Smiðr kirk

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Smior kirk is the ancient ruin of a five hundred year old secret dwarven ore smeltery. This smeltery, as huge as it was, likely smelted copious amounts of rare and durable metals such as adamantine, mithral, Horacalcum, and inubrix given the multitude of arcane enchantments placed upon the smeltery itself. Seemingly heated by four distinct arcane batteries containing what could only be described as an inordinate amount of power, generated a lot of heat. This facet of the design of the smeltery was counted on by the ancient dwarves, as they had built it near a natural mineral spring. Whether by serendipity, or decades of surveying, they found a spring that was actually conducive to plant growth, and also seemed to have restorative properties.

As it turns out, a small village area was constructed directly above the forge, with the ability to host 30-50 residents at a time. There is evidence, given the tropical fruit-bearing trees and plants, that the dwarves took advantage of the heated water generated by the forge, to not only grow tropical plants, but to bathe in, and do laundry in, as the heat from the forge would only purify the water again before causing it to be recirculated. Further study would reveal that this was also intended when the facility was created, as it would entirely eliminate the weight of spirits that would be carried by re-supply caravans heading to this community. (it's widely believed that dwarves prefer to brew their own spirits when possible anyway.)

Despite all these positive factors, the dwarven smeltery fell into disuse when the supplies of rare metals seemed to dwindle in the local area, and the forge was shut down and the arcane batteries disconnected. However, in light of the new interest by the dwarven kingdom to reclaim its heritage, and regain some of the power it once had, in addition to magics that make transportation of goods easier, this once abandoned smeltery might see use once again!

(this is a WIP, will make it more fancy, and actually add the location that's marked on the map when i have more time.)