Tower of Fate

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The Tower of Fate, to most, resembles a massive casino, with bright lights and neon that cause it to stand out even when viewed from miles away. For unknown reasons, the Tower appeared in The Ghostlands and upon its arrival, it has attracted swathes of undead and adventurers curious about what riches may lie inside. The Tower of Fate is shrouded in mystery, and much about it remains unconfirmed. However, it is said that those with mastery over fate magic, or even just a good amount of luck, will have the most success solving its many mysteries.

The Heist

Snake Eyes

Thus far, only one group of adventurers have managed to enter the Tower, and lived to tell the tale. With an army of undead living inside and teleportation magic and divination being restricted, entering the tower is a dangerous proposition for even the most prepared of adventurers. However, one group, lead by the thief known as Carou, managed to pull it off. Their heist was sponsored by a man with a dice for a head who refers to himself simply as Snake eyes, though what it is Snake Eyes is after or why he sponsored the heist in the first place remains a mystery.

What has become more apparent is that the undead within the Tower of Fate are...unusual. They are a mixture of intelligent and mindless undead who had developed their own society of sorts within the Tower. The intelligent undead rule over the others like lords and ladies living in a castle, with the mindless undead acting as their servants and guardians. Snake Eyes took the head of one of these intelligent undead, nicknamed the "Bride," which enraged the leader of the zombies, who was simply known as the "King." What his intentions are remain, at this time, a mystery.