Tower Template

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Here would would write some basic information about the tower, if you think it is relevant.


Here, you would attach an image, if any, of the exact spot on the map, that the tower is at, for people to figure out where it is. With a caption too, preferably. You'd then go on to describe some basic information about the continent, island, or general surrounding area of the tower, and how that plays into the tower, if at all.

General Layout

Describe the general layout of the tower itself. Doesn't have to be a defined map or anything, but it is great for people to know if say, your tower is a creature, a bank, or some very much "doesn't look like an actual basic ass tower", that you describe it a bit, to give a mental picture of your content.

Interesting Information

This could be rumors, confirmed facts, legends, etc. that describe information you consider relevant about the tower, like if it moves in shadows, can consume the life of 10 miles around it, or whatever have you. Doesn't have to be called "interesting information", but it'd be nice to have something more solid for lore than "its a tower, and I ran x, y, and z sessions, now fuck off".

Historical Information

If any exists or is known, you could go into the history of the place, here. Maybe not limited to just the tower itself, but its influence on history over time. Since we have plenty of hidden lore about towers in general, there can always be more.


What does it actually do? Generally, best to leave blank with an "Unknown" written for it, if you don't already know the limits of what you want it to do, and you should probably not make it known to players unless its already been conquered, and thus is able to be meaningfully fleshed out ICly. This also gives a baseline for a Conquerer to be able to work with, for what they actually get out of conquering a tower.

Major Plot Point X

Copy/paste this section as needed, to cover a plot arc or something, that went into the lore of this tower. It'd be greatly appreciated if you made honorable mentions to people who participated in the relevant plot point, the dates/location information relevant to the content ran, and a summary of what was done there. Feel free to link to other relevant wiki pages.

Plot Sub-point

In case you wish to break down a plot arc into smaller points, and describe them similarly as to the section above, but for what is an individual session, if you want. Also copy/paste as desired. Feel free to link to other relevant wiki pages.