Caerwen Monastery

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Located on a hilltop a short ways outside the gates of Babel, and considered by many to be part of the city proper, Caerwen Monastery is a large, generally peaceful temple that seeks to protect and support the citizens of Etera.


Caerwen Monastery is one of the older facilities in Babel's area, having been built long before the rise of the Verk Empire. Nevertheless, the empire's political views saw the monastery dwindle in importance until it was nearly forgotten around the time of the rebellion.

After the fall of the empire, the surge of people towards Babel led to the rediscovery of the Monastery. When Fort Fair Maiden fell in a great attack, some of the surviving priests moved to the Monastery and began to set it up as a new, more-hopeful location for the faithful to live and gather.

Today, Caerwen Monastery stands as a bastion of strength, and it frequently dispatches people to resolve problems around Etera and help the common citizens.

The Great Cathedral

Located at the heart of the monastery, the Great Cathedral is the heart of the facility and has room for thousands of worshipers at any given time. The cathedral itself is protected by a large statue of Trudd that stands near the front of the cathedral. Blessed by this god of the dwarves, the statue emanates a constant aura that protects the monastery and those inside of it from calamities. In a land as unpredictable as Etera, this type of firm protection is rare, so there are many who seek refuge in its halls during times of trouble. The monks claim that neither man, magic, nor monster can bring down the monastery... and given the Verk Empire's unsuccessful attempts to do exactly that, there may be some truth to their words.

Trudd's Forge

This large forge is located under the Great Cathedral, and the heat from the forge helps warm the floors and give the the main cathedral its comfortably warm temperature. Here, craftsmen of various abilities create everything from daily necessities to magical supplies and sell them to both residents and visitors.

The Three Oracles

Caerwen Monastery is overseen by three blind oracles who live in the deepest part of the Great Cathedral. Gifted with powers of prophecy by the gods, they say little aside from what is necessary to run the day-to-day operations of the monastery.


Caerwen Monastery is home to about eight hundred staff members that live on the grounds and subsist primarily on donations from worshipers and pilgrims who come to the temple. Most of the monks of the monastery subsist on simple fare, and even their leaders do so in order to set a good example.

However, the monastery also provides lodgings to some adventurers who are interested in acquiring a permanent home. Lawful good, neutral good, and lawful neutral individuals can usually acquire rooms without difficulty. Chaotic good and true neutral adventurers usually go through some additional screening to ensure they will not overly disturb the peace of the monastery. These lodgings typically consist of a single large, private room in a dorm building, with doors opening directly to the outside. Residents are expected to uphold all rules of the monastery and live reasonably quiet, modest lives while there, but are broadly free to come and go as they please.

The cathedral does not accept evil residents, and those with wickedness in their hearts find that attempts to live there result only in its barrier ejecting them outside. However, even evil people are able to take shelter in the cathedral during calamities, suggesting the powers that protect it are discerning.

Current Residents

The following are some of Caerwen Monastery's current player residents.

Azeria Eiju - An Eliciter/Soul Weaver, Azeria is a healer and supporter who often tends to the injured that come to the monastery seeking care.


In addition to its other duties, Caerwen Monastery educates a variety of talented individuals in the martial and magical arts. Many of its students are the children of wealthy families, including nobility, and its generally high standards mean that completing an education here is considered worthy of respect in most circles.

The Vault Of Heroes

A large vault buried even lower than Trudd's Forge, the Vault of Heroes is where Caerwen Monastery keeps its most valuable treasures. Few have ever set eyes on them, for the same divine power that protects the monastery also wards intruders away from the vault. Rumors claim that the vault contains artifacts of great power and weapons for heroes, all awaiting the day they will find themselves once more in the hands of those worthy to wield them.