The Castle-Sized Kingdom of Talgystreous

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The Kingdom of Talgrysterous is a Kingdom, formed by its current ruler Oryanstral Eundil, on the 1st of Sarenith, 39 IA, as one of the many small Kingdoms and Nations which pop up across Siacros. It is a placed where those talented in Haemomancy rule, and those who lack the ability to perform it are simply viewed as producers for the leading family, the Eundils, while those with the abilities live life, with the same privileges of a citizen anywhere else.

Unlike most Kingdoms, Talgystreous is located all inside of just one palace, with two small sections resembling stone hamlets inside, alongside a mansion like building where the Eundils live and rule. The hamlet like areas are Quyinshethland and Maylasfield, but the distinction is rather pointless, for both have similar layouts and architecture, and both communities commonly interact with each other due to the small amount of living space, creating a very homely feeling among the populous.


The art of Blood Manipulation, one highly coveted by the Eundil family due to King Oryanstral's fascination with it and the view its an art-form, that only simpletons would not practice. It is not an uncommon sight within the Kingdom, due to most who lack it being second-class citizens who venture out of the palace in order to farm and produce for everyone else. When an Eundil lacks this talent, however, they will stop at nothing to attempt to teach them the art, commonly resulting in permanent deformations, limb loss, and death in those who lack the ability to manipulate blood, such as Tyrisfae Eundil, who lost his left arm during this practice, severely dampening his potential for Haemomancy.

Societal Standards and Views

Talgrystreous is an Elf dominated Kingdom, though any species is allowed, even those who commonly have quandaries and conflicts with Elven kind such as Dwarfs. In general, most people, including the Eundils, do not care for most factors such as age or gender, but simply for your Haemokinetic talents, and your wealth.

Wealth in Talgystreous is everything, for it is not a very plentiful Kingdom due to it's small size and thus relies on trading, and with the Eundils typically being the first ones to get imports, the prices will be quite high for even things like clothing and food. Those who have great amounts of money are able to live well with respect, and those who lack are dressed in rags and disheveled. You hardly find an in-between within the Kingdom, the closest thing to it being a wealthy Non-Haemomancer, who while being able to afford a good life, cannot take full advantage due to his lack of talents.

Adventurers, and Tyrisfae Eundil

The members of the Eundil family live a quite comfortable life, but once they come of 118 years of age, they must perform their duties, by going out and spreading the name of the family and Kingdom, as well as showing what their techniques are capable of. Most commonly, they only really need to do this for one year, but the few who survive or happen to have a spark choose to stay for longer due to their ego, or disapproval of how the Kingdom is run, writing letters back to the Kingdom every so often.

One of these more notorious few is Tyrisfae Eundil, a young Elf who was not born with his talents, and lost his left arm to gain them. He preferred heavier armours and a very direction fashion of usage, disgracing their belief of its artistic value. He also never contacted them after leaving, and never even spread their name, but instead he simply adventured, until one day. One day where he got knocked unconscious which completely changed him, which, over the course of a few years, resulted in him abandoning his Haemomancy, regrowing his arm, and becoming a spiritualist, manipulating chi. He is hated among the Eundils, and it would be worth a pretty penny to trade him in back to the Kingdom for Oryanstral to enact what he wishes to enact upon him