Hastighet Co

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Hastighet, the communications of the future! The leading company in the new and rapidly advancing field of SetNet comms - a simple and mundane option for instant communication, interaction, and information. Our top scientists and technicians have been working tirelessly to provide you, dear listener, with the world's leading communications corporation. Hope to you see you on the Net, soon!

A desolate and cold hellscape, Jotnar, is the home of Hastighet Co. - simply meaning Speed in Common. To outsiders, and most within the corporation, it's merely a semi-shady SetNet Communications corporation which has been around for a well time, but plagued with nepotism in its controlling family - The Volrathsens. However, hidden within its concrete halls and steel tombs is a dark secret known only to those within, but that may one day seep out.

Rumors & Legends

Some of the most scholarly within Setlaar have offered the rumour of Aksel Volrathsen's extreme age not being through normal magical means, but instead the vile transformation of vampirism. However, most have laughed this rumour off as merely paranoia and delusion, some of the scholars even being looked down upon for that and losing reputation.

A less mocked, but still contested and mostly disagreed opinion is that the most recent son of the Volrathsens, Reinholdt, was kicked out of the family and disowned for brutalising one of the other members, but no Reinholdt has been found yet.


Aksel Volrathsen - The nightowl ownership, renowned for his age, Aksel is the enigmatic and light hearted owner of Hastighet Co. He rules as more of an idea than a person, no one in the corporation outside of the Volrathsens have ever met him directly.

Erik Volrathsen - A sorcerer born into riches, Erik is the incarnation of getting things for no work. Some claim he's never worked a day in his life for his riches, and most tend to agree, as Erik's laziness becomes him.