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Erynsilva, "City of the Learned"

"Erynsilva is a city in the forested reaches of Far Eastern reaches of Etera. It is a bustling hub of knowledge and scholars that come to study and learn from each other and learn about history as well. If there is something you need to learn about from a wide variety of topics, there is likely an individual that will know about it, and even if the scholars that live in Erynsilva don't know, the founder Cathran Lorekeeper would likely know of it, or at the very least know where to start on researching it." -Xander Disce, High Priest of the Church of The Divine Diviner


Erynsilva is a city that lies in the far east of Etera, engineered by Cathran Lorekeeper, The Demi-Goddess of Magic and Education. It is a place for Scholars of many fields of study, people gather to share information here as a hub of learning. It was finished being built about four years ago, in 67IA. It is situated near large forested areas that are meant to keep those not of the city away, many of the people that exist in Erynsilva are followers of The Divine Diviner. She had spent a good deal of time building up the settlement with some of her followers over the course of a few months to get it ready and prepped for people to move in and live there.

The City is built in Elven Styles, paying homage to Cathran's ancestors. There is plenty of accommodations for the scholars and students that come to learn in the City. In addition to the City being the residence of The Alchemical Savant, it is where the organization known as The Enlightened has set up their base of operations.

Layout of the City

The City is lain out in a somewhat co-circular rings around a collection of libraries in the center of town. This is where the average person would meet others to learn and study, as well as take classes learning information from other scholars that they are offering to teach. As you head out from the central libraries and repository of information, you would find buildings built along the terrain of the forest, incorporating the forest into the design of the buildings. On the outer reaches there are walls to keep any monsters or such out of the settlement.

The accommodations for the scholars are built near the city walls and there are the proper places to go for food and other necessities placed in-between the housing and the libraries so that if one is to go to the Library or back from the libraries they can pick up what they need before going home.

At the northmost reaches of the town there is the offices of the City officials, including the founder's. The areas of Erynsilva are known as Custos Liber (The Central Libraries), Emptio Forum (The Marketplace), Locus Requiem (The Accommodations), and then the Obex (The Walls)


The typical inhabitant of the City are those that are Studious and inclined towards magic or alchemy, but people of any sort of scholarly pursuit is likely to take up residence here. It should be noted that a large chunk of people who inhabit the city of Erynsilva are the devotees of The Alchemical Savant.


The Divine Diviner, Cathran Lorekeeper, Demi-Goddess of Magic and Education resides here often. She helps keep the City's functions going without a hitch, and occasionally teaches lessons on Divining and history of a multitude of things she has learned over the years she has been accumulating it.


Being a place many learned individuals with strong beliefs gather there are spats of anger, but knowing the loss of being allowed into the town they know is not worth directly fighting with other inhabitants of the city. The Society of the City are made up of Followers of Cathran, Those in the organization The Enlightened, and various scholars coming to learn from other scholars that are masters in their fields of study. People of the society are openminded, but can be defiant if someone tries to force them into doing actions they don't want to do.

It being a Meritocracy where the individuals in charge of the mundane aspects of the city, the smartest of those that live there often end up in the local government. This furthers the idea that if you study hard and learn what you need, you can achieve whatever you set out to do.


As of writing there are three major factions in the city, There are the Scholars that belong to the Organization known as “The Enlightened”, there is the Church and followers of The Divine Diviner, and Officials in the government and The Council.


Those who seek citizenship in Erynsilva must only pay a fee of 25gp, to swear to obey the laws of the city, and bring a book containing little known information, or new advancements in different fields to the city to be reviewed and added to the archives. The cost to keep your Citizenship is 5gp each year, and a record of any research that has happened that year, which will then be reviewed and added to the Archives. The reason the cost of maintenance of Citizenship and gaining it is what it is, is because there will always be city officials that need payment for the upkeep of the city as well as all the different city appointed archivists, book restorationists, ect


The city, being one of Mages, Scholars, and the like, is a place that people seek out for information. Due to the concentration of mages, there are typically all the food and daily necessities that people would need provided there, either through people choosing to garden for studying botany and such, or from casters creating it. Citizens of Erynsilva are able to freely access the archives and libraries of the City, but those who come to Erynsilva to access the information contained in said archives and libraries, they must pay a fee to access the information there.

The fee is increased for information that is harder to come by or is considered dangerous. Any information that could be dangerous to others and residents would need to be reviewed by the Council or the Founder along with a history of said individual that has been recorded to see whether providing said information is going to be premised.

Mythology and Stories


The only major holiday that is different than those celebrated by the majority of those who have lived on the continent of Etera, is the Day of Reflection. It is a day for the inhabitants of the town to relax and reflect on their actions they have taken in their lives. This holiday occurs on Neth 12th. This is to reflect on the variety of challenges the Leader of the town has gone through that she regularly reflects upon, as if you do not consider where you came from, you will not know where you are going.