Cloud of Artistry

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Cloud resort.jpg

Location on Siacros: Island Chain near middle of map

Under construction a few months prior, a new resort was opened to the public on the 21st of Abadius, 55 IA. Converted from a stripped Cloud Quarry from the earlier days of the Starlight Union, it has since become a place of rest and relaxation, whose emphasis is more so on that of The Fine Arts. To those who attended the recent festival, many of the donated pieces are on display throughout the resort area itself. Although much of the immediate area is converted to appear 'normal', one can still walk outward onto the clouds themselves, with many of the rest areas to made to the exacting standards of plush and fluff to support one's body as they lie back, and try to forget all of their problems.

A number of the left over 'rocks' have also since been left for aspiring artists to 'make their mark', and display creativity on them, as they desire, such as in the image below: Graffiti quarry.jpg

To further keep one from worrying, thanks to the help of one of the leaders of Starlight Union, the area is suffused with the ability to Delay Pain and provide passive healing, for those who somehow manage to harm themselves during their stay, or if they came hurting already. Those at this place desire to make their guests stays as long and happy as is needed, to refresh them for their responsibilities back at home.

A few notable pieces would be: a Sculpture in one of the common rooms, of The Duchess of the Inevitable Hunt, crafted by Orakoth. Along one of the halls, a dark and entrancing painting by Datharius Farseer. In an exhibition room, a triptych of her history, by a Tesha Talosan.

In a massive dance room, we have illusory recordings of the songs and dances of quite a few talented individuals. Programmed so that one may even become a part of the performance itself, as if they were there all along. Dancing enmasse to the songs of Ryusho, dancing in step with Astire, or taking part in a play with Toyotomi. And we cannot forget the high-energy display of Ruvena! Although caution is advised for those of less physical prowess, even with solutions against pain and injury, that does not mean you are physically capable of 'keeping up', so individual discretion is advised. Many of these illusions were helped be set up in part by one of the other former contestants, Rhad Hy-Wald, given his desire to allow entire audiences to feel the experience with him.

In one of the more contemplative areas, we have a large orrery of various materials, to show a greater understanding of the planes themselves, while simultaneously remaining breathtaking a piece on its own.

Feel free to browse! Be it to add your own work, see that which came before you, or simply to absorb the positive atmosphere!

Claim Benefits:

  • +4 Society
  • +2 Lore
  • this specific tile grants the benefits of one Bardic College to the closest Settlement.