Port Sharia

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Port Sharia, a land of Mercenaries, Explorers, and Adventurers. Newly built from the wreckage of the Great Wave Breaker, a expeditionary ship into the unknown that fell prey to a Kraken lingering in the Area, the people of the Zaheer Expedition have begun to set up a small town right on the coast, currently only equipped with tents and a small tavern where most of the camp's people drink away the days hard work.


Port Sharia sits right on the edge of a untamed jungle, where the rocky beaches of the island it lies on can be seen easily. The land is flat and rather uninteresting, aside from an abundance of fruit growing from the trees, and occasional sea shell.



The Zaheer Expedition currently controls and governs the Camp, acting as it's leading body.


Currently the Port Sharia imports new explorers and adventurer's to explore the island, and exports nothing.


Port Sharia currently lacks any standing army.

Rumors & Legends

A Great Kraken lies beneath the waves just off shore of Port Sharia, seemingly bent on protecting the area from anyone's defilement. Though since he last surfaced to crush the Expedition's Ship, there has been no sight of it.

Notable Locations

Joi's Tavern: The only building among the tents. A place of gathering and local watering hole.


Notable NPCs

Zaheer Zaheem: The current head of the Expedition and leader of the camp.

Baskul, First Mate: Zaheer's right-hand man, and venerable orc.

Joi: A halfling lass who runs the local tavern, loved by her patrons for her cheery attitude.




Port Sharia has only existed for a short while, creating from tents and driftwood from the wreckage of the Great Wave Breaker that the Zaheer Expedition set out in.

Rova 28th IA 68

Among the final days of Rova, the camp set out a call to adventurers across Chronus to aid them in setting up the camp for more long term operations. A great influx of powerful figures arriving and offering up their aid to survey and build up the camp has caused a boom in the Port. Now fortified with walls and actual structures, those among the town can now call the place home, and the population has begun to climb. Expedition Lead Zaheer Zaheem has taken to continuing his governance of the port, even with the rise in population. The Cape that the port sits on has been named "Zaheer's Landing", while the Island remains yet unnamed.

Lamashan 16 IA 68

After the town had finished it's growth and development, the increased traffic and populace gathering on the peninsula angered the resident Kraken into action, sending a wave of tidal force towards the town only to be luckily thwarted by the likes of great adventurers Atriox, Tecinyas, Astire, Main and Haruko, who chased the kraken down to it's lair and were able to fell it. The local townfolk spoke of these adventurers arriving in a great jet of water onto the pier with beast and shipwreck alike, where they were rewarded for their efforts. To be Continued!