Fair Maiden (Ruins)

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"Just because most of fair maiden was destroyed does not mean all of it was. On a surface level, it is a crater filled with water. Fair Maiden before that was a massive network of Old One ruin's that extended deep into the earth. While the easy way's to get into them are no longer available, there are Tertiary entrances into the ruins that can still be accessed. Dangerous creatures lurk in these ruins with Dragon's & Devil's said to stalk the corridors. Tread lightly for there is no mercy in this den of Monster." - Magnus Crimsonblade: The Book of Etera.

Hunting Grounds

With the fall of fair maiden has the ruins now become hunting grounds for dangerous monster's & beasts. There is a reason merchants just take boats around the ruin's & not the land route. Dangerous monster's lair here & stalk the scattered ruins. Only a team of veteran adventurer's could hope to brave the ruin's proper and survive, nevermind what dangers lurk beneath in the underground.

Fiends, Undead & Dragons now lair here. There is no mercy for those who tread the ruins. If you are not strong then you will be devoured by the powerful.

Reclamation Effort's

There have been independent initiatives & effort's to try and repopulate and build the fort. They have largely ended in failure given the dangers that now lurk there, but with the emergence of the tower's in multiple locations across Etera, archaeologists & mage's have taken a renewed interests in securing the ruins as Old One secret's may reveal much and more about removing the plague & problem that is the tower's.

Any effort to clear the surface will need to be met with force of arm's as the creatures lurking about will make studying and excavation an impossible process.