Spirit Home

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Once the pillar of spiritual focus in Vrozai, Spirit Home has now become a wandering city adrift in the seas of Chronus. After the success Vrozai had during the War of Ekatýn, the people of Spirit Home felt that the future of Vrozai was no longer one that welcomed them.

Their dedication to mastering the spiritual arts in all forms led some of their people to practice the arts of necromancy. While tolerated during the conflict, in the wake of success, such practice has now been condemned by Automara and Magmoria alike, cited as a gross violation of the sacred charge that the Vrozai people have to the world.

Rather than create further conflict and enact a civil war, the people of Spirit Home elected to simply depart from the isle of Vrozai, leaving it for those behind to reform as they desire. Though not all wished to leave, the remainders of Spirit Home created a new location: Guardholme.


Spirit Home is a city that rides atop a great beast of legend, traveling along the island of Vrozai. For many years, it has been the heart of the spiritual people of Vrozai, who proclaimed for many years that the existence of Spirit Home was a sign of the god's favor among the Vrozai people, giving them a living champion to combat the evils that may encroach upon the land.


Spirit Home is ruled by The Spirit Council, a theocratic body of seven shamans, each with an affinity for their own specialties. It is the job of the Spirit Council to make decisions regarding the city's defense, spiritual matters, and community affairs. Relying upon sacred visions and spiritual consultation, they use the mystic arts as the medium from which decrees and edicts are put forth.

Tribal Culture and Traditions

While Spirit Home has never been a point of outward conflict among Automara and Magmoria alike, the city's practices of shamanism were for a long period of time considered tolerated, but undesired. While the traditional adherence to elemental spirits was fine, some Spirit Home shamans tapped into the darker forces of necromancy, harnessing the power of mortal souls to defend the continent from even beyond the grave.

Values of family are held in high regard here, and the people of Spirit Home have held onto their tribal ways while their sister-cities have progressed in a more modernized era. Spirit Home has been a powerful defender against threats to Vrozai, but as the will of nature is for the cycle to continue ever forward, the leaders of Spirit Home view the departure as a peaceful necessity, in order for the younger generations of Vrozai to flourish.

Shamans and Magical Practices

The backbone of Spirit Home's defense and spiritual guidance lies with its revered shamans. These powerful practitioners of magic are the spiritual intermediaries between the mortal realm and the spirit world. Through years of rigorous training and mystical rituals, shamans harness elemental forces, commune with spirits, and wield powerful spells to protect the city and its inhabitants.

The shamans of Spirit Home possess the unique ability to summon magical avatars, colossal armor constructs forged from pure magic. These awe-inspiring beings tower over the city, embodying the might and essence of Rokar. Piloted and controlled by skilled shamans, the magical avatars serve as the first line of defense against the Ekatýn, using their elemental powers and devastating attacks to protect Spirit Home.


At the heart of Spirit Home's culture is the veneration of a colossal Ekatýn known as Rokar, the Titan of Vrozai. The city's inhabitants consider Rokar a deity, attributing its spirit with immense power and wisdom. The people of Spirit Home channel Rokar's spirit through sacred rituals, allowing them to access extraordinary magical abilities and summon colossal magical avatars for defense.

Notable Locations



Notable NPCs

The Shaman King is revered throughout the lands of Spirit Home and beyond. Said to be one of the most powerful shamans in existence, the Shaman King is believed to possess the ability to commune with all spirits and command the forces of nature. He is seen as a bridge between the mortal realms and the spirit world, capable of harnessing incredible magical energies. Many aspiring shamans seek to follow in the footsteps of the Shaman King, undertaking arduous quests and trials in the hopes of attaining the title themselves.

The shaman kings power comes directly from the 7 shamans residing on the spirit council.

  1. Brother Eamon - A wise and respected human shaman, known for his ability to commune with the elemental spirits and harness the power of thunder and lightning.
  2. Brother Kaldar - An experienced orc shaman, deeply connected to the earth and its ancient energies, guiding the council with his strong sense of tradition and knowledge of natural remedies.
  3. Brother Azrik - Another orc shaman, skilled in the art of fire magic and known for his fiery determination to protect the land from outside threats.
  4. Sister Elara - A female human shaman, renowned for her profound connection with the moon and the mystical energies it bestows, guiding the council with her gentle and nurturing presence.
  5. Brother Grimir - A human shaman, skilled in the ways of the spirits of the ancestors, who offer guidance and protection to the people of Vrozai.
  6. Sister Vexna - An undead shaman, who, despite her state, retains her spiritual abilities and brings a deep perspective to the council with her connection to the realm of the departed.
  7. Brother Thrain - A human shaman and the youngest on the council, but gifted with a strong affinity for nature and the ability to communicate with animals, providing invaluable insights into the balance of the ecosystem.

As part of enabling the Shaman kings work, the eldest child from each of the shamans family attend to his needs as both his personal body guards and his care takers. The eldest of these, Ti'ki, daughter of Brother Azrik. She has shown great potential to replace her father when the time comes.