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The City on the Wing

Eighmont is a city attached to the side of one of the Aethernar mountains, a feat of masterful engineering orchestrated by the winged people known as the Syrinx. A system of wooden platforms and excavation into solid rock allows inhabitants to indefinitely expand the city, as long as there's mountain to hold it. A network of bridges winding down the sides of the mountains allow inhabitants from either side to meet in the city to exchange goods from different lands, a mutually beneficial relationship for all parties due to the hefty (yet reasonable) tax levied upon the traders there.

The Council 

The council ruling Eighmont has always been mysterious and powerful, as befitting a city of its stature, and their members are no exception.

Kykar Fletchwing - A powerful mage who holds the ability to change the weather and wind in the palm of his hand, Kykar Fletchwing has ruled over the city with a gentle, yet firm grip for as long as anyone can remember.

Outai Zuva - This Syrinx archivist has always been who the city turns to when in need of wisdom - he's the oldest one living there, yet his mind is as sharp as the day he first got his wings. He's the head archivist of Eighmont, presiding over a massive repository of knowledge to rival any in Babel.

Aki Nellik - Aki is a young Syrinx warrior who leads the Talons, the elite military force that defends Eighmont from threats near and far. This is the only spot on the council that can be earned, and not selected by the leader, as it's obtained via a trial of skill and combat. She's hot-headed, skillful, and fiercely loyal to her people.

Rovu Tchote - The city's powerful mages have to always be available, and in charge of training them is this hot-headed stormcaller. Rovu Tchote is a sorcerer with explosive potential, having single-handedly defeated the general of an invading nomadic force in single combat before the man even had a chance to lift his sword.

Zeya Vago - Zeya is a shrewd old woman who serves as the city's chief treasurer. Her cutthroat negotiation tactics have cemented Eighmont as a hub of trade and explosive financial power, and her forceful personality drives her deals to success.

The Skies Above 

Eighmont is a hub of trade for settlements and villages on both sides of the mountains, the treacherous terrain easily bypassed by the city's winged inhabitants. They serve as couriers and messengers, the winds above the mountain peaks propelling them to high speeds, assisted by the many adept weather shamans common to the Syrinx people. Their advantageous political and physical situation defends them from attack on all sides, and anyone causing trouble in Eighmont is sure to receive a nasty fine or spend a cold night in jail.

The Syrinx also interestingly enough, due to their strategic location and vertical mobility, have something of a monopoly on the continental postal service. People have tried to move in on it, but nobody can really beat wings.