The Babel Hot Springs

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'To the north of Babel & a short hike into the mountains, there is this strange Hot Spring that sprung up only a few month's ago. These three sisters, rather strange and exotic girls, have taken up residency & management of it. The service is good, though they can get carried away at times. Lovely Rorith is an enticing partner, though can get a bit carried away in her habits of devouring anything that taste's good. I left on good terms & would like to return there another day eventually, if only to see the lovely three once again.' --- Magnus Crimsonblade - Book: The Land of Etera.

Services & Hospitality

The Simply Magic Spa & Resort, or simply called and referred to as the Babel Hot Springs, is an exciting and relaxing getaway from the noise and rigid lives the people of babel lead. Led by three lovely (Though admittedly sometimes lazy) women of strange heritage, the people can enjoy an evening of warmth, comfort in their healthy spa's. . . but for a price.

The entry fee is quite high, several hundred or up to a thousand GP a night depending on the level of service one purchases making it a getaway most notably for rich nobility or adventurer's. However they maintain overnight cabin's to accommodate guests as well as excellent massaging service said to be out of this world. In reality, it is despite it being a closely kept secret, all three sister's are proteans who migrated to the Material after an incident involving Time Knight's. They have settled comfortably into their new lives and are quite popular by the customers and people they serve, even if sometimes it costs a bit too much or they get a bit lazy about it.

Staff & Servers


Mariss chasing after some creature's she had conjured with her creation magic.

The youngest of the three protean women, her personality is innocent, bubbly and warm, if somewhat absent-minded and erratic. She serves drinks, cook's food and see's to the cleaning of the residencies. The two older sister's get quite upset when a customer get's handsy with her, refusing them service and ejecting them from the grounds, though young Mariss does not understand why. When Daemons & Demons come around for service, she is usually shoo'ed away to take care of other matter's. She is very obedient and receptive to the requests of her elder sisters.

Like her three sister's, she has great latent power in the form of creation magic with the notable exception that she cannot control it and her personality shifts dramatically when she uses more than a small figure of it. She goes from warm and full of life to cold and despondent, blacking out after less than a minute of using her power. Otherwise when using only a fraction of it to create creatures or objects which tax a very small amount of her energy, she retains a sense of self and identity her sisters know and love. She always seems confused whenever she changes however, with the last thing being that she fall's into a deep sleep.


Rorith sampling (Or rather drinking away) the drink's the guest's ordered.

The particularly lazy (And often drunk) one of the trio. She's more or less the pleasure companion of the three with her loose personality and easygoing attitude. She's obviously picky with her partner's though the circumstances by which she selects them is often indiscernible. She has a habit of eating the food meant for the customers, but her otherwise very unprofessional behavior is bellied by her skill as a masseuse that would make even a devil blush.

She is open to client's of either gender unless its someone she likes or find's appealing to which she can wave the cost entirely. She generally follows the lead of the eldest sister Elynu. She is brash, headstrong & frequently finds herself in trouble due to problems that could have been easily avoided.

 Unlike the youngest who has latent power over creation, she is a strong fighter and evoker who can wipe the floor with anyone who thinks they can get violent with her or her sister's. Reflective of her headstrong and brash nature, she handles the guests when they get too rowdy for Elynu to handle with her charms.


Elynu dealing with a customer.

The eldest of the trio, Elynu is devious and has a thing for business, probability & calculation's, which is rare given many proteans do not have the mind for it. She handles the business & social aspect of the springs and is frequently there to handle problems or other situation's as they come up.

While Elynu is a masseuse as well, she is not as skilled as Rorith & doesn't cater to their more physical urge's unless she likes a client. She is something of a trickster and loves playing pranks on others. Sometimes her pranks are very malicious & harmful and at other times they are harmless or little things.

Being the eldest and more experienced of the trio, she is much more aware of the danger's of the multiverse and does her best to protect and guide her two sister's. She has a habit of showing a rare vulnerability after times of hardship regarding those who are close to her, usually people who are not clients but actual individuals she can call friends.

Unlike the youngest who is a creationist & the middle who is a strong fighter, she is a skilled enchantress and knows how to control others with ease. She uses her strength to calm down the youngest whenever she blacks out from overexertion and the other personality takes over.

Other Info

  • The sisters have many good's and materials they need primarily shipped from Babel. Aside from the things they need to run the springs, they can order completely insane or random things at times which can be as innocuous as a pin cushion or as difficult as a dragon's heart. The money is always good so the merchant's do not question why they would ever need such a thing but it turn's more than a few head's as a consequence of it.
  • Special interest groups continue to observe the sister trio at a distance. Aware that they are here due to Dingo displacing them as a consequence of his meddling with the affairs of time, they are given a reasonable amount of space to breath but the Time Knight's are always on the watch for the return of the Protean Lord or Dingo as the three are the first to likely know about it.
  • Thought they will cater to any special interests and customers, they are especially wary of Daemons, Demons & their servants who they consider to be too rough and violent for their business or pleasure. They get assurances before they allow them in that they will remain nonviolent for the duration of the stay and even then they will charge nearly triple of the premium cost for the duration of their stay. They do not mind devil's in particular who know how to behave themselves in a social & Public setting. They do not really care too much for Evil so long as they pay their due's and show respect for their few rules.
  • Their springs have a notable 'Eastern' theme to them. What this means, nobody really knows, but the customers enjoy the change of pace and clothing given out.
  • Their secret as proteans is something of a guarded issue. Though they have done their best to keep it contained, its circulated in the noble circles who consider the experience at the springs to be exotic and unique thus boosting their popularity, much to their own dismay.