The Tower of Time

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Tower EoT.jpg

The Tower of Time is one of the Towers of Magic. Due to the power of time magic, the Tower of Time travels through time and space at seemingly random intervals, appearing in Etera only at certain points in history. Time moves differently outside the tower than it does inside, meaning that anyone stuck inside the tower when it travels may find themselves at a point in history well before or after their when they entered. The Tower of Time's most recent appearance was within the Babel Triangle after the fall of the Verk Empire, where the mysterious being known as Dingo attempted to use the tower's magic for his own purposes.

Inner Workings

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The Tower of Time contains clocks of all shapes and sizes that seem to record time at different points in the history of Etera. Who designed these clocks and monitors them appears to be the Prime of the Tower itself, a man whose face is itself clockwork and who speaks very quickly as though his body were perpetually under the haste spell. To make it through different parts of the tower requires passing through a space that allows visitors to gaze into the past and history of all beings, which is enough to drive even the most intelligent of adventurers mad. At another point, traveling through the Tower of Time requires that individuals make themselves immune to the process of aging.

The Tower of Time also has a hidden purpose, that only revealed itself during the final battle against Dingo. The Tower of Time is capable of transforming into a massive construct designed to fight any beings who threaten the natural flow of time. Because of this power and the magic the tower holds, the tower is viewed as a sacred location and is protected by the Time Knights.