Austershalla, Spirit Woods

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TEH LAHND AHS OFFAHRd MEH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE - An anonymous dwarf explorer, dragged away to his safety by compatriots



Austershalla is a Cryptwood grown from the divine alcohol of Cayden Cailean, grown with generations of Dwarf, Duergar, and Siad Tajim brewmasters soaking the grounds in further booze of all varieties, eventually grew into a rather uniquely alcoholic Cryptwood. As cryptwoods do, they mutate or taint most life that dwell within them with their own special brand of influences. As far as the power of the Cryptwood, it is officially Overwhelming, with a very clearly notable alcoholic aura to even the magic it radiates.

It maintains a level of secrecy, due in part to it being hidden within a 'domain', that is a pocket of the material plane, without its entire mass being revealed to the rest of the world. This is the cooperative work of those many generations of brewmasters, and the will of the Cryptwood itself, wishing to age its brews as peacefully as possible, to distill the greatest tastes one possibly could aquire.

Flora and Environment

The trees, instead of sap, circulate with distilled spirits, hence the 'spiritwoods'. Each are a living cask, slowly aging the booze within each tree, even if some is taken from someone, it'll slowly be replaced if people are not too greedy.

Various low-lying bushes, tubers, or otherwise, grow what could be considered tasty 'bar food'-style produce. For example, beer nuts. An interesting additive effect of these snacks, is that they add a fortification effect while within the cryptwood, allowing one to maintain their combat prowess longer while at differing levels of intoxication, at the cost of increasing the chance of going berserk in a booze rage.

Local Intelligent Life

As part of the work of some entity, seemingly as if in their spare time, years worth of just... filling this cryptwood with all forms of elementals and treants that have their own will, has occured. The unique nature of this alcoholically manifested cryptwood, is that many of the creatures taken on aspects of alcohol. This includes, but is not limited to, Booze Elementals.

Intelligent Flora

Quite a few forms of intelligent floral life exist within the spirit woods. Due to the unique composition of the environment, the same is extended to said beings. Treants, leshies, and other few hardy intelligent plants, have their vital essences replaced with high proof spirits, making any form of 'blood spray' debilitating for those who do not have high alcohol tolerance. Due to being plants, their minds remain utterly unaffected by this switch in how their essence exists within them, as the alcohol is more a drug to their more fleshy counterparts.


The creatures take a less inspired difference in existence here, but they maintain variety just as in a regular forest. This includes birds of prey that, despite intoxication, can still hunt from afar with vision unmarred by their condition, marsupials of various kinds, serpents that can swallow booze several times their volume at once prior to going into a stupor, as well as enhanced vermin that, if provoked, may strip a Moose in under 30 seconds when swarming. They also breathe fire scaling as a dragon according to swarm size, due to the alcohol content within them, prior to ignition. They will spend their recharge time absorbing the ambient spirits in the air itself, but may bite into a tree to reduce that time, as necessary.