Babel's Crafting Guild

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Professional Revolt

The Grandmaster's Office

The people of Babel have come together to demand better services and payment for their work. These people decided to stage a protest, refusing to sell items and such for a week before the town started to really notice. For their troubles they were given a small area to build a Guild and the permission to write and send rules out that their Guild would follow as long as these also abide by Babel's laws.

From this they began to build their premises, a strange mismatch of many different styles and work, one section for as many types of profession most can think of and some they couldn't possibly comprehend. Those within the guild run by newer fair rates and better trading routes as well as appointed themselves a Grandmaster. A strange figure none remember too well, but one who teaches fairness and equality, a true man (or woman, it's hard to figure out) of the people!

The Guild's Shelves are Always Stocked

The Guild's Promises

To become a member of the Guild, you must possess the Mystic Craftsman talent from Leadership Sphere. This can be done in many two or more ways, having the Combat Talents to select the talent, or taking the feat Extra Combat Talent twice to gain the correct talent. (the guild is technically for the PC's craftsman, not the PC themselves)

Those who are admitted into the guild are charged 5gp a month to be housed, fed, and taught in every aspect of their trade. The Guild uses this small income to keep the place running and the legal team on staff. The members are taught all about their craft and even guided in the creation of more powerful items than they alone may craft. Beyond this they are guaranteed a twenty-five percent cut of the profits they make from crafting said items.

Babel's people are magic hungry, potions, wands, scrolls, wondrous items and more are nearly required simply for the day to day business of many of it's people. The outlier is the Adventuring Guild. The Crafting Guild and the Adventuring Guild share a healthy rivalry as they both tend to lean towards the same goal, the procurement of treasure and profits. Both guilds agree not to step on any toes but they work together when needed, they also are in talks to create a magical sport to compete in but that time isn't now.

Benefits of Membership

Each Craft and Profession have their own space

Members of the Guild are taught ways to use their limited resources to greater effects, this helps reduce waste and keep a nice profit margin for the members and the Guild alike. Those that join the Guild and craft magic items reduce the raw materials cost by twenty percent so can gain a little extra profit even if they are mostly selling items for cheaper than regular crafters.

They also have access to a repository of knowledge beyond what most libraries hold, in specifics anyway. They also have a partnership with Babel's University so may gain their services to make wands and potions. The University gets special offers on items for this deal.

Mechanics of Membership

Now to get a little away from the fluff of the Guild. Your Player Character does not technically join this Guild, the Follower from the Leadership Sphere Talent, Mystic Craftsman does. Which means your Player Character doesn't gain these benefits, only the extra eight hours of work that the Craftsman gains does. To get this Talent you can either use Two feats to gain Extra Combat Talent twice, first getting the base Leadership Sphere, then the Talent. Or by simply spending two Combat Talents if you have a Spheres class that gives them.

And to define the rules clearer now, having your Craftsman join the guild will gain you the following benefits:

  • The Craftsman counts as having the following Crafting Feats: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous, Craft Magic Arms n Armor, Craft Wand, Forge Ring, Versatile Crafter, Mythic Craft Wand, Mythic Craft Wondrous, Mythic Brew Potion, Crafting Mastery, and Mythic Crafter.
  • The Craftsman rolls Spellcraft checks to craft magic items at a +69.
  • The Craftsman can get 8,000gp worth of work done in their 8 hours.
  • The Craftsman crafts magic items with a raw material cost of 20% less than normal. Example, a Ring of Protection +2 would normally cost 4,000gp to craft, the Craftsman can craft it for 3,200gp.
  • The Craftsman can make spell completion items/spell trigger items without needing the spells themselves but must still add a +5 to the DC for every spell they don't possess. This allows them to craft wands/potions/staves/etc. For spheres items, the CL of this ability is CL17.

There are some restrictions to this however, the Craftsman can only be used for their eight hours of crafting, this is separate to your Player Characters regular downtime as long as that downtime isn't being used to craft a magic item. This would mean that the Craftsman can still use their eight hours of crafting when your Player Character is doing things such as a downtime event or working for gold.

A further restriction is that the Craftsman can only be used to craft magic items that are posted as request on the Job Board and only those items they can complete in a single day (items with base price of 8,000gp or less). You also cannot have your Craftsman craft items for your Player Character. These rules are to stop abuse of this system.

For the downtime post itself you must follow the formula in this document.

Members of the Guild

Before you even get crafting you must place your Player Name on this list, you do not have to link to a Wiki page for the character but you MUST have your name here to be allowed to use the Guild's benefit. Those that try using the benefits and aren't on this list will be asked to delete their post and return all money they may have made.

List of Members:

  • (Player Name)
  • Isacara Azuria
  • Delvar Starbreaker(Tharoc)
  • Aldric Longbottom(Xavion)
  • Elorin(Vlad)
  • Edenlal
  • Marcus Faulkner(Grunyn)
  • Byrke Vafri(River)
  • Renny Sebek(Tharoc)
  • Ferrus Moltenblood(Tharoc)