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Harsburg is a dualistic hamlet, despite its small size - for a fair portion, it's a grey dark slab of archaic city design, and around most individual homes is lush green land and trees. The tiny village has a somewhat unique style of architecture in the downtown area where all commerce is held by the people within who all have some form of ownership of stores within the area.


Plains with erratic trees placed about define this hamlet, a cozy environment for a somewhat depressing locale.


Before the death and subsequent replacement of Kurt Reginald, it was a dictatorship with insane rules that caused the death penalty to be for nearly any crime, yet with Almaretta in charge now it is a tightly nit democracy lead by the halfling's guiding hand.

Rumors & Legends

The town itself is innately cursed, causing it to be like a beacon for telepaths, mind controllers, and other mental mages and psionicists who seek to domineer others. All mentalists who've gone there intend to go back.

Notable Locations

Almaretta Verstein's House - Kurt's old home, it was a bizarre hellscape below the basement of esoteric creation, and the ground floor was truly a mess as if it hadn't been lived in for years. They completely barred off the basement and requested assistance from wizards over in Dun Holvar to fix the ground floor, creating a beautiful home befitting the mayor of Harsburg.

Notable Inhabitants

Almaretta Verstein - The mayor herself, this stout halfling was rewarded with the title for it was her who gathered adventurers and alerted them to Kurt Reginald's psychic affairs. She's quick on her feet, welcoming, and turns most decisions and actions into group projects instead of handling the reins alone.

Virgruk & Shemich Earthenshift - A dwarfen couple who recently immigrated from Alzhak Reger, the two brought a rather high amount of money into the hamlet, allowing for wider homes for most people and a general improvement to living standards. They're not too excited about those outside of Harsburg, but their artistry in the creation of paper has caused a fair few wizards to respect them as they tirelessly labour over what soon will become a scroll or page in a spellbook. Virgruk was driven mad by the unknown telepath, his wife Shemich taking care of him alongside Alexander Schteitwortt.

Alexander Schteitwortt - A tiefling man, the somewhat superstitious, but well meaning, occultist in the city. At first, they were greeted with immense distrust after Kurt's end, but grew to become valuable members of the city, providing all spellcasting services with their esoteric magics and occult rituals. There used to be a second, Beatrice, yet she was murdered by a psion whose identity is not yet known, driving Alexander mad and into the care of Shemich Earthenshift.