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Magmoria sits at the base of the volcano, nestled in the shadows of the rising monolith. A newly established colony within only a few decades, Magmoria is a blend of the traditional elemental practices of the Vrozai people combined with the ingenuity of progress, though not upon the same path as the Automara people.

Here in Magmoria, there is an array of powerful spirits to be found nowhere else in Chronus. Some are drawn to the island's unusual concentration of quintessence, while others are birthed from the saturation of the island's naturally energies.

As a result of this, Magmoria has taken to the creation and formation of constructs, relying upon a blend of ritual binding and the preparation of the physical vessels, often sourced from the natural elements around the island.


Magmoria has a strange geography, with a mixture of the natural wilds combined with the city itself. While most keep such divided, Magmoria has decided to instead merge the two. Vines wrap around the buildings of grand cities, the spiritual energies and magic of the Magmorian people resulting in many structures being constructed of ironwood, the hybridization of the natural and the material.

Ancient spirits whisper from rocks and trees and water, and some spirits take on physical form, interacting with the city. Often, their forms are temporary, but they may act as guides, stewards, or if more whimsical, tricksters that deceive and play mostly harmless pranks upon visitors, such as misguiding them down dead ends or getting them lost within the nearby wild-lands.

While the base of the volcano makes up the north and western borders of Magmoria, the south is full of the lush rain-forests shared with Automara, and to the east lie rocky cliffs that lead to jagged spikes below. Due to being higher up on the rest of the land, there are no coastal sections close to Magmoria, leaving all necessities of water to be had through Automara, the heart of Vrozai's naval trades.

One thing of appeal in Magmoria is the lengthy underground caves that run beneath the lands, with caverns that dwarf cities and depths that run so hot no living thing can survive. Some believe deep down that this heat rises from more than Chronus, but a rift to the Plane of Fire itself, yet not have made it deep enough to know the truth.


Magmoria is ran by a theocratic monarchy, with High Priestess Aurona serving as the current priestess, an elven ifrit born from a lineage of blessed priests tracing back to the tribal groups of Vrozai. Underneath the theocratic monarchy is a system of democratic representation, serving to make up The Magmorian Court, which holds beneath it a number of different ministries.

While not an expansive list of every ministry, the most prominent ones are the Ministry of Magic, Ministry of Innovation, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Economics, and Ministry of Urban Development. Numerous, numerous other ministries exist as well, some as small as one individual, some as large as the most prominent, each serving the function of the government's needs.

Beneath the ministries are the district administrators, which oversee the day-to-day operations of each district, handling the sordid affairs of civilians and commoners alike.

Rumors & Legends

Two rumors of importance exist in Magmoria. The first involves the volcano itself, which holds a theory that The Impact was not something that fell to Chronus, but instead something that rose up, ripping through from the Plane of Fire. The belief is that the heart of the volcano actually holds a planar rift that has never been closed, and is instead sealed from interference by the powers of the island, which are a close-guarded secret that only the High Priestess knows of. The second is related to The Lost City, which is believed to have been a former underground civilization of dwarves that was wiped out by the invasion of the planar rift.

Notable Locations

The Aetheric Archives - A hallowed sanctuary of knowledge, housing ancient scrolls and tomes that hold ancient knowledge regarding the culture, history, and magical works of the Vrozai shamans and tribes of eld.

The Volcaniz Bazaar - A marketplace renowned for the sale of magical goods and the arcane reagents necessary for construction creation, the space offers a dazzling array of colorful tents, enticing stalls, and loud merchants, and even has space for mundane and everyday goods.

The Hall of Constructs - Both a temple and a workshop, the hall of constructs holds two wings. The first wing is dedicated to the clergy of Brigh, which also holds much of the workbenches and arcane studies that all magic-users make use of for the creation of various constructs and golems. The second half is dedicated to the god Onos, who is revered for his connection to the elements, embassies, and extraplanar travels.

The Crystal Gardens - A tranquil space within the city, the crystal gardens distinctly lack the hybridization of natural and mechanical. Offering a place of respite in this vibrant grove of flowers, benches, and ponds, the unique crystals act as vessels for quintessence, filtering and distributing the energy throughout the city, refining the raw matter into a more tame variant that powers much of the magitechnical inventions of Magmoria.

The College of Wizardry - The heart of Magmoria's rapid developments, the College of Wizardry was initially formed by representatives of Spirit Home who wielded magic and Automara who preached innovation. Settling down, the colonists quickly created an epicenter where magic and mechanical exist hand in hand, and much of the teachings here are centered on the wielding of primal energies coupled with the creation of constructs and other golems, as is the way of their people.


While the people of Vrozai are a mixture of elves, half-elves, humans, and the various geniekind, Magmoria has a more slated approach to the geniekind than the rest of Vrozai, as the concentration of quintessence here has influenced the newer generations of Magmorian natives. Due to this, Magmoria has become the unofficial capital of all geniekind, and tends to favor the connections of ifrit, oread, sylph, undine, and even the elusive suli have to the Elemental Planes.

Notable NPCs

High Priestess Aurona - An elven ifrit, Aurona was part of the founding of Magmoria and is still serving as the current ruler, serving as the high priestess between Magmoria and also as the voice of the Vrozai people to the spirits of the island.

Minister Cassandra - The current minister that oversees the Ministry of Innovation, Cassandra is the lead magitech engineer that helps design and moderate the creation of the various constructs employed by Magmoria.

Minister Tariq - The current minister that oversees the Ministry of Security, Tariq is responsible for the defense of the city, as well as maintaining the protections around Mount Kefar, ensuring the seals are not breached nor broken.

Minister Zara - The current minister that oversees the Ministry of Magic, Zara is a renowned sorceress who currently oversees the College of Wizadry's cirriculum, and personally administrates the tests required to gain the ranks of Magus, Undermagus, and Archmage.

Minister Ahmed - The current minister that oversees the Ministry of Economics, Ahmed is a reverant of Abadar who employs the civilized teachings of his god to help balance the financial and mercantile aspects of the Magmoria people.

Minister Lyrina - The current minister that oversees the Ministry of Urban Development, Lyrina is a skilled shaman that came from Spirit Home, seeking a new path to life where the purity of elemental worship can co-exist alongside civilization and mechanical ingenuity.