Zaheer's Landing

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Zaheer's Landing is but a large jungle located on a yet unnamed Island, where the people of Etera have first landed following the efforts of the Zaheer Expedition. So far, not much is known about the Island that this jungle rests on, aside from it's general geography and layout. The finer mysteries of the jungle are yet at hand.




So far, only large amounts of jungle flora have been found among the region, varying in the most tame of specimens to voracious man eating plants and towering trees. It's safe to say more data will be required before anyone can accurately get an idea of the land's flora.


Due to a lack of Data, the only fauna observed among the explorer's of this region so far have been run of the mill aquatics and terrestrial types. Perhaps the jungles secret's lie hidden deeper.


None found as of Yet.




Port Sharia Kraken - Status: Deceased. Felled by Adventurers


Rumors & Legends

(These are essentially plot hooks for people to follow if they want)

Jungle Predators: The people of Port Sharia have come to gossip about the presence of far larger fauna in the jungle.

The Deep Sea King: Port Sharia's local merfolk, Abel, has rumored about a lingering presence beneath the waves near the port.

The Lost Temple: Scouts identified a ruined temple off on it's lonesome.

The Ruined City: To the north, scouts have determined that beneath the jungle canopy lies a large and sprawling city of stone, assumed abandon and in a state of disrepair.

Volcanic Isles: A few smaller Volcanic Islands surround the larger island, as noted by a few sailors.

Cracks and Chasms: Among the many jungle floors of Zaheer's Landing, a few scouts have noticed large crevices and cracks in the earth, while unwilling to delve into them, they are able to tell they delve far deeper than they can see.

Notable Locations

Port Sharia: A up and coming port city located on the south eastern tip of Zaheer's Landing.



Notable NPCs



