Twin Obelisks of Rithal

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Location on Siacros: Bottom right, icy outer area

Discovered upon the 4th of Rova, 52 IA in the Valley of Rithal, a strange patch of land was found barren... of ice and snow, unlike the rest of the lands around it. The immediate areas, as far as could be told from immediate observation was that much of it is some strange volcanic gravel, similar in composition and coloration as basalt. The age of the area is assumed to be about three to four thousand years old, by the dating of the depths of the ice in other areas nearby of similar elevation, of which we can imagine that most likely, a majority of this island looked similar to this patch of ground, geologically speaking, back then. Oddly, attempts to directly date this particular area has been unsuccessful both magically and mundanely, as it seems whatever commonality in markers we measure by seem to be... missing, from this land.

Representation of the panel of symbols between the two obelisks, not in a specific known language
pretend that the symbols you see don't have names next to them, and are scattered around the area.

Although that appears to be a mystery for now, in the meantime we focus on the few structures near the center of the uncovered patch. Theory suggests that this area is barren of those icy layers, most likely due to this not, in fact, being a valley at all, but the result of whatever activity may be coming from this area, keeping it clear. As the glowing and clearly manufactured structures suggest they are active in some way. Understandably, the language of whoever had placed this here, was not the same all of those estimated years ago, and appears to be in some strangely vertical composition, unlike the more common left-to-right or right-to-left horizontally.

Unfortunately, not much could be translated at this time, as intelligence or not, there isn't really enough linguistic examples to draw any coherent attempts at translation from it at this time. On the right, you can see recordings of various symbology scattered over the area, glowing on broken shards of wall, crushed, partially buried in the gravel, and so on. It is... odd, that they seem to glow, even without any immediately noticeable connection to power.

Perhaps they too had already mastered transfer of energy across long distances? Where perhaps, could the origin be? There is much food for thought, as this area seems to be an ideal location to set up some form of archeological study, and research centers.

Claim Benefits:

  • +4 Lore
  • +2 Productivity
  • this specific tile does not count as icy tundra, and instead counts as Cavern-type terrain, for purposes of building.
  • ???