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Home to an island of concentrated quintessence, the land of Vrozai is one of the shattered continents from a period of time long ago. It is believed that the areas of Vrozai were previously the homelands of an ancient, near mythical progenitor to the modern races of half-elves, but history of the empire has since been lost to time.


Vrozai's geography is as varied as it is breathtaking. At the heart of the continent stands a colossal volcano, its towering presence shaping the surrounding landscapes. This active volcano casts its shadow over the entire continent, bestowing both awe and danger upon the inhabitants. Vrozai's coastlines are adorned with elemental islands, mystical landmasses that are imbued with the essence of the elements—fire, water, earth, and air.

The Vrozai continent is a tropical paradise, verdant rainforests and beach-like coastal lands able to be seen from miles out. Further in, a variety of elementals and kami spirits have called this place home, some drawn to it while others born from the excess energies of quintessence.

At the heart of this mystical landmass is Mount Kefar, a dormant volcano that arose from the center of the landmass after an event known as The Impact created it. While the volcano itself has never erupted since, there are rumors and legends that when Kefar rises again, the volcano will herald his coming by darkening the sky with ash and flame, a sign of the end times to come.

Cities of Vrozai


Considered to be the source of most half-elf Vrozai-kin, Magmoria is a recent development within the shadow of Mount Kefar. Carving sprawling cities from the land itself and binding powerful spirits to every structure, Magmoria has great temples to appease the ever-expanding population of kami, and their cities are built around the temples, mirroring the the spiritual and natural phenomena. Though Magmoria may appear a little more undeveloped compared to the sophistication of Automara's city-states, their own spirit-crafted wonders have more than made up for the difference.


Forged from those who rejected the principles of Spirit Home and their demands to forsake technology in favor of spiritual purity, the city-states of Automara are comprised predominately of more short-lived races, such as humans and the Vrozai-kin that have been born from them. The Automaran people cast themselves from the favor of the spirits, and instead gave way to harsh and unrelenting survival in the wilds of Vrozai. Eventually establishing places for themselves, the Automaran people have built respectable spaces that rely upon the ingenuity of mortal minds, and value scholarly dedication and inventive approaches to problems old and new.

Spirit Home

The first civilization to rise from the tribes of Vrozai, Spirit Home is a mystical city located on the back of what is believed to be the corpse of Kefar, The First Ekatýn. Holding onto the tribal practices of the Vrozai people, the citizens of Spirit Home are considered rather blessed by the divine gifts of oracles and shamans, able to draw upon the energies of the land and harness them for a variety of effects. While Spirit Home has been the heart of spiritual affairs for a number of years, the end of the Second Ekatýn War has seen to their departure, the Shaman Council believing that the future of Vrozai cannot flourish so long as they remain. As a result, Spirit Home's great Ekatýn has left the lands, and now swims about the oceans of Chronus, appearing and disappearing just as mysteriously as the Ekatýn creatures do, though it is believed that in times of crisis for Vrozai, Spirit Home will not forget its roots.

The Lost City

A place of rumor and speculation, little is known about the Lost City and what may lie within. Some believe it is a lost colony of dwarves, who perished during The Impact. Others believe it may have been home to other subterranean creatures, from deadly monsters to more humanoid kind. Regardless of what may be true or not, none have found The Lost City, and the only reference it ever existed at all has been a few ruins discovered closer to the surface of caverns, all of them appearing to have been once either fledgling hamlets or abandoned outposts, with no information yet on how to find larger settlements.

Threat of Ekatýn

While Vrozai's cities thrive, they are not immune to the constant threat of the Ekatýn. These creatures seem to appear as swiftly as they vanish, retreating deep beneath the ocean tides or into the cavernous depths of Vrozai. While the cities have adapted to this way of life, even the smaller wildlife of the typical island has a hungering violence within, driven by the exponential growth that the quintessence upon the island has caused.


Origin (Unknown Period)

Home to an island of concentrated quintessence, the land of Vrozai is one of the shattered continents from a period of time long ago. It is believed that the areas of Vrozai were previously the homelands of an ancient, near mythical progenitor to the modern races of half-elves, but history of the empire has since been lost to time.

Descendants from this progenitor race have given rise to all varieties of elven and human kin. One thing of fascinating note in particular has been the birth of elementally-infused variants, likened to the geniekind of ifrit, oread, sylph, and undine. However, unlike most who call their lineage back to the genie ancestries, these geniekin instead have their lineage tethered to the elemental saturation of Vrozai itself.

Calling themselves Vrozai-Kin, the word Vrozai itself is an ancient word that means "Elemental", and thus these "Vrozai-Kin" are translated to be "children of the elements".

The Impact (Unknown Period)

However, the tribal societies of Vrozai were not the only ones to call this landmass home. During a historical event known only as "The Impact", a crater formed in the heart of Vrozai, creating Mount Kefar, named after the first entity to rise from the place, Kefar the Destroyer.

Later, the Vrozai people would name Kefar and his kin "Ekatýn", a Vrozain word that means "strength of a hundred men". These Ekatýn became a rival foe to the Vrozai, as the sheer size of the Ekatýn threatened to wipe out the budding life of the Vrozai people.

Stranger still, though, was that after The Impact, the energies of Vrozai shifted, and became unstable. This discordant flood of quintessence altered and warped the animals and plants alike, the very land giving rise to heightened strength in not just the Ekatýn, but also the Vrozai and the very island itself.

The First Ekatýn War (-243 to -231 IA)

Since then, the Ekatýn and the Vrozai have battled back and forth. Kefar was initially defeated by the uniting of the tribes under the Shaman Council. The death of Kefar led to the formation of Spirit Home, the first of the societies that rose from the conflict. This would later be known as The First Ekatýn War, but it was not the last.

Centuries later, the Ekatýn threats rose once more. Some believe they were called by the enduring spirit of Kefar, who is believed to be an immortal creature that left his corporeal form to become the very volcano itself, while others believe the Ekatýn follow a cyclical pattern of feeding and rest, drawn to the island of Vrozai when quintessence levels surge.

The Second Ekatýn War (64 - 70 IA)

Regardless of the reasoning, the Second Ekatýn War occurred, a bloody conflict that tested not only Spirit Home, but also the other fledgling groups of Automara and Magmoria as well. Much was lost in the war, but in the end it was won, for the people of Vrozai were not as scattered as before, and had the aid of Sparkbearers to combat the strengthened Ekatýn, which too had grown in power since their first confrontation.

With the retreat of the Ekatýn, the people of Vrozai are now turning their attention towards not only reformation, but connecting with the wider world. The second war taught them much, including that threats exist beyond their continent, and while they are grateful for the aid provided, they also seek to provide aid in return, especially to their allies across the seas.