The Incandelth Peninsula

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The Incandelth Peninsula.jpg

Upon the shores far to the West of Etera, lies what some consider to be the birthplace of its people. Long and storied histories span beyond mortal memories about this location, with many attributing it to be where their ancestors long ago set foot from places unknown. Others even claim that it is the location of where the first mortal races set foot on the material plane.

Whatever the case, the Peninsula now stands as a testament to all that Etera has lost in both histories and cultures. In civilizations and peoples. A land obliterated and blighted by the machinations of a being beyond the control of many. Likewise it stands as a testament to the resilience of Eterans, as those that remain once more begin the process of rebuilding what they lost.


What remains of Shorewood marks the dividing line between the Peninsula and the rest of the continent. Where once was a well-settled and relatively diverse populace where one could find a fresh start, has been reduced to a shattered remnant of what once was. With the Fifth Horseman's baleful storm, infrastructure and buildings were rent asunder, and the whole societal fabric of Shorewood was torn apart. Those that did survive thanks to the cooperation of foreign allies and heroes returned to find that their loved ones and friends had been transformed into the Hollow. Half-living, but sentient shadows of what they once were.


Despite the burdensome existence, the Hollow that survived the Fifth's destruction have attempted to rebuild what fragment of their lives that they can, stacking brick back upon brick alongside the living. Most recently the area of Shorewood saw a return of one of its most beloved residents, Maldrik Shiarza. Speaking with what elders the Shorewood survivors could find, and being accompanied by numerous squads of Ragathiel-clad soldiers, Shiarza was able to secure safety and security for the Hollow and for their surviving families. It is now known that the exchange for this assistance was for one of loyalty, the former city-state now joining the effort for the unification of Etera under the rising Nation of Aetveris.

Since that time, the setting up of military outposts and general reconstruction efforts have become common sight, Shorewood steadily rising from the ashes as a constant flow of resources and coinage is put into the region.


Despite the fact that tragedy befell Elaria much as it had the rest of the Peninsula, the strong magical traditions of the town continue strong and have proved an invaluable resource not only in the restoration of the land but also in the piecing together of the society that once held sway there. Rebuilding around the ruins of the College of Elaria, and with the aid of the Ragathiel knights that have steadily set up a domain and authority in the Peninsula itself, Elaria’s population has begun to steadily recover from the conflict with the Fifth Horseman.


While remaining as homogeneous in traditions as it always was, the exposure to the red-clad figures who have guaranteed the protection of both the Hollow and their non-fallen kin has led to a slow embracing of the realization that the town cannot remain closed off from the rest of the continent forever.

The Elderwood

Among all the ruination that transpired under the destructive gaze of the Fifth, the Elderwood seemed to have received a vicious part of it. The trees splintered, magic snapped, and devastation was unleashed upon the creatures that dwelled within. Even still, the ancient and often vicious realm of the Elderwood remains, a testament to nature's durability in the face of total annihilation.

While the border has shrunk as a result of the ruination, the prevailing nature of the Elderwood's inherent danger has remained in the surviving population of Elaria. Linger not between its branches and its trees, for only death, now more than ever, remains.

The Elderwood.jpg

As for the Circle of the Eclipse, none have seen nor heard eye nor ear of the mostly all-female order of druids. Whether decimated as a result of the Fifth Horseman, or simply biding their time. Regardless, whatever secrets they might have had about the Elderwood very well might have been lost with them.