The Gambling Fey

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The Gambling Fey is a Exclusive Casino that exists in the Feywild. What is exceptional about each person/creature that is invited to the casino is not always known. If you have been invited to the establishment you can consider yourself extremely lucky, as it is close to 1:20 odds for exceptional creatures and people to be allowed into The Gambling Fey. In this Casino you can also get access to almost any of your vices if you seek them out and look in the right places and ask the right people. Some people have been invited to the casino but have turned down the invitation which encourages them to seek said people out even more by sending more messages and communications to the person who rejects the invitation in the beggining.


The Gambling Fey has no windows that let in natural light into the casino, there is clocks in the casino but the clocks are not to be trusted as time is erratic in the Feywild. They have Slots in the front of house, then you go to games of dice that are lain out immediately beyond that, after that you would find the big attraction being the card tables where you can play many games made throughout the planes. There also is to the side Animal Races that you can bet on, although rest assured cheating of anykind is not allowed to be done to alter the odds of the race.

Standard Practices

The Gambling Fey has some hard guidelines that are listed as follows

  • No Cheating. If you are caught cheating you are required to pay back everything you won during that visit to The Gambling Fey
  • If you weren't caught in the moment, then it didn't happen. For example if you do choose to cheat, unless someone notices you cheating, then you for all intensive purposes did not cheat.
  • Do not impose yourself onto any of the other patrons or try to further your reputations purposefully within the walls of The Gambling Fey.
  • If you are a more powerful patron, then you are expected to do more dangerous bets or Special Games to earn rewards from The Gambling Fey. These Special Games are High Risk : High Reward
  • Do not Invoke the name of Rhe Ruler of The Gambling Fey while on the Premises under any circumstances unless you are willing to make a bet of your life in a game of The Ruler's choosing. Trust me on this, they will Know if you do so.

Common Patrons

  • Sir Bearington

Sir Bearington is an Awakened Bear that has a Butler that can speak Bear and speaks everything he says for him in whatever language he needs to translate it into. Sir Bearington is almost never believed to be a Bear unless you are extremely perceptive and can cover up being a bear so well that even if you notice he is a Bear then it is likely no one else will believe you unless you have hard proof.

  • Madam Realam

Madam Realam is a Vampiric Treant. Once upon a time she woke up from being a normal tree as a Treant is wont to do. When she was in a fight with other treants against a Vampiric Goblin that was burning down their Grove, She was bitten and somehow contracted the Vampiric curse. She doesn't drink from normal flesh and blood creatures, rather she drinks the sap of other plants as she is now incapable of producing her own innately.

More Common Patrons can be added in the future