual attire, many find him as a more sociable person to work with. He's often seen silently floating or teleporting around the library's interior; the latter only occurring for when he is aiding someone in finding specific documentation or other written works. In keeping with the silence that a library must have, Varian frequently uses telepathy to communicate with visitors, typically finding it a better alternative to constant whispering; which could easily evoke the ire of the attentive drow. Newcomers introduced by frequent visitors are usually informed to not inquire about the sorcerer's mask and attire, as it bothers him.