Meita's Gaming Hall

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The Gaming Hall

A newly constructed and very fitting to the area building has appeared, within it's walls are a plenitude of games, tests of skill, chance, and luck. With a serving of low alcohol ale and plentiful foods, the games can go on for as long as the participants wish them to.

The hall itself is grand, twin staircases at the back of the hall lead up and around to private gaming areas set up for quiet and privacy from the main hall. In the centre of this stairway is a large statue of a matronly figure, she possess large feathered wings and two traditional seeming horns upon her head. Her pose is that of a carefully watching parent and she can be seen from every part of the Gaming Hall, as if watching to make sure the attendants follow the rules.

Private Game Rooms

One thing is made very clear upon entering, there are rules of sorts that are to be followed in every game. Simply put they are:

  • No gambling is to be done on these games, no monetary prices are to be wagered, the only times this is lifted is on specific games
  • No fighting within the Gaming Hall, fight outside if you wish to call this a game
  • Food and drink is free, but moderate your drinking lest you cause issue for the others in attendance
  • If you are caught cheating, admit it and then do not cheat again for the duration of the game you are playing
  • In the table top games, always attack the healers first, never split the party, and keep an eye on the rogue

Games Allowed

Traditional games of many cultures are provided for the attendants, these include things such as dragon chess, go, tic-tac-toe, connect four, shogi, Ludo, and mancala. This is not an exhaustive list and upon the discovery of a new game they are brought to the Gaming Hall to be learnt, played, and celebrated over.

Joyous Celebration of Skill and Chance

Long form games also exist, where participants need sheets of statistics to play and games can lost from days to years.

Impromptu games are also allowed, arm wrestling competitions, pie eating games, any activity that could be considered a game is allowed with the halls. Mostly the impromptu games are between a few sets of friends that are testing themselves against each other, they can then be participated in after their initial competition is resolved.

Special Games

Within several of the private gaming rooms are four sets of Greater Wizard's Cubes of Gaming. These magical items are given new purpose within the Gaming Hall itself. Once every twenty-four hours the games play themselves if not touched, causing the previous winner of the game to be discounted regardless of what happens.

Those of a certain threshold may participate in these games (People of a certain level range must play with those in the same range, a level 3 plays in the level 2-5 bracket and can't enter a level 6-10 game). And the winner is awarded the magical bonus until the next game is played or the game resets itself upon the twenty-four hour mark.

To play such games you can either challenge the board yourself (specifically if nobody wants to play) or gather a group of like minded individuals to play with you and see who comes out on top.

Mechanics of Magical Games

Players may set their own rewards between themselves as long as it is not a monetary thing, you can trade favours or tasks to aid with, you can do a silly dare or speak a shameful truth if agreed before the game.

For the Wizard's Cubes, you cannot use the Geas option unless every players decides on using it beforehand and the Geas is laid out before the game begins. To play with others simply grab a group of people to roleplay through the game, or just to roll an opposed skill check of your own choice. The winner of the skill check receives the bonus for twenty-four hours as per the rules in the item itself. Always play within your characters level bracket, and make sure others haven't played in that specific level bracket for that day.